Tony’s energy laser, after hitting the shield of the extraordinary dragon, quickly disappeared.

After the energy disappeared, the extraordinary dragon flapped its wings and flew towards Tony at great speed.

Although the extraordinary dragon did not dare to fly to a sparsely populated place, it really did not put Tony’s suit in the suburbs of such a city to fight.

Looking at the extraordinary dragon flying at great speed, Tony quickly flew away, facing the extraordinary dragon, an invincible creature, Tony could only weaken his defense little by little.

More than two hundred Ark reactors were installed in Tony’s suit, and so many reactors were launched together, which was enough to increase Tony’s speed to a speed beyond the reach of extraordinary dragons.

Tony, who flies in the sky, shoots lasers at the extraordinary dragon while flying.

But all of Tony’s lasers will be blocked by the Extraordinary Dragon’s shield.

In other words, Tony can only cause harassment to the extraordinary dragon, but can not cause any substantial damage.

“Roar, boom, boom, boom.”

Tony’s harassment completely angered the extraordinary dragon, and countless magical energies shot towards Tony like he didn’t want money.

The magical energy emitted by the extraordinary dragon is too dense, and with Tony’s huge size, it is basically difficult to dodge.

Fortunately, this suit is all made of vibranium, which is not only extremely strong, but also can reduce most of the kinetic energy of energy, so after Tony was hit, he shook his body and was still able to continue flying without being shot down.

Before he knew it, Tony had been fighting the extraordinary dragon for more than two hours.

Berserk energy also represents the output of Berserk, and after two hours of uninterrupted output, Tony’s suit energy has been used up by half.

“Boom, boom.”

Two rays of energy more than one meter thick shot at the body of the extraordinary dragon, which made the extraordinary dragon who had just planned to turn around and leave fly towards Tony again full of anger.

“Steve get ready, I don’t have much energy, when I unleash a big move, you will be ready for melee combat!”

“Okay, leave it to me!”

After Steve finished speaking, Tony nodded, and then a determined expression appeared on his face.

Tony turned around and roared at the extraordinary dragon flying straight over.

“Laser cutting.” “Squeak”

A red energy tens of meters long and half a meter thick shot out from Tony’s suit, and then quickly shot towards the extraordinary dragon at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

The extraordinary dragon, which was already defending against Tony, dodged almost instinctively after seeing this menacing energy, and then this laser deflected the extraordinary dragon’s chest and shot at the extraordinary dragon’s wings.


The extraordinary dragon let out a miserable howl, and one of its wings was cut off by Tony’s energy.


Tony sighed, it was really not as good as the strongest move in the sky, and it didn’t hit the chest of the extraordinary dragon.

This move fuses two hundred reactors, close to all half of the energy, Nico has deduced countless times, with the lethality of the contact surface alone, this energy is no longer the nuclear bomb that Fury lost.

If he can hit the chest of the extraordinary dragon, Tony is sure to make the extraordinary dragon lose its combat power, or even kill it.

But unfortunately, in the end, he was evaded by the extraordinary to avoid the fatal part.

However, being able to kill one of the wings of an extraordinary dragon is not a waste.

“Quick, Steve!”

After Tony finished speaking, Steve instantly took over the body, looking at the extraordinary dragon that had lost its wings and was falling to the ground, Steve accelerated, then raised his legs and stepped on the extraordinary dragon with all his strength from top to bottom.


The extraordinary dragon fell heavily to the ground, and then before the extraordinary dragon could stand up, Steve stepped on it hard with his huge suit.


This step was not light, and the powerful vibration directly collapsed the surrounding buildings.


The extraordinary dragon who was trampled into the ground grabbed the foot of the suit and lifted it hard, knocking Steve standing on the ground to the ground.


Thrown out, Steve stood unsteadily and crashed through a fifty-story commercial building next to him.

Just as Steve was standing, the extraordinary dragon behind him kicked Steve’s back.

The powerful force once again kicked Steve to the ground and rolled several times, crashing several buildings.

The extraordinary dragon also took this opportunity to pounce heavily.

Steve quickly rolled to the side, and the extraordinary dragon pounced on the clearing, and the bulky body directly crushed the road on the ground.

Steve next to him rolled over and stood up, then took a fighting posture against the extraordinary dragon beside him.

Two creatures more than fifty meters tall stood together and confronted, which made everyone watching this battle have the feeling of watching the “Pacific Rim” mecha battle monster.


The extraordinary dragon roared, and then its tail flicked quickly, and when Steve didn’t react, it hit Steve’s suit hard.

A dodging Steve was directly pumped out by the extraordinary dragon,


Steve smashed heavily on the street behind him, and then the extraordinary dragon stretched out its claws and grabbed Steve who fell to the ground,


A metallic friction sound sounded, and the claws of the extraordinary dragon grabbed the suit made of vibranium, and a spark several meters long flew.

Several shallow scratches appeared on the suit, and the indestructible claws of the extraordinary dragon were blocked by the vibranium suit.

The extraordinary dragon looked at its sharp claws and couldn’t believe it, it never knew that there was any ordinary metal that could withstand its sharp claws.

Taking advantage of the extraordinary dragon’s stunned, Steve kicked the extraordinary dragon’s chest and directly kicked it out more than ten meters.

Steve stood up and quickly ran towards the extraordinary dragon, after the battle just now, Steve was basically familiar with Tony’s suit at this time.


When Steve was close to the extraordinary dragon, he jumped up, kicked his legs heavily on the chest of the extraordinary dragon, and the extraordinary dragon who had just stood up was kicked out again, smashing the building behind him.


Steve walked over, grabbed the Extraordinary Dragon’s tail, and then used the remaining energy on his suit to forcefully lift the Extraordinary Dragon.

Steve grabbed the extraordinary dragon’s tail and spun around in mid-air a few times, quickly let go, and then the extraordinary dragon was thrown out and fell to the ground again.


The ground was smashed out of a big hole again, and then Steve jumped up again and stepped on the extraordinary dragon with all his strength. _

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