After obtaining the information of these actors, Ye Yu couldn’t wait to study it immediately and see all the roles played by these actors.

But now Ye Yu didn’t have so much time, just after watching for a while, Alan Dennis urged Ye Yu: “Okay, okay, you go back and watch slowly, let’s get down to business first?” ”


Hearing Alan Dennis say this, Ye Yu remembered that he was still participating in the Oscar ceremony, and couldn’t help but smile and said: “Look at my memory, I almost forgot about it when I saw this!” ”

“Haha, this is the attitude of the filmmakers, it’s understandable, but let’s go to the award ceremony first, and the big show will come soon!”

Hearing Alan Dennis say this, Ye Yu nodded with a smile, and then the two walked out of the house together.

Seeing Ye Yu and Alan Dennis walking out together, many Hollywood movie stars looked at Ye Yu’s expressions full of awe.

No way, since I know Ye Yu’s identity, if I want to win awards in the future, then Ye Yu’s affirmation is absolutely indispensable!

Returning to his seat, Ye Yu looked at the large stack of materials in his hand, and asked Leon beside him, “Where is the award?” ”

“The best actor and actress and the best picture have been moved, and the next thing is best director!”

Saying that, Leon shrugged his shoulders and said: “Sure enough, the best actor is nothing for me, but this movie, including the best picture, we have won ten awards, and today we are simply soft to win the award!” ”

On the stage, the host waited until the excessive song and dance performance was over, and then walked out with an envelope and a smile.

“Next, it is something that all directors have been waiting for for a long time, that is, the candidate for the best director of this year’s Oscar, please watch the big screen!”

Saying that, the big screen behind the host lit up, and then one movie after another appeared on the screen.

“Ruth, promise me, you will not die in the cold sea, you will eventually die peacefully in a warm bed, you will have many, many children, promise me, don’t give up!”

On the screen, Jack, who had frozen his face and blue lips, said affectionately to Ruth, and at the bottom of the screen, the subtitles of the movie and the name of the best director were also given.

“Titanic” director: Ye Yu

As Ye Yu’s name appeared on the public screen, the audience seats behind all cheered.

Generally, there are some stars in front of the Oscars, and some positions not far from the back are reserved for some audiences, including some squares close to the awards ceremony, where a very large number of fans and audiences gather.

After “Titanic” is finished, it is the next movie.

Almost every movie will cause a lot of cheers when it appears on the introduction screen, but many reporters have found that these cheers are definitely much less than after Ye Yu’s name appeared on the screen.

When all the introductions of the film were screened, the host invited the president of the current Oscar committee, Alan Denis to the stage.

“It’s an honor to be the president of the Oscars Committee, and it’s an honor to stand on stage today to present this award to so many talented directors!”

As Alan Dennis’s voice fell, the lights shone on the nominated directors.

The five nominated directors were put together on the screen, and the middle one was Ye Yu.

Ye Yu appeared among the other four nominated candidates, it was very abrupt, no way, compared with these four, Ye Yu was too young.

Although these four people are strong and calm, everyone’s faces are very nervous, only Ye Yu…

He didn’t notice that his movements were projected on the big screen.

At this moment, he was looking at a large amount of information in his hand sifting.

“Ye, Ye!”

Seeing this scene, Leon quietly reminded Ye Yu, Ye Yu raised his head, saw that he was on the screen, and put down the information in his hand with a smile.

In a kind laughter, Alan Dennis said with a smile: “Everyone, we all know that Director Ye has been selecting a very important role, and it has been almost half a month, and he has not selected this role. ”

“The folding information is actually that I handed over many actor materials with excellent acting skills around the world to Director Ye, so I know very well that Director Ye is in a somewhat urgent mood now. After all, we all really love movies! ”

After speaking, Alan Dennis looked at the card in his hand, and then said with a smile: “The person who won this year’s Oscar for Best Director is… ”

As Alan Dennis began to deliberately break the sentence, all four directors became nervous.

Although they pretended to be relatively calm, their slightly trembling hands betrayed them.

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