Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 297 The Future of Asgardians

Li Mo and Strange silently withdrew from Thanos' dream memory.

They looked at each other with complicated eyes, not knowing what to say.

"Have you found a way to kill him?" Johnny asked, and the others also looked at Li Mo.

"Things are a little troublesome..."

Li Mo suddenly felt dizzy, and he turned to look at Strange.

Strange waved his hand directly, "The complexity of this matter has exceeded my ability, I just need to fulfill my responsibility to protect the earth."

After finishing speaking, this guy also sighed, "It's good to be simple!"

Li Mo rolled his eyes, looked at Xinghu at the side, and threw this hot potato out, "It is indeed as you said, it can only be imprisoned, or... you can accept it!"

Xinghu was taken aback for a moment, and then a series of expressions appeared on his face, such as hesitation, fear, and helplessness, and finally he smiled awkwardly, "That... I don't have this ability either."

"You guys are full of lies, much worse than Thanos." Li Mo walked a few steps closer, stared into Xinghu's eyes and said, "How did you escape from the destruction of Titan Star, where are those Eternal Clan members on Earth? "

"And..." Skye, who was possessed by Li Mo, squeezed his fist, "What do you mean by the ability you have been secretly exerting on me?"

After hearing Li Mo's words, the others also surrounded Xinghu, and Hulk's huge fist kept dangling in front of his eyes.

"Okay, okay..." Xinghu raised his hands resignedly, "I'll call someone here."

He clicked on a weird communicator on the wristband, put on a flattering expression and said, "That... Tina, I caught Thanos, can I make up for it?"

A majestic female voice sounded in the communicator, "Send the coordinates, we will be there soon."

After turning off the communication, Xinghu smiled awkwardly: "My people will come soon, don't worry, they definitely have the ability to imprison Thanos."

Everyone looked at each other and said nothing.

After a short while, Li Mo and Strange suddenly frowned and looked at a place, and they both felt spatial fluctuations.

Li Mo thought that Star Fox's people would come in a spaceship, but he didn't expect to have such superb teleportation skills. It seems that the Eternal Clan is not easy.

A white light flashed and four people appeared.

The leader was a tall, fit, heroic and beautiful woman wearing golden armor, holding a golden spear.

Next to her was a beautiful black-haired woman in a green combat uniform, with some oriental features.

Standing behind them were two tall, handsome, blond men. One was wearing a blue tight-fitting combat uniform, and the other was wearing an orange short-sleeved combat uniform and a yellow cloak.

Sol was stunned suddenly, staring at the leading woman and asked, "Are you...Athena?"


Everyone looked at the woman curiously.

"You are mistaken."

The woman had a displeased expression on her face, "I'm Tina, the leader of the Eternal Race, and I have nothing to do with that woman."

Sol was a little embarrassed, "Sorry, I saw you near Olympus once, a woman with golden armor and blond hair, I thought it was..."

At this time, Tony also looked at the black-haired woman in disbelief, "Miss Circe? Are you also..."

"Mr. Stark, long time no see." The woman named Circe said with a smile.

Looking at the gossiping expressions of everyone, Tony shrugged, "Miss Circe is an independent film actress in New York, um... I have rejected my invitation several times, so I am very impressed."

"That's just my hidden identity in human society." Circe said with a smile.

"OK, it seems they are all acquaintances." Li Mo pointed to Thanos, "I will leave this guy to you."

"Thank you very much for your help." Tina, the leader of the Eternal Race, nodded solemnly, "We have very important matters to interrogate Thanos."

After finishing speaking, Tina looked at Xinghu, who was about to slip away lightly, and said coldly, "Eros, where are you going?"

As she spoke, she waved her hand, and a beam of light bound and dragged the star fox Eros over, "Someone sued you, you must go back with me to stand trial!"


Everyone immediately cast contemptuous glances at Xinghu.

Tina explained to everyone in a serious manner: "His superpower is to attract the attention of nearby women. After mating, he will always make people submit, so we must take strict precautions against him."


Some people looked at Xinghu from contempt to envy.

Xinghu shook his head helplessly, "Cousin, you can't let me be guarded like a thief everywhere."

Circe on the side snapped her fingers lightly, Xinghu suddenly tilted her head, snored, and drooled.

