“Jarvis, come and put on a new suit.”

“Yes, Mr. Stark.” Jarvis replied respectfully.


Dracula slowly flew to Tony not far from and landed, and said with a look of disdain: “Is the Avenger just like that?”

“Lao Tzu’s battle suit is not well made, otherwise, Xiangdu will beat it out for you.” Tony said with a look of disbelief.

“Oops, I forgot, this guy seems to be the original product of your earth, I shouldn’t have made a move.”

“I lean, don’t I! Then be careful, you are the god-king of Asgard, besides, I am your eldest brother’s brother, if I die in front of you, how can you explain to your eldest brother. ”

“Well, that’s true, too! Well, I’ll save your life today in the face of my eldest brother, but remember to stay away from Jane in the future. ”

“OK, I knew you were because of Jane.”

After Tony finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the distance, his suit was now wasted, so he had to find a corner to hide and watch Thor fight.

Thor held the hammer and looked at Dracula with disdain: “Hi, ugly monster, I, son of Odin, the new god king of Asgard, will sentence you.”

“God King of Asgard, your blood should be even more delicious!”

“To be honest, I hate blood-sucking creatures like you, it makes me very uncomfortable, you are like some bed bugs, it is disgusting.”

“Then I’ll let you see the strength of this bedbug of mine.”

After Dracula finished speaking, he glared hard at the ground and quickly rushed towards Thor.

Thor instantly threw out his hammer.


The powerful attack of the hammer smashed Dracula out again,

Dracula quickly stood up after being smashed dozens of meters.

The Hulk’s strong defense makes his body almost unharmed.

After Dracula stood up, Thor threw the hammer again.


Looking at the flying hammer, Dracula immediately dispersed into bats in the sky, and the hammer passed through the bat group with an indestructible momentum and flew towards the distance.

After the hammer flew away, the bats in the sky merged again and transformed back into Dracula.

Looking at Sol empty-handed, Dracula pounced with a fierce face.

Thor stretched out his hand, flew backwards in the distance, and then hit Dracula hard.

Dracula, who did not pay attention to the hammer behind him, was knocked over again and was in front of Thor.

Thor jumped up with the hammer and fell heavily.

“Boom, poof”

Just when Thor’s hammer was about to smash into Dracula’s body, Dracula divided again, turned into countless bats, and scattered.

Thor’s hammer smashed heavily on the floor, directly smashing the ground into a deep pit of more than ten meters.


Thor raised the hammer in his hand high, and suddenly the entire sky began to be covered with dark clouds, and tyrannical thunder rushed down.

The bats in the sky, in the thunder in the sky, are like dumplings, and after a while, they are covered with a thick layer on the ground.


A white light flashed, and the bat in the sky changed back to Dracula’s appearance again.

At this time, Dracula’s face was weak, and the corners of his mouth dripped blood from time to time, even with the recovery power of the Hulk, it could not be slowed down for a while.

Turning into a bat allows Dracula to dodge most physical attacks, but this ability also greatly weakens his defenses.

Dracula couldn’t help but rejoice in his heart, fortunately he had absorbed Hulk’s blood today, otherwise he would have definitely died under Thor’s thunder and lightning at this time.

After thinking that he was equivalent to picking up a life, Dracula suddenly had an endless affection for Banner in his heart.

Compared with his own life, the disfigurement is nothing!


Thor kicked Dracula more than ten meters away and hit the wall behind him, just when Thor once again connected the thunder and lightning, intending to kill Dracula.

A fierce wind blew through, rolled up the severely injured Dracula, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Thor patted his head with a remorseful look and said, “I should have killed him directly, why kick him!” ”

At this time, a golden-red mech flew over the sky, and Tony stood in the clearing, opening his arms to welcome the arrival of the mech.

“Jarvis, you’re in the evening.”

“Oh, sorry, Mr. Stark, this is already my fastest speed.”

“Alright! It seems that I should build a few more space stations to store my suits. ”

After putting on his battle suit, Tony quickly flew into the church.

“Bang bang”

Tony stretched out his palm, broke the chain that bound Banner, then walked over and hugged the somewhat weak Banner, and quickly flew out.

Taking Banner to Thor in front of him, Tony said with a serious face: “The strongest thing of Lord Mandarin is his dragon arm, I and Banner attack from two directions at the same time, distract him, and then Thor as a surprise soldier sneak attack, with the strongest thunderbolt, slash him fiercely, how is this plan.” ”

“No, I’m so weak right now that I can’t transform at all.”

“It’s okay, I can call him out.” Thor said with a domineering look.

Thor held the hammer against Banner’s body, and then a strong electric current came out, and Banner immediately trembled with electricity.


After a few seconds, Banner quickly turned into a big green man.

“Well, I’ll just say I can call him out!”

“It’s a good job, it seems that you are not without brains.”

“What, you are talking about the great King of Asgard, Thor has no brains!”

“No, I just, well… I just feel that with your strength, you don’t need to use your brain at all. ”

“Haha, that’s pretty much it, I just don’t need it.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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