"I told you I don't want to join your super boy band,"

Tony couldn't help but said as he looked at the black, boiled egg-eyed man who had been staring at him.

But Nick Fury didn't continue what Tony said. Instead, he leaned on the table with his hands crossed and looked at Tony and asked back;

"I remember...What happens when you do everything yourself?"

"result...In the end, sorry, I didn't want to cause any misunderstanding, I really didn't know whether I should look at your eye patch or your eyes, haha, okay, I might be a little hungover, are you a real person?"

Tony couldn't hold it anymore when he saw the egg-head with the eye patch on his head;

"I am very real, and I will be the most real person you have ever met."

Nick Fury said, and then he stretched out his hand to look at Tony's neck, where there seemed to be some shallow abnormal blood vessels.

Just when Tony was wondering why the employees here suddenly disappeared,"Natalie" wearing a tight agent uniform slowly walked over and reported;

"The people nearby have been dispersed, but this won’t last long."

Tony was stunned for a moment when he saw the woman in front of him, then he took off his sunglasses, took a look, and sneered;

"Humph, you're fired.~"

"This is Agent Romanoff."

At this time, Nick Fury formally introduced this capable assistant to Tony;

"I am a shadow agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. When we knew you were sick, the director sent me to lurk beside you."

Natasha looked at Tony and said meticulously; just as Tony asked for an apology, Nick Fury quickly came out to smooth things over and changed the subject:

"You've been very busy lately. First you let your girlfriend become the CEO and donate all her stuff, then you let your friend fly away in his battle suit. If I don't understand..."

"You don’t need to understand, it was taken away by him," Tony said firmly;

"Oh, you mean he stole it? That black guy went in and beat you up, then stole Iron Man's armor? Is that possible?"

Nick said in shock, then turned to ask the Black Widow who was sitting next to him;

"According to the security guidelines of the Stark database, it cannot be used without authorization."

Black Widow looked at Tony calmly and said slowly, while Nick Fury also stretched out his hand to Tony, indicating how he should explain what he just said.

"What do you want?" Tony sighed and said without further explanation;

"What do you want? Is that you and how do you want us to know? You have become a problem now, and we have to solve your current problem now, no matter what you think, but you are not the center of my universe, ok?"

Nick Fury was a little anxious. Just yesterday, because of the problem of Agent Afei, there was a subway scare.

Almost more than 200 people were blown to the sky because of Afei's problem, and before they could sit down, Iron Man staged the Iron Man War in his own home.

Then he let the black brother snatch a set of armor and started to play badly. There was also the damn hammer problem in the southwest district. Nick Fury just felt a headache recently.

When he thought of this, he quickly snapped his fingers and said;

""Get him!"

Agent Romanov took a syringe and shot Tony in the neck.

"Oh, God, are you going to take my kidney and sell it?"

After getting the injection, Tony was wondering why they were taking his own kidney. Suddenly, he felt that his palladium poisoning seemed to have subsided a lot, and he immediately asked what this thing was.

"This is lithium dioxide, it can relieve your symptoms, but it is not a cure. We need you to get back to work, the world needs you, Tony."

Nick Fury looked at Tony seriously and said word by word;

"But speaking of work, maybe Afeiga can be sent over to deal with the problems in the southwest region," Nick thought silently in his heart;


At an air force base in Los Angeles, Rhodes successfully landed outside the warehouse in the military reserve area and saluted the officer under the gaze and envy of American soldiers.

""Well done, Lieutenant Colonel," a white-haired old man who looked like an officer praised Rhodes with a smile on his face.

But I don't know if it was a problem with Tony's design. This Mark II is not equipped with a portable toilet and a filter device.

This made Rhodes not go to the toilet for nearly ten hours from last night to now. The moment the armor was opened, he hurriedly sprinted towards the bathroom.

Next, after Rhodes was tested by the officer and a group of senior technicians, they decided to make a military version of the military version of the Mark II. The military upgraded it to a military version, so that it can perform tasks better in the future, and at the same time, it must make up for the problem of the single weapon system of the Mark II.

For this reason, the military contacted Hammer again and asked them to provide the corresponding transformation requirements and technologies. After all, Hammer has been imitating the Iron Man suit for many years.

Although the results were terrible and many mistakes were made, there was still experience, and it should be no problem if it was just equipped with some weapons.

It was only when Rhodes heard that he had to go to the exhibition to show the"War Machine" to the world that he seemed to understand Tony's situation. But now it is a foregone conclusion and he can only obey orders

"Alas, maybe you are right, Tony." Rhodes looked at the officer who was leaving in the distance, and thought bitterly in his heart; at

12 noon, when Li Xin woke up after a few hours of sleep at home, without his knowledge, he or Ah Fei was on the hot search again.

It exploded. After yesterday's subway scare and Tony's mansion party, after a night of fermentation by the news media, the whole of New York was detonated again.

《Shocked! I want to play ten! Tony's old illness relapses, birthday party is full of beauties, and he returns to Playboy again》

《Hanging���Brothers turned against each other in a mansion! Iron Man fought at the birthday party, and Tony seemed to be crazy!》

《A perverted killer in the mask of a New York hero! Beheading people in public and laughing wildly!》

《Queens' top idol's reputation collapsed, many fans couldn't accept that his brother was such a person》

《The real murderer of the subway kidnapping case, are New Yorkers really safe?》....

Li Xin woke up and found that no one was at home. The two adults had to go to work, Catherine also went to Stark Company as an intern, and Matt should have gone to a classmate's house to play, or to a cram school.

Just as Li Xin turned on the TV to make breakfast for herself, the TV news was already full of overwhelming news opinions.

"Hero? Or executioner?"

The promotional picture on the TV screen is a bloody picture of Li Xin wearing a white mask on the subway with one hand grasping her head and the other holding a knife. Moreover, after obvious artistic processing, the whole scene looks extremely dark.

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