“You are trying to bring death to the Atlanteans.” A cold voice came not far away, and then a noble and elegant-looking woman walked in.

“You always let me endure, you said that my father’s greatest advantage is tolerance, but when have humans tolerated us, this ocean has been polluted by them.”

“I’m for your good, although your strength is good, but it’s too easy to be impulsive, there are many people in humans who are a hundred times stronger than you, and your impatient character is easy to get hurt.”

“So what, as long as I return to the sea in time, no one can hurt me.”


An aquatic creature covered in carapace ran in with a panicked face: “Your Majesty the Sea King, the shock this time is because humans have dropped nuclear weapons on the sea surface, and nuclear weapons carry a large amount of radioactive substances, so that the entire ocean within thousands of kilometers of the aquatic tribes have died.”

“What, no, I have to send troops to attack humans.”

“You stop, well, since you are so disobedient to advice, then you should go to the deep sea first and take out the Sea King Trident to attack the earth!”

“This, I am not a pure sea tribe, will Trident agree with me?”

“Of course, our Atlantean family also evolved from land.”



Just when Namor hesitated, a sea creature suddenly ran in again: “Aquaman, a giant creature has fallen on the square of the central hall, you need to go over and take a look!”

“Okay, lead the way, I’ll go over and take a look.”

Looking at Namo, who left again for a reason, Princess Atlantis’ eyes showed a hint of worry.

Namor came to the square and saw a huge dragon-type creature lying on the square.

After Namor walked in slowly, he suddenly felt a disgusting feeling coming from the creature’s body, and there was radiation on the body of this creature.

At this time, this dragon-type creature had extensive burns all over his body and had fainted.

Namor stretched out his hand and touched the remaining scale armor of the dragon-type creature, and a very hard touch came, telling Namor about its strong protective power.

Namor put his hand to the dragon-type creature’s chest, feeling its still relatively strong chest.

Namor turned to his subordinates and said, “Hurry up and invite all the famous doctors in the palace and give me all my strength to treat this creature.”


One of the guards beside Namor listened to the words and quickly turned away.

“Aquaman, this creature is full of radioactive fuel, it is likely that humans dropped nuclear weapons to destroy it.”

“I guessed, but it just so happens that an enemy is a friend, and it is a very powerful creature that is very suitable for our allies.”

“Alright! I know. ”

At this time, on the moon, Lin Tian has been here for three days, this group of Inhumans is really too inky, saying that they must worship their ancestors first when they get married, this worship is three days, Lin Tian has stayed in this small place of the moon for three days, and he has long stayed enough.

Fortunately, today was finally the time to announce the marriage, Lorna held Lin Tian’s arm, stood on the grass with a happy face, and looked at Quicksilver and Crystal who were reading the marriage code in the distance.

Black Bolt and Magneto, two people who also don’t like to talk, sat on the main throne, with black faces the whole time.

Just as the High Priest of the Inhumans was about to announce that Quicksilver was married to Crystal, a loud noise came.


Attilan had just repaired the invisible shield was broken again, and then huge spaceships flew in the sky and flew into Attilan.

With such a rough entry, it is clear that these people who come in will definitely not be friends.

After the spacecraft stopped on the ground not far away,

The hatch of the spacecraft opened, and then more than a dozen teams of more than a hundred Kree soldiers wearing high-tech combat suits, all of them walked down with high-tech weapons.

Led by a black man dressed in brown leather, the man led his soldiers to the square.

Before they could enter the lawn, Apocalypse, who was standing on the side drinking wine, slammed his face in front of these soldiers.

“My master is inside for the wedding, just stand here and wait.”

Seeing that the apocalypse was so rude, the leading black man waved his hand with a smile, and then a dozen heavily armed Kree soldiers in the front row immediately took up their guns and pointed them at the apocalypse.

Apocalypse rolled its eyes, and these soldiers with guns pointed at Apocalypse, and the guns in their hands all turned into grains of sand and passed away from their hands.

“Today is a great day to get married, don’t force me to kill, remember, any of you who enter the lawn, there is no mercy for killing,”

After seeing the ability of the apocalypse, the leading black man applauded with an appreciative face, and then stretched out his hand to the apocalypse: “You are very wrong, introduce one, my name is Kolas-Sark, friends in the universe like to call me Kolas the pursuer, I am the commander of the battleship of the Kree clan, your ability is very good, how about returning me.”

Apocalypse glanced disdainfully at the guy who claimed to be the pursuer Kolas, looked at his outstretched hand, Apocalypse glanced gently, and then his entire arm, all turned into sand, spilled down.


Coras shouted in horror when he saw his arm turn into sand out of thin air.

“Shut your stinky mouth or I’ll kill you now,”

Hearing the emotionless words of the apocalypse, Coras hurriedly stretched out his other hand to cover his mouth.

He was now completely frightened by the Apocalypse, after all, the Apocalypse was not joking with him, and if it weren’t for the wedding today, the Apocalypse would have turned all these Kree into sand.

In the heart of the apocalypse, disturbing Lin Tian’s mood is equivalent to committing a capital crime, and the apocalypse is not the kind of person who will reason with you.

On the other side, Medusa, who was standing on the grass to officiate the wedding, looked at the very savage Kree who walked over, and then put down the ancestral motto in his hand, and came over with a serious face and asked, “What are you!” What do you want to do by breaking into the Inhumans so rudely. “_

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