Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 42 The Living Ones


A black SUV flung out a beautiful arc and drifted through a curve. The tires smoked and drew a black arc on the ground.

The car rushed forward and continued to speed on the empty street.

It was already late at night, and at some point a dark cloud floated over, blocking the bright moonlight over New York.

On the roof of the building on the side of the street where the SUV was driving, a dark red figure was galloping rapidly, flying over the uneven buildings, walking through the narrow aisle with superb balance skills, and fixed its eyes on the car.

Matt Murdoch felt anxious, that guy Wilson Fisk had escaped from prison! Don't you bastards know how much damage this guy can do?

Those idiots of the NYPD have been dumped for a long time, and now they can only rely on themselves!

Thinking of this, Matt gritted his teeth and sped up.

Finally got the chance, when the speed of the vehicle slowed down at a corner, Matt first jumped onto the billboard, then jumped onto the street light, and flipped onto the roof of the car.

Noticing the violent rattling of the roof, the driver began to twist the steering wheel left and right trying to throw Matt off the ground. Another person in the car also took out a handful of Ingram and pulled the safety catch to shoot towards the roof.

When Matt heard the sound of the gun bolt, he immediately dodged sideways, rolled down from the left side of the roof, and smashed the window glass with his fist, knocking the driver unconscious.

A clever roll unloaded, and Matt stood up unscathed, while the out-of-control SUV crashed headfirst into a fire hydrant on the side of the road.

A powerful column of water shot up into the sky, and then fell like a torrential rain. A huge body in a white suit opened the car door and rolled out. The suit was wet with water, and he looked a little embarrassed. He got up and staggered, trying to escape.

"Catch it, Fisk, you can't run away!" Matt shouted, and quickly chased after him.

Seeing that there was no way to escape, the figure drew out a dagger and rushed towards Matt.

Matt already sensed that something was wrong, and after easily subduing him, he grabbed the man's collar, "Damn it! You're a fake, where is Fisk?"

This person who was very similar to Fisk in height, shape, and appearance didn't speak, but just looked at Matt mockingly, and laughed with his mouth open.

"You bastard, speak up!" Anxiety and anger overwhelmed Matt's mind, he kept asking, and beat the man at the same time.

"You will never find him, but he will come to you, everywhere, everywhere, hahaha..." The fake Fisk laughed wildly with blood on his head.

An angry Matt punched the man unconscious and stood up gasping. After looking around, he gradually became a little dazed, clenched his fists and stood there, letting the falling water droplets keep falling on his body...


A high-rise building.

Fisk had already changed into a well-fitting suit, and was sitting in front of the tall French windows with a napkin around him, enjoying his first filet mignon after he was released from prison.

The knife and fork cut the bloody steak very delicately and gracefully. After Fisk cut a piece and chewed it in his mouth for a while, he took a sip of red wine from his wine glass.

James Wesley stood beside him with a polite smile and a stack of documents in his hand.

Fisk picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth, looked thoughtfully at the lights outside the window, and said in a deep voice, "A piranha kept in a fish tank will think that he is the most powerful, and he will never know what is happening in the ocean. What a monster. James, we need to change our approach."

James nodded, "Boss, there is a group of mysterious people who have been trying to contact us, and I can't find any news about them."

Fisk shook his head, "Don't pay attention to them, there will always be various organizations in the world, contacting them rashly before gaining great power will only become their plate. The piece of land needed by the Hand will be handed over to them Yet?"

"It has been properly handled." James nodded and replied.

"Very good, cut off contact with them. From now on, we will hide in the ground and pay attention to collecting all the information of extraordinary power." Fisk looked into the distance, his eyes twitched unnaturally, "My father is only right in one sentence. "

"With power, you have the right to choose."


two days later,

Queens, New York.

The bright sunlight shone through the glass windows in the spacious classroom, and there was a serious atmosphere in the air.

Li Mo was wearing a well-fitting suit and stood on the podium with a pair of gold-rimmed plain glasses.

He narrated in a deep and deep voice: "The theory of yin and yang is one of the most important parts of Chinese culture. We believe that all things have opposite constraints and balance. Pursue the balance of all things to achieve a state of yin, balance and yang mystery. The Dharma naturally leads to the unity of man and nature!"

After finishing speaking, Li Mo looked at the audience with his hands behind his back, "Does everyone know?"

Sitting under the stage were a group of Lolita and Zhengtai who were completely stupefied, and a curly-haired black child couldn't help but raised his hand and said loudly: "I know, I know, this is Hogwarts' magic class. Mr. Li, do you know the Avada Kedavra?"

