“Batman: The Dark Knight”, Ye Yu’s second movie should begin to enter the preparation.

The construction of the crew, the set and a series of other things were all handed over to Kate and they Mon Pala carried out, Ye Yu has drawn all the blueprints, and now this is the second movie to work together, Mon Para is very clear about Ye Yu’s requirements.

In addition, at this moment, the fishing boat outside has begun to undergo earth-shaking changes, from Ye Yu was elected as the vice president of the Oscar committee, the youngest vice president in the history of the Oscars was born.

And all discerning people can understand at a glance that this is Oscar kneeling to add Ye Yu, hoping that Ye Yu will participate in this Oscar ceremony.

If this news is very hot, then the academic approach that has been controlling Hollywood has made all the media and people who follow Hollywood a little confused.

The youngest directing professor in USC’s history? The youngest director professor at New York University and the youngest vice president of Fusk Film and Television University?

Are you kidding? As the three major film and television schools that can rank in the top ten of the world film and television universities, they have thrown olive branches to Ye Yu, and it is still such a heavyweight olive branch?

What kind of ability does Ye Yu have to make the three top ten film and television universities in the world crazy?

Even some president-level tasks of the academy faction said in an interview with the media that if Ye Yu did not join their academy, then it would be a loss for the world-class film and television university.

Depend on… What kind of background does Ye Yu have? Can you win such a big favor from the academy with just one movie?

Discerning people know that this is the rhythm to support Ye Yu to become the first person in Hollywood.

Just like that, the media has begun to go crazy, but what happened next made them a little dumbfounded.

According to the grapevine, there is no lack of some successful directors, in private, they have revealed that they are dissatisfied with the academy for giving Ye Yu so much, and even said that this is the selfish heart of the academy and so on a series of words complaining about Ye Yu.

It is nothing more than being young and overwhelmed, just shooting a movie to get to the sky, unfair villains and other clouds, it is not difficult to see their dissatisfaction and jealousy of Ye Yu’s identity at the moment.

Hearing this rumor, Steven Norkin, the leader of the academy, publicly stood up to support Ye Yu as the greatest genius in film history for a hundred years, and publicly announced the banning of these directors.

As soon as the news came out, those directors were dumbfounded, and everyone knew that the academy’s ban on directors was tantamount to driving them out of Hollywood.

It can be imagined that in the future, the six major Hollywood film companies will definitely not invest in their films, after all, all awards are controlled by the academy, plus the awards around the world have academic figures, so not only the six major film companies, even some investors will not see them!

They wanted to pray for the forgiveness of the academy, and even wanted to visit Ye Yu several times, and even wanted to kneel on the ground to pray for Ye Yu’s forgiveness. After all, if they lose their jobs, they are nothing.

Where would Ye Yu have time to meet them? At this moment, Ye Yu was very worried.

After all, now the whole Hollywood is talking about himself and the movie in his hands, and countless Hollywood A-list superstars have openly spoken out that they want to participate in Ye Yu’s movie, even low salary.

And there are even several Hollywood A-list superstars who have begun to contact the crew to prepare for the mirror.

You know, it was the director who begged them to join the crew before, the mirror? This is something that simply does not exist.

But here in Ye Yu, these Hollywood A-list superstars are like very well-behaved elementary school students, ready to participate in the mirror.

Batman’s candidates are good choices, such as the now ready-made A-list superstar Belle Grédona. The golden supporting character Morgan Riverman, Rachel’s actor, Margot Robbie, is very much like Ye Yu’s clown girl in that world. And the other roles are easy to handle.

It’s just that.. What to do with the ugly master.

You must know that many people think that Batman is the protagonist of this movie, and this is also the case, Batman is indeed the protagonist of this movie, but the ugly man is the soul of this movie.

There is no Heath Ledger in this world, no most classic ugly actor in history

Ye Yu has used countless Hollywood first-line, second-tier and even third-tier star actors in the front and back mirrors for this role, but none of them can meet Ye Yu’s requirements.

You must know that the ugly master is not simply a villain, he is one of the most classic villains in history. It seems that all words of praise for the performance cannot be overstated on him.

Perhaps only Heath Ledger can act out the madness and neuroticism of the ugly man.


Ye Yu frowned and asked agent James to walk in the actor of the next ugly role in the mirror.

“Ye, you won’t be in such a hurry, Hollywood has so many actors, there will always be a better acting skill!”

Kate sat next to Ye Yu, watching Ye Yu look at nearly a hundred actors in the mirror in three days, and then Ye Yu, who was sad, comforted.

“You don’t understand, Kate!”

Ye Yu shook his head and said, “If I can’t find the actor of the clown, I’d rather not touch this movie!” ”

“No, no, no!”

When Kate heard Ye Yu say this, she waved her hand again and again in a panic: “Ye, relax, no, it’s just a role, if Hollywood doesn’t have what you want, we can recruit actors around the world.” In places like Australia, Moxigo, etc., there will always be suitable actors! ”

You must know that now the entire Monpara will Batman, the project that their company has paid the most attention to since its establishment, all put their hopes on Ye Yu, you must know that this Batman comic is the existence of the bottom of the Monspella box.

Although shooting Batman every year will lose money, comics are very popular. It is also the cornerstone of Monpala’s entry into the six major Hollywood studios decades ago.

I just don’t know why, the flow of years is unfavorable, or some book fans and comic book fans have too high requirements for Batman movies, only Batman movies are made, then absolutely all the bad reviews.

Now, finally there is a talented director, or a director who can bring a very large box office is willing to take over Batman, how can this not make them ecstatic?

You must know that when I heard that Ye Yu was going to take over the Batman movie, the high-level of Mon Para once cheered each other and celebrated.

Not to mention Ye Yu’s book fans and the first step Titanic, Ye Yu’s talent for movies alone has been recognized by the academy.

“You don’t understand, Kate!”

Ye Yu let out a long sigh and said, “Maybe in the comics, the Joker is one of the many classic villains of Batman who does not have superpowers, and it is also not the most popular. But in a movie, the clown is the real soul! ”

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