Such a brilliant hypnotic ability...

Li Mo immediately looked at this woman named Circe with admiration.


Li Mo suddenly looked at Tina, "Xinghu called your cousin, then..."

"Yes, my father Zulas is Thanos' uncle." Tina admitted generously, "but please rest assured, he will definitely receive the most severe trial."

"Of course, please do." Li Mo stretched out his hand, "I hope I can visit you when I have time. I am very curious about the history of the Eternal Clan."

"You are welcome anytime." Tina nodded, and then said to the two strong men behind her, "Igris, Hyperion, escort him away."

The two strong men in blue and yellow tights nodded, and flew to Thanos' side in a levitation, and each of them grabbed an arm and returned behind Tina.

"Everyone," Tina looked at the crowd and nodded solemnly, "Goodbye."

Circe next to her gently raised her hands, and the group of people suddenly disappeared into a flash of white light.

After they left, Tony finally couldn't help asking: "Leave it to them like this, is it okay?"

"This is the best choice." Li Mo said seriously: "You may not feel it, but everyone in this Eternal Clan is very strong!"

After solving the two troubles of Hela and Thanos, at the request of Tony, Strange and Johnny, Li Mo asked McQueen to send them back to Earth in advance.

But Hulk made a special request, he wanted to return to Saka.

"Why?" Li Mo asked a little puzzled: "The earth is your home."

"People on Earth are afraid of Hulk and regard Hulk as a monster."

Hulk said in a muffled voice: "On Saka, Hulk is the most popular, and Hulk likes to stay there."

"Okay." Li Mo smiled, "I will let you leave on the McQueen, and I will visit you when I have time."

"Hulk will be waiting for you on Saka." A happy expression appeared on Hulk's face, and then he said to Sol: "Blonde chick, Hulk is gone."

Thor hesitated to speak, and finally stepped forward and patted Hulk's arm gently, "Take care, my friend."

Hulk nodded and left. Looking at his lonely back, Sol couldn't help asking Li Mo: "Can he go away alone? Should we persuade him again?"

"one person?"

Li Mo shook his head, "He was alone when he was on Earth, and he has been living in the suspicion and fear of others, how can he be happy?"

Afterwards, he looked at Sol, who had cut off his long hair and became more stable, and said, "What are your plans for the next step, the new king of Asgard."

Under Li Mo's intervention, Asgard's casualties were not large, with a full 500,000 people left.

Although the home was gone, Li Mo played tricks and asked them to almost empty Asgard's reserves before leaving. The dozen or so large transport spaceships of the Hydra transport fleet were all packed to the brim.

"I don't know." Sol's face was a little heavy, "I never thought about this before. It would be great if Loki was here. He is very good at internal affairs."

"You have to adapt to your new identity." Li Mo patted Sol on the shoulder, "There are many things that a good king needs to understand. First of all, you have to find a place to live. With a new home, the people will be stable .”

"Oh...that's right." Sol patted his head and said: "When my father left, he pointed to the Norwegian Sea and said that it was his home. Perhaps he had already anticipated everything now."


Li Mo smiled, "It is indeed the most suitable place, and there are still many people who believe in you."

"But going now, we are faced with a troublesome problem."

"What's the problem?" Thor asked.

Li Mo shrugged, "Immigration, to be more precise..."

"You are now refugees about to flood the earth."


Sol's complexion was a bit bad, "Although this is true, people on earth should be very happy. After all, in ancient times, living with gods was a great honor."

"The times are different." Li Mo shook his head, "Modern people's beliefs are not so pious, and the troubles are yet to come."

"Asgard used to rely on the support of many planets, so the people lived a carefree life, but in the future, they have to consider economic development. After all, they can't just sit and eat."

"Also, your worldview is completely different from that of the people on Earth. The ideologies of the two sides will eventually conflict. How will they be resolved then?"

"This is the problem you will face in the future. To be honest, I have begun to sympathize with you..."

Sol was a little dumbfounded, "Then... what should I do?"

Li Mo touched his chin and thought for a while, "You need a staff officer, and I have thought of a suitable candidate."

"Who is it?" Saul asked in surprise.

"Little Pepper Pepper!"

