Chapter 159 Goddess Sif!

problem occurs!

The rainbow bridge suddenly came, disrupting Lord's plan at once.

Because when the rainbow bridge starts, the gatekeeper Heimdall needs to determine the landing position

In other words, Heimdall's eyes are looking at this area!

Tricky, but not a huge problem.

Don't look at Heimdall's old gatekeeper, who looks like Asgard's hidden master, and his eyes claim to be able to see everything in the Nine Realms, but in fact, this kind of boasting is enough to listen to. Don't take it seriously.

When Hela appeared, why didn't you see it?

When Thanos came, why didn't you see it?

If Heimdall really has a pair of 'all-seeing eyes' as he said, why can't he see how Loki brought the frost giant to Asgard?


The legends are obviously made by people.

Lord made a quick decision in his heart: "You two, step back ten meters and play a play with me!"

Back ten meters?

Gwen and Grimmjow were stunned when they heard the words. Although they didn't understand the reason for doing this, they still chose to obey the order and retreated a distance of ten meters.

The next moment, Lord's spiritual pressure rose up, forming an absolute spiritual power space within a radius of 100 meters!

In the high-density absolute spiritual power space, most telepathy and external detection can be isolated.


This is not an absolute in the true sense of the word!

There are still many people in the universe who can ignore the isolation effect of the absolute spiritual space. He is not sure whether Heimdall is in this category, so he made second-hand preparations!

"Sit upright in the frosty sky, Binglunwan!"

Lorde gave a low voice, pulled out the Zanpakutō, and made a downward slash forward!


A huge ice dragon with a diameter of about 100 meters, formed by the rapid condensation of water vapor, roared and charged towards the two phantoms!

Seeing that the ice dragon was extremely close to the two phantoms,

The border crossing gate suddenly appeared on the retreat route, swallowed the retreating two virtual ones, and then disappeared at an extremely fast speed.

The essence of crossing the gate is actually a tunnel leading to the dimension of hell, so in the case of unnecessary installation of X, Lord can be opened and closed instantly, and in the event of an emergency, it can be used as a trump card for retreat!


The huge ice dragon whizzed past, and the extremely cold spiritual pressure spread out, freezing the front into an ice crystal corridor!

After the play was over, Lord was expressionless and put the Zanpakutō into the scabbard.

This sudden incident was a wake-up call for him.

In the future, in non-essential situations, things like today are best left to Haswald!

Empiricism kills people!

Lord rubbed his brows and said to himself, "I can't trust the plot too much in the future..."

It was precisely because he believed too much in the plot that he did not include the unexpected situation, which led to this mistake!

If it was replaced with Aizen, I think there would not be such a mistake.


boom! ! !

The Rainbow Bridge slammed into the ground with a shocking momentum, and a gust of wind roared in an instant, accompanied by a huge amount of energy, radiating to the surrounding area like a tidal wave!

Lord stood not far from the Rainbow Bridge, the black death tyrant outfit and the white feather weaving were slammed by the strong wind, the silver shattered hair fluttered wantonly, and a pair of green eyes narrowed slightly, feeling carefully. The energy of the Rainbow Bridge.

It was exactly as he expected...

When the soul is near the overflowing energy of the rainbow bridge, the spiritual power will produce a situation similar to activation, which will further affect the essence of the soul, and some strange changes will occur!

But the only pity is that the impact of the Rainbow Bridge on the soul of death does not seem to be significant.

According to the progress of this influence, if you want the soul of the god of death to reach a level similar to the virtual evolution, unless you are standing in the center of the fall of the Rainbow Bridge, it will be useless even if you come back a dozen or two times.

When the brilliant beam of light disappeared, a strange pattern was left on the ground, and a figure appeared in the rising yellow sand. Judging from the bumpy figure, it was no accident that it should be a woman.

"only one person?"

Lorde's brows could not help but wrinkle slightly, Thor's plot changed again!

In the original play, in order to find Thor on Earth, Sif and the three warriors of Asgard, with the help of Heimdall, used the Rainbow Bridge to smuggle to Earth.

This move by the foursome and Heimdall was undoubtedly the last straw for the camel, which greatly stimulated Loki's self-esteem and made him finally make up his mind to send the Destroyer to kill Thor to avoid future troubles.

But now there is only Goddess Sif, where have the remaining three warriors of Asgard gone?

As the rising yellow sand gradually dissipated, a dignified look rose in Lorde's eyes. The situation of this goddess Sif was not very good.

Sif was covered in blood, and the silver armor was covered with marks of sharp weapons. There was an obvious penetrating wound on the round shield and abdomen of her left hand. It was obvious that she had just experienced a tragic battle!


Lorde couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. Looking at this situation, could it be that Asgard was captured by a foreign enemy?

But on second thought, this is obviously impossible, unless Odin hangs up!

But the reign and death time of Asgard's successive god-kings are basically stipulated by the 'World Tree'. Unless the 'Twilight of the Gods' comes, Odin will never have an accident!

So here comes the question...

Since Odin could not have an accident, where did Sif's injury come from?

Lord's gaze fell on Sif's abdomen. Generally, only guns or spear-like weapons can cause such penetrating wounds, which can show such results.

Thinking of the only weapon in Asgard that can penetrate through the magic round shield of the goddess Sif, and can re-inflict heavy damage on it, the truth is obviously ready to come out!

The Spear of Eternity - Gungnir!

Only this weapon, which symbolizes Odin's divine power, has the ability to penetrate the magical round shield that Frigga gave to the goddess Sif with one blow, and after that, the power can continue to penetrate Sif's body without any loss.

"Did Loki do it?"

Lord had roughly guessed that the person who threw the spear of eternity was probably Loki, the god of mischief.

As for why not Odin?

The reason is very simple, if it were the spear of eternity thrown by Odin himself, let alone a magic round shield, even if there were another thousand shields in front of him, Sif would still be dead!

The weapon of causality is no joke!

Not to mention that the main material of this weapon is taken from the World Tree. In Marvel, everyone can have a relationship with the World Tree.

Anyone locked by the eternal gun Gungnir, no matter if you flee to the ends of the earth or at the end of the universe, will never escape this blow!

To a certain extent, the spear of eternity and his all things run through, the two have the same effect, and they are the embodiment of some kind of rule power.

Having said so much, Sif over there has already started to deal with the injury. Since he has played with Thor many times, he has a lot of experience in dealing with this kind of injury.

I saw her pressing the abdominal wound with her hand to avoid coma due to excessive blood loss, while tearing her trousers into long strips with her teeth and hands, wrapping it tightly around the wound as a bandage.

After dealing with the most difficult penetrating injury, Sif took a few breaths with a pale face. She did not choose to rest in place, and did not care about other injuries on her body. She gritted her teeth and supported her severely injured body, and walked towards the town.

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