Time in school always passes quickly. The moment the bell rang, Li Xin hurriedly left the classroom. When no one was in the locker area, she took out the wind-hearing knife from below and quickly put it in her coat. She jumped out of the back door of the school. She came to the Delmar store on 21st Street.

"Boss, I want a beef burger with more lettuce and no pickles."

Li Xin took 10 bags of chocolate from the counter, because Li Xin found that chocolate has a certain effect on restoring chakra.

""Get it, handsome guy, are you a student in Central City? Why do you look like you're going to kill someone?"

Old Delma looked at the young man in front of him and said jokingly.

"Is there? Haha, how is it possible."

Li Xin said a little guilty; after all, Li Xin had never done such a thing, although he was very confident. But after all, this is the United States, and generally those who come out to commit crimes are armed with guns.

As the saying goes, no matter how good your kung fu is, you can be shot down with one shot. Li Xin is still a mortal after all, even if he has been practicing chakra since he was a child and his physical fitness is far superior to that of his peers. But he is still a little nervous.

After buying a hamburger, Li Xin walked into a remote alley while eating.

Coming to a garbage room, Li Xin looked around and saw that there was no one around. He hurriedly took off his clothes and pants, changed into a high-collared dark blue robe, put on a magatama samsara eye mask, and carried a listening wind knife on his back. He hid his backpack in the garbage room. He didn't want to be like Peter Parker, throwing his backpack around.

After changing into the hero suit, Li Xin jumped high, and disappeared after twisting and turning on the eaves.

————Near George Street

"No, sir, please, let me go, I can't give you this money! I have children to support at home...."

A middle-aged woman, still wearing her housekeeping uniform, grabbed his bag tightly while calling for help.

"Let go quickly, bitch, or I will make sure you never see your child again," the white man who snatched her bag threatened fiercely; the commotion here had actually attracted some people nearby, but they just stood and watched from a distance, and no one came to help, as if they had seen this situation many times before.

At this time, an old black man seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, so he took a step forward and said;

"Let this lady go, young man, for God's sake."

Before the old man could finish his words, the white man kicked the middle-aged woman, snatched her bag, turned around, took out a switchblade from his pocket and pointed it at the old woman.

"Old man, you like to meddle in other people's business, don't you? OK, now it's your turn, hurry up and take out the money in your pocket, otherwise you will go to see your God."

The middle-aged woman could only fall to the ground and cry in despair, while the old man pointed at the white man, but trembled and couldn't speak.

"you...You, God, please punish this evildoer quickly."

At this time, the white man seemed to be losing patience and walked towards the old man. He didn't want to talk nonsense anymore and was ready to rob directly, so he raised his fist and hit the old man on the head.

The old man shrank his neck in fear and closed his eyes tightly....But after a while, he found that the expected pain did not come.

The old man opened his eyes and was surprised to find that there was another person in front of him. He was wearing a strange white mask and a dark blue robe. He had a knife on his back and one hand was holding the white man's wrist like a clamp.

The white man was also a little surprised when this person appeared, but he felt that his wrist was about to be broken by the other party.

"Another one, right? Fine, fine, you're all so uncooperative, right?"

The white man said viciously while trying to pull his wrist out; but he couldn't pull his wrist out, and when he was about to kick Li Xin, he was thrown over his shoulder with one hand by Li Xin.


The man fell to the ground. To everyone's surprise, Li Xin stepped on him and stabbed the white man with a knife. Just when everyone thought the white man was about to be killed, the tip of the knife stopped steadily at his neck.

"A bastard who only attacks women and the elderly..."

A cold and old voice came from the mask.

People who stopped nearby to watch saw this mysterious man in strange clothes and white mask suddenly appear and almost cut off someone's head on the street. For a moment, it was unclear who was the bad guy.

Li Xin under the white mask exuded a cold pressure, which made people around him feel a bone-chilling chill.

Li Xin threw the bag on the ground to a woman not far away.

"Leave," said the cold voice under the white mask;

""Oh, yes, God, thank you, thank you."

After taking the bag, the woman thanked him gratefully, her face already full of tears.

Li Xin used a knife to rummage through the white man's jacket, and sure enough, he found a small bag of white powder.

After taking a look, he soon knew what was in it - cocaine. Li Xin had heard that drugs were rampant in this country, but seeing it with his own eyes still gave him a different feeling.

Li Xin stabbed it fiercely;"Where did this thing come from?"

The white man thought he was dead, but when he opened his eyes, he saw the blade piercing his neck, drawing a line of blood. The death he had never felt before was so close to him. He swallowed in fear.

"Yes..Gary sold it to me.....Don't kill me, please, I'll tell you everything...I'll tell you everything."

The white man trembled and said everything he knew

"Gary, he was a member of the Rat Pack, most of them were Mexican and black...Although they are a newly emerged gang, their goods are very pure...Many people like..."

Li Xin stepped hard on the white man's chest again.

"Where exactly are the Rat Gang and how many people are there? Tell us everything you know."

The white man coughed;

"They, they are at 73 George Street, there are about 20 to 30 people, most of them have guns, I, I know this much, please let me go, please," the man begged.

Li Xin did not ask any more questions at this time, because this little Karami probably only knew this much.

'It's the Rat Gang again, and it's not even 17 o'clock yet, and someone dares to rob in the street before night.'

Li Xin was truly familiar with life here. At this time, a police car sirens sounded, and it seemed that someone had called the police about what happened here.

Li Xin jumped high towards a roof, and then disappeared into the roof.

After Li Xin left, a black child among the people who stayed nearby to watch clapped his hands vigorously, as if the applause ignited the atmosphere at the scene.

People began to applaud and shout. Although this place belongs to the slums, such bad things as robbery and theft are not uncommon. But people always hope that a hero can stand up.

Because no one wants to live in a world where crime is rampant.

Li Xin was watching everything happening below from the eaves not far away. The white man had been handcuffed by the police. The black old man was taking the police's statement. People at the scene were still talking to each other about the mysterious white-masked weirdo who had just appeared.

But Li Xin saw that the system task [Hero Dawn] had a completion rate of 1%.

It was not in vain. As for the Rat Gang, Li Xinde decided to check the place out first.

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