“How fast is the manufacture of this sound-absorbing steel suit?”

“Super, super slow, mainly the metal that synthesizes the Edman alloy is not easy to find, and this metal, once fixed, can no longer change shape at all!” Tony said with a resentful face.

Listening to Tony’s words, Lin Tian reached out and grabbed Tony’s palm and drew a rune on it out of thin air.

Watching a golden light enter his hand, Tony said with a puzzled expression: “What is this thing you just got me!”

“Asgard’s God Tattoo, do you know Thor’s hammer?” Lin Tian said lightly.

“You know, a super weapon, no matter where he is, as soon as he stretches out his hand, the hammer will fly back into his hand!” Tony said with some excitement.

“Well, this is the summoning rune, which allows you to summon this sound-absorbing steel suit in a critical moment and save your life, but it can only be used once.” Lin Tian said with a smile.

“Oh, okay! But I’ll never use this opportunity, because it’s your suit. Tony said with a solemn look.

Lin Tian shook his head with a smile and said, “Don’t say it so firmly, you must know that the law of true fragrance is inevitable for everyone!”

“The law of true incense, is there such a law?” Tony asked suspiciously.

Lin Tian patted Tony’s shoulder and said, “You’ll understand in a few days.”

“Alright!” Tony nodded nonchalantly and said: “The suit is sent to you, I will leave, my driver Harpy was blown into the hospital, I still have to hurry to see him, bye.”

Tony put on his sunglasses, then waved at Lin Tian, turned and walked out of Lin Tian’s room.

Lin Tian smiled, then looked at the battle suit in front of him, easily removed the reactor on the chest of the battle suit, and then opened the reactor, and Lin Tian waved his hand The space gem appeared in his hand.

Lin Tian smiled and put the space gem into the reactor, then slowly closed the lid, and then put the reactor into the chest of the battle suit.

After finishing it, Lin Tian nodded with satisfaction and said, “Well, in this way, is this battle suit worthy of me?”

A knock sounded on the door, and Lin Tian said in a gentle voice: “Come in!”

After Lin Tian finished speaking, Steve took the shield and walked in with a guilty face.

“What’s wrong, is there something to find me?”

“Whew,” Steve exhaled and said with a righteous face, “I came to apologize, I said I would firmly carry out your orders, but when it came to capturing Pierce, I hesitated!”

It is worthy of being a very charismatic American team, and he will come over to apologize personally for such a normal hesitation.

Lin Tian patted Steve’s shoulder and said: “I can understand your hesitation, but only this once, not for example, you are a soldier, and a soldier should obey orders as his duty, you are not qualified to question it!”

“Yes,” Steve gave a military salute to Lin Tian with a solemn face.

“Hmm,” Lin Tian nodded in satisfaction.

“Click,” the door of the room was pushed open again, and Natasha hurriedly walked in and said to Lin Tian: “Director, it’s not good, Hydra controls the three aircraft carriers and is about to ascend to the sky.”

“Where did you get the news? Pierce has been caught, who still has the right to lift the aircraft carrier to the sky? Lin Tian asked suspiciously.

“Yes, it was Fury who called me, he was fraudulent, in fact, he has been secretly investigating everything in S.H.I.E.L.D., Pierce is just a snake head of Hydra, originally Hydra was scheduled to lift the aircraft carrier into the air next month, but Pierce’s arrest alarmed them, so they are now planning to lift the aircraft carrier into the air,” Natasha said with a serious face.

“I know that Fury, this old fried stick, is not so easy to die.”

“Chief, let me stop them!” Steve said with a solemn look.

“Well, okay! You go with Natasha! Lin Tian nodded and said.


The two replied at the same time, and after walking out of the room, Natasha quickly said: “I go to fly the plane, the only way to stop the aircraft carrier from taking off is to replace their chips, the chips are in Fury’s hands, you are ready, let’s go immediately.”

Three minutes later, Natasha drove the plane with Steve out of the God War Bureau, and soon the plane landed in a remote manor, and then Steve and Natasha saw the alive Fury, and after taking the chip from Fury’s hand, the two quickly set off again,

Now the clock is urgent, and every minute cannot be delayed.

After Natasha flew to S.H.I.E.L.D., she saw the aircraft carrier that had begun to take off one after another.

Steve, who was standing at the door of the engine cabin, waited until the plane flew over the aircraft carrier, and jumped into the deck of the aircraft carrier in one depth.


Steve jumped onto the deck of the aircraft carrier perfectly, then rolled with the force, counteracting the impact on his body, and then began to run towards the control room with his shield.


Steve took the shield and crashed into the control room very violently, looked at the stunned staff, threw out the shield in his hand without hesitation, and then grabbed the table at hand and hit the hydra with the gun.

In less than three minutes, there was not a single panting person in the entire cab.

The soldiers protecting around, there was no one to block Steve’s move, and Steve changed the hard disk on the aircraft carrier without the slightest pause.

Then with a jump, Steve jumped from this aircraft carrier to another aircraft carrier, and then still ran towards the control room, after Steve solved the surrounding soldiers.


A bullet grazed Steve’s scalp dangerously, and Steve turned to see Crossbone holding a sniper rifle, guarding the side of the controller.

Steve smiled and ran towards the crossbones without hesitation.

“Boom, boom, boom.”

The crossed strands kept shooting at Steve, but unfortunately all the bullets were blocked by Steve’s shield, even if it was a sniper rifle, it still could not bring any damage to Steve’s shield.


Looking at Steve, who had come to him, Cross Strand threw away the sniper rifle in his hand with a helpless face, and then took out two daggers and killed Steve.

“Bell, boom”

It’s just an ordinary person’s crossbones where Steve’s opponent, Steve skillfully struck the shield in his hand, and then stunned the crossbones with one punch.

Breaking the crossbone, Steve took the hard drive out of his pocket, turned on the controller, and changed it without hurrying.

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