After all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had withdrawn, Abomination clapped his hands and walked towards the building with the rhinoceros man.

As soon as Abomination pushed open the door, a strong figure crashed into Abomination’s body, and the powerful impact force directly knocked Abomination out more than ten meters away, smashing the green bricks on the ground.

Abomination stood up with a look of disbelief and walked angrily towards the building again.

After Abomination opened the door, sure enough, he saw a huge rhino horn crashing towards him, and Abomination hurriedly stretched out his hand, grabbed the rhino horn, and fell hard over his shoulder.


With a loud bang, the heavy body of the rhinoceros man, coupled with the powerful power of abhorrence, suddenly stunned the rhinoceros man.

Abomination looked at the rhinoceros man lying on the ground wailing, slowly walked over, and punched the rhinoceros man in the head hard.

“Ah, don’t fight, I surrender,” the rhinoceros man lying on the ground couldn’t help but raise his hands high.

“Oh, you really disappointed me, I still treat you as a character, okay, hurry up!” Abomination said with some disdain.

The rhinoceros man opened his eyes, looked at the abomination around him, glared at him, and said with a look of surprise: “Oh my God! You are that monster. ”


Listening to the words of the rhinoceros man, abomination punched the rhinoceros man in the nose again.

“Oh, don’t fight, I was wrong, you are a hero.” The rhinoceros man said with a begging face for mercy.

“You don’t look at yourself either, you’re a monster now.” Abomination said with anger on his face.


The rhinoceros man, looking at himself, sighed very wordlessly.


Abomination kicked the rhinoceros man in the leg.

“Follow me, don’t wander, I’ll explain it to you when I get back to the warehouse.” Abomination said in a ferocious tone.

“Oh, okay.” The current mentality of the rhinoceros has not yet changed, and he is still a punk.

After a while, the rhinoceros man walked onto the abomination RV, and looking at the abomination of this luxurious RV, the rhinoceros man was full of envy.

After Abomination left with the Rhino Man, Steve also returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. in the car, and Steve sat in Fury’s office, his face full of loneliness.

“What’s the situation, is this rhinoceros as difficult as the Hulk?” Fury stopped what he was doing and said to Steve.

“No, he was saved by abomination.” Steve said helplessly.

“Oh, and abomination again, is this guy specifically here to fight us with S.H.I.E.L.D.?” Fury said angrily.

“We can ask Lin Tian to catch the abomination, I feel that Lin Tian is a good person, maybe we were wrong at the beginning, the mutant has his restraint, and now the loss caused by the mutant is much smaller than the original.” Steve said with a righteous look.


Listening to Steve’s words, Fury was stunned, he never thought that Lin Tian would be a good person, but looking at Lin Tian’s actions, he really just wanted to find a place for his mutant compatriots to roost, nothing more.


Fury exhaled deeply, Steve said very reasonably!

“Then why do you say he let Jin and unify the underworld of the whole country!” Fury said with a puzzled look.

“Didn’t Kim say that? He wants to formalize the underworld, prevent them from bullying civilians, make them like iron barrels, and then expand abroad, spread the drug business to other countries, and harm others. Steve said seriously.

Listening to Steve’s words, Fury scratched his head and said, “Do you believe such things?”

Steve hesitated for a moment and said, “Originally, I didn’t believe it, but looking at the current situation, without those small gangs, the security of the country is indeed much better.”

Fury scratched his head and said with a puzzled look: “Do I really blame him!”

Steve hesitated and said, “Aren’t you going to form the Avengers?” With Lin Tian’s ability, the position of captain of the Avengers is none other than him. ”

Fury shook his head and said: “No, mutants cannot join the state department, because many high-level officials in the government rely on sanctioning mutants to increase their votes.”

“Alright! I am resigning from you. Steve said with a serious look.

“What are you going to quit, you’re a veteran of World War II, do you know what you’re talking about? And S.H.I.E.L.D. was founded by Kat. Fury said in an excited tone.

“I have been sleeping for too long, the world is no longer suitable for me, and M Lijian, who serves the people in my heart, has now begun to trample on the law for personal interests.” Steve said emotionally.

“Hey, calm down.” Fury held out his hand and made a calm gesture to Steve, and then shouted to the door, “Sharon, bring me two cups of coffee, thank you.”

“You need to know that not all the top are like this, that’s only a very small part, and you should be well aware that there will be such people in any country.” Fury said gently.


“Chief, the coffee you want,” a young-looking woman walked in with two cups of coffee.

“Oh, thanks, your coffee has always been the best in S.H.I.E.L.D.,” Fury said with a smile on his face.

“Thank you,” Sharon smiled, then glanced at Steve and turned to leave Fury’s room

“Very energetic girl, isn’t it? Maybe you should start a new love. Fury handed Steve a cup of coffee and said teasingly.

“Hehe, this kind of thing, let’s talk about it later! I really want to quit, you know? I’m just a GI. Steve took a sip of coffee and continued, “Whether it’s mutants, Hulks, abominations, or even rhinos, hey, I, there’s nothing I can do.”

Fury nodded and said, “But someone has to do this kind of work, right?” If you don’t do it, you will change to someone else, do you want others to sacrifice? ”


Steve hesitated, sat down on the couch and began to drink coffee, without saying a word.

“But you are right, there are indeed some people at the top of the government who should be purged, and internal contradictions will only accelerate the weakening of the country.” Fury said with a straight face.

“So!” Steve asked in a low voice.

“So I plan to ask Lin Tian to be the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D.” Fury said with a smug look.

“Didn’t you just say not to let mutants serve?” Steve asked suspiciously.

“Yes, that’s why I let Lin Tian come to the post, transfer all those who are opposed, and solve it all at once.” Fury said with a shrewd look.

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