After receiving Li Mo's letter, Pepper Pepper rushed over excitedly amid Tony's resentful expression.

The affairs of the Stark Group have long been on the right track. In the eyes of the energetic Pepper, governing a kingdom of gods is simply another starting point in life.

Pepper Pepper brings a three-person brain trust, and she starts by asking Saul a few questions.

"What do Asgardians do most often?"

Sol thought for a while, "Drink!"

"If there is a conflict with someone, how will it be resolved?"

Saul said seriously: "Fight!"

"What if they feel dissatisfied with the status quo?"

Saul said as a matter of course: "Gather a crowd to make trouble!"

Seeing Sol's normal expression, Pepper Pepper looked at Li Mo speechlessly.

Li Mo scratched his head, "Well, they can drink a lot, have rough skin and thick flesh, and rarely kill people in fights. If there is a crowd to make trouble, ask Saul to settle it."

Sol nodded, "Don't worry, anyone who dares to disobey your order should ask my fist first."

Pepper covered his forehead all of a sudden, and said helplessly: "Okay, take your time, I need to know everything about Asgard, personnel, materials, technology..."

Scottish Highlands.

It was empty, lonely, and sparsely populated.

The ground is low grass, the exposed rocks are covered with moss, the mountains in the distance are dark and mysterious, and the vast night sky is full of stars.

A white light flashed, and Li Mo appeared here.

After ten days, the feeling of spatial exclusion finally loosened. After Li Mo sent Skye back, he condensed a clone and entered the main universe.

It will take another week for the transport fleet of Hydra to come to Earth. After throwing the pot to Pepper Pepper, Li Mo rushed to Scotland immediately.

The Scarlet Witch disappeared after being possessed by the dark mage Karuru in Asgard. Strange's divination was artificially blocked. He could only come to Wanda's mentor, the supreme priestess of the earth, Agatha Hackson .

According to the map given by Strange, Li Mo arrived in the middle of a plain after flying for a while.

There are several six or seven-meter-high oval-shaped boulders scattered here, all of which are engraved with ancient Celtic religious symbols that have been mottled and difficult to distinguish.

Li Mo came to the center of several boulders, a black starry sky appeared in his pupils, and he stepped into a hidden space.

An old three-story wooden building appeared in front of him, with orange lights shining in the windows.

As he approached and was about to knock on the door, the ancient wooden door creaked and opened automatically.

In the living room on the first floor, the old lady Agatha was sitting on a rocking chair in front of the fireplace with a black cat in her arms, looking at him calmly.

Li Mo suddenly felt a little embarrassed, "That... I'm sorry, Wanda had an accident."

"I know."

The old lady got up and went to the whining iron kettle, "Coffee or tea?"

"Plain water is fine."

"It's still tea..." the old lady said in a rambling voice, "I have grown some special teas myself, and you, as an oriental, will definitely like them."

After sitting down, Li Mo casually looked left and right, then stared at the old lady and said, "I see that you...are not in a hurry."

"Before she left, I had foreseen it."

The old lady gave Li Mo an old pottery teacup, "Don't worry, the current situation is dangerous for Wanda, but it is also the most important opportunity."

"What opportunity?" Li Mo asked.

"A chance to get rid of Sithorn completely!"

The old lady's face was a little serious, "I know that dark mage Karuru, he is a faithful follower of Sithorn. Wanda's chaos magic is hidden in itself, but it was inspired by Sithorn's dark power."

"Coupled with the flaws in her mind, she became the best container for Sithorn to come to Earth."


Li Mo stood up all of a sudden, "Sithorn is going to come to Earth?"

The old lady took a sip of tea and said: "He escaped from the earth, and left behind a return passage, which is in Wandage Mountain."

"You can't let him come back!" Li Mo was a little anxious, "That guy has a grudge against me."

"Don't worry." The old lady said unhurriedly: "I have blocked that passage long ago, and left behind."

Li Mo heaved a sigh of relief while looking at the old lady Agatha and smiled, "So that's why you've been hiding here, it's Satan Marduk, and the great demon god Sithorn, how much did you provoke? Dimensional Demon God?"

"Don't worry." The old lady took a sip of tea and said leisurely, "Not as much as you!"

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