At this time, Killian was lying in a burning ruin, his body had been broken in two by Tony’s energy cannon.

Both legs, along with half of his body, were broken by Tony’s energy cannon.

Fortunately, his desperate virus can slowly restore his crippled body.

Lying on the ground, Killian endured the pain in his body and shouted to the desperate warriors around him.

He needs the desperate warriors to come and block Tony and give him time to recover.

Tony moved his hands and feet with a smug face, and then slowly walked towards Killian.


On a shipping container, a desperate warrior covered in fire slashes Tony’s head with his palm from above.

With only a “poof”, the arm of this desperate warrior was broken.

Tony turned around, looked at the desperate warrior standing beside him, clenched his fist and punched the desperate warrior in the chest.


The fist went straight through his chest, and then Tony stretched out his other hand and gently forced, directly tearing the desperate warrior in half.

“Oh, I really like this suit, Jarvis, why is the energy of this suit so powerful, and what is his energy source.” Tony asked with excitement on his face.

“Uh, Mr. Stark, the energy of this suit is very similar to the Cosmic Cube, but the energy output seems to be dozens of times that of the Cosmic Cube.” Jarvis said very seriously.

“Oh” genius thought, Lin Tian put the Cosmic Cube into the reactor, wow doll, I like this energy source. Tony said happily.

Tony finished speaking, and slowly walked towards Killian.

At this time, more than a dozen desperate warriors with their whole bodies quickly walked around, and they killed Tony from all directions.

“Jarvis, turn on kill mode and lock on the surrounding enemies.”

“Bang bang bang”

After Tony finished speaking, the suit was immediately taken over by Jarvis, and then quickly shot at the surrounding desperate warriors.

Every burst of energy in the suit can be shot very accurately at the body of the desperate warrior.

Every desperate warrior who is hit by the energy emitted from the suit will “bang” and dissipate in the sky and earth like a firework.

That powerful energy directly vaporized these desperate warriors, and there would be no ashes left.

In less than a minute, these dozen desperate warriors were slaughtered by Tony.

Tony turned around and walked step by step towards Killian, who was still recovering his body.

“Oh, don’t, Tony, you can’t kill me, you’re a superhero, you can’t kill people, I can go to jail, if you kill me, you can’t give an explanation to those I killed.” Killian said with a look of horror.

“Ding” walked up to Killian, Tony opened the mask and said: “Uh, you’re right, superheroes can’t kill people casually!”


Listening to Tony’s words, Killian couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as Tony didn’t kill him, with his ability, it was still very easy to escape from prison, and he would be a fugitive in the future,


Just as Killian rejoices, Tony stomps on his head.

Looking at the completely cool Killian, Tony pouted and said, “But I’m not a superhero, I’m a playboy.”

“Boom, Boom”

Just when Tony solved Killian and planned to go back.

A very uncomfortable sound of footsteps came over.

Tony turned his head and couldn’t help but look surprised.

It turned out that hundreds of terracotta warriors walked in front of Tony, their steps were neat, their movements were in unison, and they walked towards Tony with a brave momentum.

“Hey, the guy who hid behind and didn’t dare to emerge, come out and talk about it, I know that these terracotta warriors are controlled by you.” Tony said in a relaxed tone.

Tony, who was wearing this suit, did not mean to be afraid at all.

“Hahahaha, worthy of being the famous Iron Man, is smart.” A somewhat vicissitudes voice came.

Then these terracotta warriors automatically separated a road, and then a guy wearing a black robe walked out behind the terracotta army.

The guy in the robe came out and took off his hat, and then Tony could see the guy’s appearance very clearly.

He actually dressed very much like the actor hired by Killian.

“Hey, old man, are you?” Tony asked suspiciously.

“My name is Mandarin, I am a descendant of Genghis Khan, I like your wisdom very much, so how about inviting you to join my organization and rule the world with me.” Lord Man said with a smug look.

“Hey, uncle, do you have a brain problem, who gave you so much confidence that you can rule the world!” Have you asked about the God War Situation? Tony said with a mocking look.

“It seems that I have to show you how powerful I am! A guy who always lives only in a suit of battle, really has too little knowledge. Lord Man said with a look of disdain.

After Mandarin finished speaking, the ring on his hand flashed an inexplicable luster, and then a thunderbolt and a laser ray shot towards Tony.

Since Mandarin shot too quickly, before Tony could react, the energy had already hit his suit.

“Bell Ring”

Powerful energy, Tony at the top couldn’t help but take two steps back, and then Tony reached out and touched the location where he was hit.

The suit was unscathed and did not leave a single scar at all.

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