Every time he thought of this, Frank's blood boiled, because he had finally waited for this day! His dream was about to become a reality. He was going to build a school in the slum where he had lived, marry his childhood goddess, and have a bunch of black children.

Crow, who was smoking a cigarette, couldn't stand it anymore as Frank kept telling him about the precautions of being in the gangs and which gangs in Brooklyn were the direct descendants of the Lucchese family.

""Fuck, why are you so annoying? Hurry up and lead the way. Aren't you here to pay your respects today? And with the clothes you are wearing, are you a student or a gangster?"

Crow said as he pulled out Frank's shirt tucked into his waistband; then, under Frank's wide eyes, he kicked his AJ sneakers a few times.....

Ten minutes later, in a breakfast stall in Brooklyn, Frank respectfully led Crow into the stall, and then loudly greeted a few black men who were eating rice rolls;

"Boss Gary, I recruited a new member into the gang today. His name is Crow...."

After Frank finished the introduction, the middle-aged black man Gary warmly invited Crow to sit down and arranged for the store owner to order an extra breakfast.

After a simple greeting, Crow also knew the current situation of the Crocodile Gang. Just a month ago, the Crocodile Gang was still a famous gang in Brooklyn. The

Crocodile Gang was supported and developed by Kevin Corea of the Lucchese family. Of course, it has always been Corea's most loyal subordinate. When it was glorious, it was the largest gang in the West District.

But unfortunately, half a month ago, because of the mysterious man with a white mask, the entire Crocodile Gang was almost wiped out when it was doing things for Corea.

Only a few small Lakami and traitors who did not go to work were left. The Crocodile Gang naturally lost its momentum. Not only was the territory redistributed to other gangs, but even the last stall was left to Gary by Corea because of the old friendship with the former gang leader.

But in a gang, the most important thing is strength. The Crocodile Gang had offended many people in the past, so Gary's life was not easy after taking over, so he didn't care where this Crow came from or what race he was. In short, the Crocodile Gang is now recruiting a lot of people, come quickly!


After listening to Gary, Crow slammed the bowl heavily on the table, then stood up and looked at everyone and said solemnly;

"Damn it, boss, now that I, Crow, have joined you, I am not here for nothing. Today, I will show you my loyalty!"

Crow said, and then he pulled Frank away from the stall. After that, the two men walked to the end of the street aggressively until they stopped in front of a store in the market.

Outside the store, several black brothers were standing there smoking boredly and discussing which women were fun to find. Inside, there were constant sounds of mahjong colliding and the noise of the crowd.

This casino stall was originally the property of the Crocodile Gang, but now it has been swallowed up by the Cockroach Gang, which is also under the Lucchese family.

When the blacks at the door saw that Crow and Frank were looking for trouble, they threw away their cigarette butts viciously and walked over with frowns.

"Hey, no matter who you are, this is not the place for you, get out!"

Frank panicked when he saw this situation. After all, he studied political science and law, not police school.

"Crow, why don’t we retreat first and discuss it after we get back."

But Crow acted as if he didn’t hear anything, still looking at everyone with a defiant smile, then pointed at one of the black men and said;

"You, go in and inform your boss, and tell him that the Crocodile Gang is here to take back their territory."

The black men from the Cockroach Gang couldn’t help but burst into laughter after hearing this.

"Hahaha~ Crocodile Gang? Hahaha, go to hell!"

After laughing, one of the black men suddenly kicked the crow. Just when the black man thought he was going to kick the yellow monkey to the ground, he found that his foot was like being clamped by a pair of pliers and he couldn't move.

"If a tiger doesn't get horny, do you think I'm dying?"

After catching the kick, Crow kicked the black man to the ground. When the other brothers at the door of the Cockroach Gang saw the black man being beaten, they rushed towards Crow with a shout.

However, the brother pointed by Crow hurriedly opened the door and entered the casino. After passing through the lively crowd, he began to bang on the door of the office, not caring about the moans of men and women in the office.

"Boss, it's bad, someone is causing trouble, the Crocodile Gang is here to cause trouble."

At this time, a black man with a big tattoo on his arm in the office was frightened by the rapid knock on the door and could only hastily finish his business with the girl under him.

"Damn, which bastard is this? Are you trying to kill yourself? Don't you know I'm doing something?"

After the black man opened the door, he slapped his younger brother, then picked up a baseball bat and started to call the other younger brothers out. When the people who were playing cards in the stall saw that the boss had come out, many of them couldn't help but look over; as more than a dozen people walked out of the gambling den, several younger brothers outside had been knocked to the ground by Crow, who lit a cigarette for himself with a relaxed look and looked at them with disdain;

"How dare you come to my Cockroach Gang to cause trouble? What, Gary, that wimp, has no one else under his command? So he sent a yellow-skinned monkey like you?"

After the black man finished speaking loudly, the younger brothers beside him also laughed and laughed along; but Crow just blew out a puff of smoke and said lightly;

"I'm here today to get back the place for the Crocodile Gang. Please get out of here, you idiots. After I plant the flag, the Crocodile Gang will have the final say here!" As Crow finished speaking, the people at the scene burst into cheerful laughter again, and the black man stopped talking after laughing. After all, he had important things to do in the office. He pointed his baseball bat at Crow and uttered two words;

""Kill him!"

With the command from the sturdy man, the younger brothers around rushed towards the crow in the middle of the road with passionate shouts! After all, if you ask the gangsters to play against you, you may be the first one to sell out, but if you ask them to play with more people and with more people, they will be too enthusiastic.

After that, with waves of shouting and smashing, the field began to quickly become chaotic. Among the black people, some raised their fists, and some held iron bars, and they were all beating up the yellow man with an arrogant expression; but the crow, surrounded by a group of black people, kept dodging left and right in the crowd, sometimes punching and kicking, and sometimes picking up the seized iron bars and waving them.


Along with the sound of objects hitting human bodies and the screams of the injured, people began to fall down one after another on the field. Until the cigarette lit by the black man with big tattoos was almost finished,

Crow grabbed the collar of the last black man on the field with one hand, and then punched the black man hard while he was begging for mercy in fear! At this point, Crow was the only one standing in the middle of the road!

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