Early the next morning, many mutants came to the island of mutants.

In Lin Tian’s office, after Magneto knocked on the door, he walked in with a few mutants.

“Lin Tian, these are all my comrades-in-arms, they were all shocked by your heroic posture yesterday, let me introduce you.” After Magneto walked in, he said to Lin Tian.

“This is the Red Devil, with the superpower of teleportation.”

“Hello Mr. Lin, I’m the Red Devil,” said a mutant with a tail covered in red patterns.

“Hmm,” Lin Tian nodded with a smile.

“This is the White Queen, whose real name is Emma Grace Frost, and her superpowers are physical diamondization and telepathy.”

“Hello Mr. Lin, you are simply a mutant hero, I admire you very much.” The White Queen, wearing a white suit, said very generously.

Lin Tian nodded with a smile.

“This is a saber-toothed tiger, with super self-healing ability, and strength, speed and endurance, all very powerful.” Magneto pulled a fierce-looking man and said.

“Hello, my name is Sabertooth Tiger.” Saber-toothed Tiger answered very succinctly.

“These are, meat balls, toads, nocturnal girls, and fire madness.” Magneto continued.

Lin Tian nodded and said with a serious face: “Very good, everyone is good, in the future, when we come to the island of mutants, we will be a family, there will definitely be no one to discriminate against us here, everyone can live freely, but the island also has its own rules, if anyone violates the rules, then it will also be dealt with in accordance with the corresponding methods, who has complaints, can leave, but not be a traitor, the most intolerable thing I can tolerate is a traitor, so if you are ready, you can go to Ruiwen, She is responsible for all civil arrangements at the base. ”

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he glanced thoughtfully at the few people present, and then continued: “Okay, you can go to Ruiwen to arrange a residence for you.”

After a few people left, Lin Tian took out a group of people, sat on the sofa and smoked.

“Ring the bell”

There was a knock on the door, and Lin Tian said lightly: “Please come in.”

Then the sexy-dressed Lingdie walked in and said, “Boss, Professor X is here.”

Lin Tian nodded and said, “Okay, let him in!”

After a while, Professor X walked in accompanied by Jean.

“Hello! Professor. Lin Tian said lightly.

Professor X smiled and said: “I just walked around the island, it’s really good, this island can accommodate dozens of mutants!”

Lin Tian took a puff of his cigarette and said, “Almost more than a million people can live.”

Professor X nodded and said, “I don’t know what your plans are for the future of mutants.”

Lin Tian smiled and said: “Implement the mutant fairness bill, increase the criminal law that discriminates against mutants, increase the voting rights of mutants, and then mold mutants into heroes, let’s do this for the time being!”

Listening to Lin Tian’s words, Professor X thought for a while and said, “I want to move the Mutant Academy to the Island of Mutants.”

Lin Tian shook his head and said, “No.”

Looking at Professor X’s puzzled eyes, the corners of Lin Tian’s mouth turned up slightly and said: “From today onwards, the professor will never come to the island of mutants in the future, and he will also wantonly smear me outside, so that everyone knows that mutants are not united, and even intentionally or unintentionally, we should still fight a few games.”

After Lin Tian finished speaking, Professor X’s eyes lit up and said, “You want me to be an undercover agent.”

Lin Tian said with a smile: “It’s not just the undercover agent of the government, since I stand in the light, then someone must stand in the dark, in addition to the government, I don’t know how many traitors there will be on the island of mutants, so if it’s really for the good of the mutants, then the professor will leave the island of mutants!”


Professor X nodded very seriously, and then X said solemnly: “The status of mutants will definitely reach the peak in your hands.”

Lin Tian smiled and said, “If the professor is willing, leave the beast behind!”

“Beast, do you still want to engage in scientific research?” Professor X asked with a puzzled look.

“Yes, one of the beast’s mutant abilities is that it has a very intelligent brain, and I happen to have a laboratory where he can use his talents to the fullest.” Lin Tian said with great certainty.

“Okay, I know what to do.” Professor X nodded in agreement.

After Professor X left, Lin Tian stood up, moved his muscles and shouted, “Spirit Butterfly.”


The door of Lin Tian’s office opened, and Ling Die walked in with a smile on her face and said, “Boss, you are looking for me.”

Lin Tian nodded and said, “Let Apocalypse come with Magneto.”


Ling Die smiled at Lin Tian, turned and left the room.

Ten minutes later, Apocalypse followed Magneto into Lin Tian’s office.

“Master, you look for me.” Apocalypse said with a respectful look.

Lin Tian nodded and said: “Tonight, you two go to Hell’s Kitchen, take Jin He, kill him if he doesn’t comply, support a gangster from the new, and then help them eliminate all the gangsters in the country as soon as possible.”

“Yes, does the master have any other orders?” Apocalypse said respectfully.

“Well, go find a punk with good eyes and a very bad mix, support him as the boss, let Jin be the second boss, so that the two of them will all have a sense of crisis, and they can rush to do things, after all, Jin has been the boss for too long, it is easy to surrender on the surface and betray us secretly.” Lin Tian took a cigarette and said with a solemn face.


Apocalypse nodded to Magneto, turned and left Lin Tian’s office.

If the most amazing stock in the stock market during this period, it must be “Lorna Energy Group”, listed only one week, from the beginning of the 10,000 people to follow, business myth, into the current plunge, a rainbow, in this era of M country people, the whole people speculation, Lona Energy Group to the whole M country shareholders to teach a lesson, let them also experience the feelings of Z country shareholders.

This morning, the president of Lona Energy Group announced in front of the news media that “Lorna Energy Group” officially changed its name to “Lin Group”, a name with strong oriental characteristics.

In fact, for such a powerful enterprise as Lorna Energy Group, changing the name is not itchy at all, as long as it is a company listed in country M and contributes to the economy of country M, who cares what your name is!

Therefore, this news is nothing more than finding something for some media to do, saving them from putting their energy into lace news in the entertainment industry.

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