Li Mo's hard-working image couldn't hold back any longer, a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and he said dryly, "Sorry, I...I won't."

The young female teacher wearing glasses couldn't help but shook her head, "Mr. Li, these children don't understand what you're talking about. You should talk about Chinese food and giant pandas."

"Okay, okay." Li Mo scratched his head in embarrassment, "Just talk about fuck, just talk about fuck..."

The power of a panda can cross borders and planes. Li Mo's panda story quickly attracted the attention of the students, and he couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

It started from the day before yesterday, when Li Mo, who was strolling on the street, suddenly received a call from little Lori Leo. Their school was going to organize a cultural event, and Leo thought of this kind Chinese uncle, so she invited him to tell her classmates about Chinese culture.

Li Mo, who has a good impression of this very sensible little lolita, readily accepts it. But when he thought of the important task of promoting Chinese culture, Li Mo was under a lot of pressure and prepared two days of classes at home.

The result is the current scene.

After the class was over, the students were still unsatisfied, pestering Li Mo to ask questions. Li Mo was overwhelmed by the weird questions, so he quickly took out his gift to divert his attention.

A box of panda dolls.

The classroom was full of cheers, and Li Mo also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead in relief.

After class, at the luncheon organized by the school, Leo's mother Sarah came over to express her gratitude, "Mr. Li, thank you very much for agreeing to Leo's request. Also, I am very sorry for what happened last time."

Li Mo took a sip of orange juice, shook his head and said, "It's okay, I can understand, every family has their own difficulties."

"By the way, can I ask you something?" Li Mo asked hesitantly, "How did Xiao Leou's father die? If it's inconvenient, I didn't say anything."

Sarah took a sip of the drink in her hand, and her eyes gradually became a little moist, "My husband is David Lieberman, a staff member of the National Security Bureau. He did a very brave but stupid thing. I can't specifically Say more."

Li Mo didn't ask any more, so there's no need to say more, it's nothing more than a poor victim.

Some people are not afraid to sacrifice their lives for their ideals and beliefs, but Li Mo believes that some things are worthwhile, and some things are really not worth it.

Becoming a hero, leaving behind the orphans and widows in front of him, I don't know what choice Sarah's husband will make if he has another chance?

Sometimes the living are more miserable than the dead.


late at night,

long island,

A high-end private villa.

On the floor in the middle of the living room, a tall middle-aged man with silver hair was sitting on the sofa leaning on the ground, moaning in pain. His limbs had been crushed, twisted out of shape, and blood flowed all over the floor.

Frank Castle sat on the opposite sofa holding a blood-stained hammer, his clothes and face were splattered with blood.

"Why, you are my boss, I saved your life, why did you kill my family?" Frank Cassel looked at the man in front of him, his eyes filled with anger.

After being reminded by Li Mo that day, Frank launched a secret investigation. Although many evidences have been destroyed, Frank still found the man in front of him.

Ray Schonover, a colonel in the US Marine Corps, was his boss in Iraq. After the war, he used the alias "Blacksmith" and relied on the convenience of the army to smuggle a large amount of drugs from the Middle East to dominate the drug market in New York.

The central park incident, the mastermind behind the murder of his own family.

"Why? Haha...ha." Ray Schonover, who knew he was doomed to die, was a little crazy, "After going through that war, I got nothing, only a whole body of injuries. I'll get some What's wrong with Qian Pension? You are also from the army, have you forgotten what I taught you? Either a friend or an enemy!"

"I have quit, I just want to go home, but you have killed my family." Frank Castle said to himself: "My daughter likes to read, I have promised her to take her to New York Library. My son loves baseball, he's really talented, and was wearing the Yankees hat I gave him that day. My wife baked delicious cookies that day...”

"When you rejected us, you should have expected this kind of result." Seeing Frank stand up and walk over with a hammer, Ray Schonover struggled desperately, "Wait a minute, wait a minute, you don't want to know what's going on behind the scenes?" Is there anyone?"

"I'll find out and kill them one by one. Now it's time for you to pay the price." Frank raised the hammer with both hands expressionlessly, smashing Lei's head into a rotten watermelon.

Scenes of being with his family played back in his mind from time to time, and Frank held up a hammer and smashed Ray's body vigorously in a daze.

one time,

one time,

Until the corpse was smashed into a pulp...

Frank dropped the hammer and sat down on the sofa, his eyes filled with confusion and pain.

Even bloody revenge could not relieve the pain in his heart.

Suddenly, the phone in his pocket vibrated continuously. Frank picked it up and looked at it. It was an unfamiliar phone number.

"Get out of there!"

An anxious man's voice sounded.

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