“Let me come!”

Stephen, who was running, suddenly stopped his steps, and then stayed in mid-air with his knees crossed like this.

Looking at the upcoming Shaw, Stephen stretched out his hand and made a strange gesture, and suddenly Stephen’s back conjured countless arms.

When Shaw came to Stephen, a soft “bang” sounded, and Stephen turned into thousands of figures.

Looking at this figure flying in mid-air, Tony and Shaw were all stunned in place.

This skill is easy to use! Just as a headache as Shaw’s skills.

If there is not much strength beyond Doctor Strange, it is basically unsolvable.

Looking at these tens of thousands of Doctor Strange, Xiao’s heart suddenly gave birth to a not very good premonition.

Sure enough, these strange doctors flying in the sky all opened their eyes after silently chanting a spell.

“Saikto Red Belt” Stephen roared, and in an instant the magic was activated, and all the Stephens in the sky threw a red ribbon in their hands.

These ribbons firmly wrapped around Xiao’s body, directly wrapping him into a red cocoon chrysalis.

Xiao, who was entangled in the ribbon, struggled with all his strength.

But these ribbons are extremely strong, and no matter how hard Xiao struggles, he can’t break free at all.

“Oh, it seems to be over.”

“Well, the strength of this mage is still good.”

After Thor finished speaking, he slowly came to Stephen’s side with Tony.

After seeing that Xiao really couldn’t break free, Stephen pinched his fingers again, and in an instant the figure in the sky returned again, and Stephen returned to that polite look again.

Looking at Xiao, who was wrapped in silkworm chrysalis, Tony said with a puzzled expression: “Since your strength is so strong, isn’t it enough for you to directly restrain him?” Why run away with us! ”

“Well, this is the first time I’ve used these tricks, and I forgot about it just now.”

Tony pouted and said with a smile on his face: “Hey, your spells are good, teach me how.”

Stephen shook his head and said with a serious face: “You can’t learn!”

“Impossible, how do you know I can’t learn! Do you still have to look at your looks to learn magic? ”

“It’s not about looks, it’s about thoughts, and you don’t believe in science.”

“Of course I believe it!”

“Then you’ll never learn.”

“I checked your information, you graduated from Columbia University School of Medicine, and I am MIT Engineering, we all have similar education, why can you learn, but I can’t!”

“Yes, that’s why I studied for half a year, but I didn’t learn anything, but I was easily knocked unconscious by you and Steve.”

“Hey, you won’t be so careful! Big deal, I’ll knock you out once! ”

“No, I’m talking about the truth, if you want to learn magic, you need to throw away all your worldviews, because this thing can’t be explained by logic at all.”

“I still don’t want to believe that there’s nothing in the world that I can’t learn from Tony Stark.”

“Hey, let’s go out and discuss this, OK.” Sol, who was standing to the side, interjected.


Stephen stretched out his hand and drew a circle, and then the Avengers walked out of the mirror space.

Looking at the red silkworm chrysalis standing in the corner, Tony said lightly: “Hi Stephen, can you show Shaw’s head, I want to know why she grabbed Natasha.”


Stephen nodded, then stretched out his hand and pointed to the chrysalis, and then the ribbon on the upper layer of the chrysalis began to slowly decompose, and finally exposed Xiao’s head.

“Hi masochist, tell me about it! What are you looking for Natasha for. ”

Shaw opened his eyes and glanced at Tony, without saying a word.

Although he was caught, in Xiao’s heart, these people still couldn’t hurt him, their attack power was too low, and all the attacks were not enough to break through his defenses.

Seeing that Shaw was so uncooperative, Tony looked at Steve, his eyes full of inquiry.

Although this person was arrested, his ability was so disgusting that people couldn’t start!

“I have a way, we can use this guy as bait to buy time for us to blow up the Osborne Building,”

“Yes” Hearing Steve’s suggestion, Tony’s eyes lit up.

“Alright! I said that I had captured Natasha because of the orders of my master, and I was just following orders. ”

“What, you even have a master on your head.” Tony asked with a look of surprise.

Listening to Xiao’s words, the loss of the entire conference room was gloomy, leaning, this Xiao is enough to destroy the Avenger, but unexpectedly, there is a master behind him, if this master personally strikes, then how to fight.

“Yes, so you’d better let me go, because if my master knows and comes in person, the entire Avenger will be killed by her.”

“You’re lying to us! This Hellfire Club I know, you are the Black Emperor, and the club is formed by you. ”

“So do you know the Black Queen? She is the owner of the club. ”

“There should be no friction of interest between your master and the God War Bureau!”

“Not before, but now my master is in love with the director of your Divine War Bureau, so she wants to ask Ms. Natasha to come over and communicate.”

Listening to Xiao’s words, the Avengers present all pouted helplessly.

After making trouble for a long time, this was a family affair, and he almost demolished the God War Bureau just because he was jealous, and this kind of thing can only be done by Lin Tian!

After understanding what happened, Tony waved at Stephen and asked him to continue sealing Shaw.

Now what is the Avenger busy, how can he handle the housework!

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