“This” Madame Hydra hesitated, to be honest, for the Hulk and abomination of the God War Bureau, they Hydra still did not dare to provoke head-on.

Just as Mrs. Hydra hesitated, a man wearing sunglasses walked in: “Madam, we caught Banner.”

“Banner! Which Banner! Lady Hydra asked suspiciously.

“Uh, it’s Bruce Banner, aka Hulk.” The man said with some hesitation.

To be honest, he couldn’t believe it when he heard the news.

“Hulk! Haha, you guys can catch the Hulk! What the hell is going on! Lady Hydra turned her head and stared at the man with sharp eyes.

“Well, it’s actually Hulk who voluntarily turned himself in, and he asked to be locked up with Tony Stark.” The man’s voice trembled, it was really Mrs. Hydra’s temper was too strange, and she would kill people at every turn.

“Oh, ask to be locked up with Tony.” Lady Hydra hesitated and said, “Where did this news come from. ”

On the news, Bruce Banner held a press conference and asked to be locked up with Tony Stark. He said he was afraid we would use lynching. The man then replied.

“Oh, I didn’t expect that this big man would also use a fishing boat, well, you can keep them together, but you have to bring handcuffs.” Madame Hydra replied lightly.

“Yes,” the man nodded, then turned to leave.

Lady Hydra smiled at Tony and said, “I didn’t expect that the God War Bureau still valued you?” ”

Tony spread out his hands and said: Of course, we are a regular team, not a motley army like Hydra. ”

“Hmph, it’s all entered my territory, it’s still so arrogant, you better think about how to save your life!” Bombarding the white house is tantamount to treason, you don’t want to go out in your life. Lady Hydra threatened.

“Then it depends on who can have the last laugh!” Tony lazily put his legs on the table, without the slightest panic in his heart.

“Hmph” Mrs. Hydra glanced at Tony and turned to leave the cell.

Half an hour later, a Sven-faced Banner walked in with a pair of handcuffs.

“Hi man, thanks for protecting me.” Tony stood up and gave Banner a warm hug.

“Oh, actually, I don’t want to come in.” Ben himself handcuffed.

Tony looked at Banner’s handcuffs and said, “Oh, Edman alloy handcuffs, there may be only one in the world!” Cheap you. ”

“No, not necessarily, most likely there are two more! It’s just not coming in yet. Banner shook his head.

“Oh, and two! Abhorrence and history? Hey, you guys are too inferior! Can’t even deal with the small hydra? Tony asked with a puzzled face.

“No, it’s not Hydra, it’s a fishing ship, you know? Now there are people outside holding signs demanding our arrest. Banner explained with some helplessness.

“Is it just us? Are mutants affected? Tony asked with some unease.

If ordinary people blatantly sanctioned mutants, Tony didn’t dare to imagine that kind of picture, if Lin Tian was angry, the whole earth could not be stopped.

“No, it’s just us Avengers now, but I estimate that if we are really locked up, Hydra’s next target will definitely be mutants.” Banner shook his head.

“Oh, that’s fine, things haven’t gotten out of control yet.” Tony smiled slightly and asked, “So, Lin, what did you say?”

“Naw, he asked me to come in and protect you.” Banner raised his arm helplessly.

“Good, come on, man, the bed here is a bit hard, you may not be comfortable with it.”

“It should be you who is not adaptable, you are much more delicate than me.”

“That’s right, but we are like this now, can it be regarded as sharing happiness and suffering!”

“No, because I only suffer with you, and I don’t have the same happiness.” Banner shook his head firmly.

“Hey, when did you become so powerful, after you go out, I will invite you to take care of it, I’m afraid you won’t be able to enjoy it!”

“Then forget it, remember it first!”

Three days later, in the God War situation, when Lin Tian was playing a game, Natasha pushed the door and entered.

“How, are there still protesters outside?” Lin Tian asked with a smile.

“Yes, these people are starting to protest again against what they hated before!” Natasha said with a serious expression.

“Huh, did anyone protest against mutants?”

“Well, yes, and it’s getting more and more these days.” Natasha hesitated for a moment.

“Let Fury sort out the information of all the people who protested against mutants, and then give it to Jin He, tell Jin He, put all these people in my tank cement into the wall, since I received the money, then you have to bear the consequences.” Lin Tian said in an icy tone.

“Yes,” Natasha nodded, and then handed the document in her hand to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian took a look and found that these were the information of villains lurking around the world.

“Y’s vampire struck 30,000 people, two days ago there was a violent vibration at the bottom of the sea, the vibration energy is equivalent to a large-yield nuclear bomb, Norman Osborne killed twelve company shareholders in a green demon suit in a week, achieving perfect control of the Oss Group…….

“It’s all some little ants, put the information here first!”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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