After Steve finished speaking, he saw that Kolba, who was originally torn in half, slowly turned into two after being stained with blood on the ground.

“Oh, this thing turned out to be an immortal body.” Natasha said with a surprised face.

“Hahaha, do you really think that the great stone spirit warrior Kolba will die so easily?” The two Kolbas flying in the sky said with a big laugh on their faces.

“Swish, swish”

Two figures jumped up and each pounced on a laughing Kolba.


Hulk and Abomination, each grabbed one and tore them into four pieces in one force.

But after a while, these four remnants became four kolba again.

“What if this thing can’t be killed.” Natasha asked, looking at Steve.

“Don’t kill, arrest it, and bring it back to the God War Bureau slice study.” Steve said with a serious look.

Listening to Steve’s words, Natasha couldn’t help but smile, this was the first time she heard Steve say that he would study people sliced!

Kolba on the other side heard Steve’s words, and immediately stopped laughing and said, “Okay, enough of playing with you, I’m going to get real next.”

After Kolba finished speaking, the four bodies slowly fused together, and after the fusion was completed, Kolba’s eyes shot a gray light towards Steve.


Steve hurriedly stretched out his shield to resist, only to see this gray light, after colliding with Steve’s shield, quickly bounced out, hitting the wooden table next to it, and then the wooden table instantly petrified.

“Ah, be careful, his energy thread can petrify people.” Steve yelled.

But Steve was still a little slow, and saw a gray light shoot on Hulk’s arm, and then Hulk’s entire arm was petrified.


The Hulk, who was hit, couldn’t help but let out a roar of pain.

Then the self-healing factor on the Hulk’s body was strongly activated, and I saw that the arm that had originally turned into a stone slowly turned green again under the self-healing factor, and the Hulk’s arm could also move again,

Seeing this scene, Hulk quickly rushed towards Kolba, since the petrified light could not hurt himself, then he had to kill Kolba’s eyes, this light was too threatening to Steve and Natasha.


The petrified light hit Hulk’s chest, and Hulk ignored it and continued to rush towards Kolba.

After a while, the place where Hulk’s chest turned stone came back again.


After Hulk came to Kolba’s side, he quickly pounced, then clenched his fist and smashed it on Kolba’s head.


Kolba’s head was directly blasted by the Hulk hammer.

Looking at Kolba, who was still slowly recovering, Natasha untied a rope from her waist and threw it to the Hulk.

“Tie him up first.”

Hulk took the rope, then quickly punched, broke Kolba’s head and limbs again, and then untied the rope, and joined forces with the abomination to tie Kolba up.

Natasha forcefully tore off her sleeves, then walked over to Kolba and wrapped his eyes.

“Say, where are all the girls you captured hidden by you?” Natasha asked sharply.

“I won’t say it, if you can, kill me.” Kolba said fearlessly.

“You don’t really think I don’t know what you’re afraid of! You’re just an undead creature that just needs to get you out of here and kill you very easily in the sun. ”

“Ah, how do you know, no, no, I’m not afraid of the sun, I’m immortal,” Kolba said with a hard mouth.

“Okay, Hulk, go, carry him, get out of here.”


Listening to Natasha’s words, Hulk easily put Kolba on his shoulder and walked outside.

Seeing that the Hulk really planned to take themselves out of here, Kolba immediately said in fright: “No, I surrender, I said, I am just the gravekeeper of the demon princess.” The women who sacrificed the princess were in the temple. ”

“Where is the temple?” Natasha asked suspiciously.

“In, if I’m not mistaken, the temple should be in the basement of the village chief’s house of this race.” Kolba said seriously.

“At the village chief’s house!” Natasha glanced at Steve, and then quickly ran towards the village chief’s house, followed by Hulk and Abomination.

“Hey, help me untie the rope! Feed. Is there anyone else here? Kolba shouted helplessly behind him.

The little monsters here can withstand the fire of firearms.

So the village chief here will definitely not die if he is shot a few times by Natasha.

But the four of them did not see the village chief until the end.

Originally, everyone thought that the village chief was likely to have died in a panic.

But now it seems that this guy is likely to sneak back to the temple while he is beating, intending to make a real sacrifice.

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