Two hours later, the plane stopped in front of Steve’s villa.

Then Steve walked into his villa with Mrs. Hydra in his arms.

Seeing that Steve actually carried the woman into his home, Natasha shook her shoulders, turned and walked on the plane and flew away.

Kata was looking up information in the living room of her home, she had been recovering for a few months, and now she had submitted her resume to several companies and planned to go to work.

But it’s a pity that although she has the ability, she doesn’t have a degree, and she can’t apply with her education 70 years ago.


The door to the living room was opened, and Steve walked in with Mrs. Hydra in his arms.

“Hi, Kat.”

“Oh, Steve, this is!”

“Well, this is Miss Euphilia Sargsyan, she was caught by Hydra, her family was killed by Hydra, and her legs were broken, so I want her to recuperate at home first, don’t you mind!”

“Uh, don’t mind.” Katy replied with a somewhat unnatural face.

“Sorry to interrupt, I’ll leave when my legs are ready.”

“Oh, it’s okay, you can live in peace, just because I also found a new job, not often at home.”

“Kat, you got a new job, where!”

“Lin Industries, director of the weapons testing department, I submitted my resume to them and asked me to come to the interview tomorrow.”

“Oh, Lin Industries, our director’s company, I can go and talk to the director, with your ability to be the president of the weapons department, there is no problem, our director is very talkative, as long as he passes his interview.”

“No” Kat shook her head and rejected Steve’s offer, she was not short of money, so she didn’t have to go behind.

“What you eat, I’ll do.” Katy said with a smile.

“Uh, I’ll go! You can chat with Ophelia. Steve said with a smile.

“Well, okay.”

After Steve entered the kitchen, Kat came over with a smile and said, “Where are you from, do you have relatives in country M?”

“I am a Virginian, a small country with a population of only a few million, and I am coming to country M for the first time.”

“Oh, I went to Virginia when I was young, and the colorful birds, a national treasure, are very cute.”

“yes, it’s very cute.” Madame Hydra was so perfunctory that she didn’t know what a colorful bird was.

And after Katie listened to her words, a trace of vigilance flashed in her eyes, the colorful spotted bird is not a national treasure of Virginia at all.

As an agent chief, it was her habit to be always vigilant.

But she really didn’t expect that when she tried a little, the other party would show her horse’s feet.

Katy smiled, stood up, and said, “Oh, by the way, I need some ketchup in my sandwich, I have to go and tell Steve, you don’t want to put some.”

“No, just put me more JUHLA milk.” After speaking, Madame Hydra immediately secretly said “not good”.


WHILE LADY HYDRA WAS PONDERING, CARTY LOOKED PUZZLED AND SAID, “DOES JUHLA HAVE THIS BRAND OF MILK?” I haven’t seen Yay, that’s probably unique to your country and can’t be bought in country M. ”

“Oh, yes, I forgot, that’s fine.”

“Okay, you wait.”

After Katy finished speaking, he walked into the kitchen with a relaxed expression,

The most an agent, Kat’s psychological quality is quite powerful.

After entering the kitchen, Carter looked at Steve with a serious look and said, “Why did you bring her to the house!” Can you send her to the God War Bureau for Fury to arrange? ”

Steve smiled, took out two eggs from the cabinet and said, “She’s very pathetic, anyway, she will live at home for a month or two, and then leave when her injuries are healed.”

“Poor, there are many poor people, why don’t I see you all brought home.”

“Kat, you won’t be angry about this little thing, will you!”

“I’m not angry, I suspect she’s Hydra’s person, and she’s still a high-ranking person, you know? She just told me to smear JUHLA royal milk on her sandwich, how could she be just an ordinary woman! ”


“But you know what? She didn’t even know what Virginia’s national treasure was. ”

“Hey, people have just suffered a major mental stimulation, don’t be suspicious, maybe she is perfunctory to you at all!”


Listening to Steve’s words, Katy took a deep breath, she was almost angry with Steve, couldn’t she see such an obvious loophole?

“You two eat! I’m going to apply for a job. Kat finished speaking, turned and left the kitchen,

Steve stretched out his hand and didn’t say a word.

He doesn’t know what he thinks now, he just can’t help but want to care about this woman.


Steve sighed, he didn’t know how to explain it.

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