“Ah,” Steve yelled, and then kicked Thanos in the neck.

Thanos didn’t move, and then Thanos quickly punched and punched Steve’s chest, and Steve was immediately knocked out by Thanos, smashed the stone pier behind him, and then slid more than ten meters.


Steve spewed out a mouthful of blood, then endured the pain on his body and slowly got up.

Solving Steve, Thanos threw his own knife at Thor in the distance.

I saw this large knife about two meters long spinning and flying towards Sol.

Thor hurriedly bent down, dodged Thanos’ big knife, and then slashed at Thanos again.

Thanos stretched out his hand and took the big knife that flew out, and then easily blocked Thor’s storm tomahawk,

Thanos raised his leg and kicked Sol in the chest, Thor was immediately kicked out, Thor got up and slashed at Thanos again.


With a violent crash, Thor’s storm tomahawk was picked up by Thanos.

Thanos slammed his big knife on the ground, then reached out and grabbed Thor’s neck, and with the other hand, punched Sol in the face.


Thor was directly stunned by Thanos’ punch.


Thanos smashed Thor to the ground, then walked over and kicked Thor hard in the chest.


Thor couldn’t help but spew out a mouthful of blood, and then forcibly endured Thanos’ fist, stretched out his hand and summoned his storm tomahawk.

Looking at the storm tomahawk flying over, Thanos easily grabbed it in his hand, and then pressed it against Thor’s chest.


There was a sound of a blade cutting into the flesh, and the axe blade of the Storm Tomahawk had already sliced through Thor’s chest.

Thor supported his hands with all his strength, resisting Thanos’ arms.


Suddenly, Thanos was sent flying.

Then a hammer with flashing thunder and lightning flew back into Steve’s hand, and Steve raised Mjolnir at this time.

“Haha, I know,” Thor said excitedly.


Thanos stood up and stomped Thor into the ground with a forceful kick.

After such a powerful blow from Thanos, Hal has lost his combat effectiveness.

Thanos took a big knife and walked towards Steve with an angry face, and was injured by someone as weak as Steve, which was Thanos’ shame.

Looking at the roaring Thanos, Steve quickly rotated the Mjolnir in his hand, there was a set of combos, he had been practicing for a long time, and today he had to let Thanos taste it.

“Woohoohoo, boom”

The Mjolnir in his hand spun rapidly, and when Thanos was about to approach, Steve instantly threw it out.

The hammer hit Thanos with pinpoint accuracy, knocking Thanos out.

Steve then summoned the hammer and quickly ran towards Thanos.

Thanos shook his aching head, and then looked at Steve again.

Steve threw the shield in his hand at Thanos, and with a flick of his hand, the large knife in his hand knocked the shield away, and then Steve threw the hammer in his hand again.

Thanos flashed the hammer, who knew that the hammer hit the shield behind Thanos, and then bounced back and smashed heavily on Thanos’ head.

Thanos flashed when he was smashed by the hammer, and then Steve approached Thanos’s side and reached out to take his shield and hammer.

With the shield in his hand, he blocked Thanos’s fist, and then took the hammer in his hand and hit Thanos’ knee all at once.


Thanos couldn’t help but let out a cry of pain.

“Ring the bell”

While you were sick and wanted your life, Steve took advantage of Thanos’ failure to react, and the hammer and shield crossed and hit Thanos on the head.

This made Thanos, who had never put the Avengers in his eyes, hurt for the first time.


The thunder and lightning on the hammer hit Thanos’ body hard, which made Thanos, who had just returned to his senses and planned to fight back, suddenly numb his hands and feet with electricity.

After seeing the effect of the thunderbolt, Steve raised your hammer high, attracted the thunder and lightning in the sky, and then hit Thanos hard with this thunder and lightning full of destructive aura.


Thanos, who had just stood up, was immediately electrocuted by these thunderbolts again.

After seeing Thanos fall, Steve jumped high and used all his strength to smash towards Thanos.

Thanos rolled over lightly, dodged Steve’s smash, and then grabbed Steve’s neck with his backhand, easily lifting Steve up.


Thanos roared, grabbed Steve’s neck, and slammed it the ground.


Thanos’ powerful power made the entire ground crack.

After receiving a heavy blow, Steve instinctively took the hammer in his hand and smashed it at Thanos’ head.

“Boom, click”

Thanos, who was serious, was extremely terrifying, and very easily grabbed Steve’s arm, and then gently pushed it.

Steve’s hand bone shattered, and the hammer in his hand fell to the ground.


Thanos kicked Steve away, then turned around and picked up his Overlord Blade, walking towards Steve with a face full of anger.

Letting this little reptile hurt today is something that Thanos will never tolerate.

Steve lay on the ground and withstood such a powerful blow from Thanos, and at this time, he could only rely on tenacious willpower to ensure that he would not faint.

“Click” Thanos took off his helmet, then came to Steve’s side, raised the big knife in his hand, and slashed hard at Steve.

“Block.” With a loud bang, Thanos’ big knife slashed into Steve’s shield,

“Ring the bell”

Thanos slashed a few times without stopping, and Steve’s shield was cut into several pieces by Thanos.

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