After slowing down, Lin Tian felt that the pain in his chest was lighter, and said after delaying time: “Odin, it was your son Loki who deceived me, you hand Loki over to me, I will turn around and leave.”

“Impossible, no matter what, he is also the prince of the Divine Domain, I can’t give it to you,” Odin said with a resolute face.

In fact, Odin really wanted to promise Lin Tian, but if Odin really handed over Loki in front of the entire God Domain people, then all the prestige he had accumulated over the past tens of thousands of years would be lost, so he couldn’t agree at all.

Odin looked at Lin Tian’s hesitant look, couldn’t help but wave his hand, summoned his Eternal Spear, and then said with a serious face: “You go!” Although you are very powerful, you can’t beat me in Asgard, don’t force me to use the power of the World Tree. ”

Listening to Odin’s words, Lin Tian sighed, forget it, you can feel Odin’s power, anyway, there is no big hatred with Odin.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian summoned his axe, the energy of the Rainbow Bridge was activated, and Lin Tian returned to Nidawi again.

“Ah, why are you back again, is there something wrong?” Ai Cui looked at Lin Tian, who appeared in front of him again, and asked with some apprehension.

“No, I forgot to ask something just now, so I’ll ask you again this time.” Lin Tian said mildly.


Ai Cui exhaled and said easily: “You say it! As long as I know, I’ll tell you it all. ”

Lin Tian smiled and walked over to pat Ai Cui’s shoulder, but found that Ai Cui’s height was too tall for him to touch, so he had to withdraw his hand and say: “Who is your backer!”

“My backer is Odin!” Ai Cui said carefully.

Listening to Ai Cui’s words, Lin Tian asked again with some anger: “Who is your father.”

“My father, my father has been dead for hundreds of years.” Ai Cui said very puzzled.

Ai Cui couldn’t understand why Lin Tian asked this, a person who died hundreds of years ago would not offend him!

“Then you don’t have to care, just tell me who your father is.” Lin Tian said with some impatience.

“Ah, I, my father is Otassilio Neto, the greatest forger of the dwarves.” Ai Cui said with some unease.

“Ding, congratulations on gaining the full power of Otassilio Neto.”

A very pleasant system prompt sound came, Lin Tian found that there was a lot of information on forging various weapons in his mind, as well as the properties and melting points of various metals, in short, now Lin Tian already has a complete forging of various weapon attributes in his mind.

Lin Tian checked the list of weapons of the dwarf king and found that the dwarves would also create battle armor.

The warframe of the dwarf race is called the “God Killer” armor, and this one armor alone can reach the sub-heavenly father level worn by ordinary people.

Odin even wore the “God Eater” armor to fight the Celestial God Group, and the Celestial God Group did not dare to enter the Nine Realms for tens of thousands of years.

However, Odin’s God Eater armor was also broken during the last battle with the Celestial God Group, and now Odin’s God Eater armor in the Treasury is just a defective product, and it has long lost its original power.

The creator of the Odin God Eater Warframe is Otassilio Neto.

Otassilio Neto died after crafting the God Eater Warframe, and the current Dwarf King Ettri has not learned the craft of crafting the God Eater Warframe.

So Odin’s broken God Eater armor has been stored in Odin’s treasury, and it was finally broken by Thor.

Lin Tian looked at such a powerful God Eater armor, and immediately wanted to create a new God Eater battle armor.

But in the end, Lin Tian checked it and found that the materials and procedures for creating the God Eater Warframe were too troublesome.

So Lin Tian thought about it or forget it, and he didn’t need the God Eater armor for the time being.

After all, he can now summon both the Rainbow Bridge and the spatial magic, even if he is a character who is much more powerful than himself, he can’t hurt himself.

After getting what he wanted, Lin Tian quickly summoned the Rainbow Bridge and returned to the earth, Lin Tian has been out for almost a month, and it is time to go back, after all, it is better to be on the earth, and his own territory feels comfortable.

After Lin Tian left Asgard, Odin stood alone in mid-air for half an hour, and after making sure that Lin Tian really left, Odin couldn’t help but spew out a mouthful of blood.

He was too old, past the age of hands-on, but for Asgard, he had to fight.

After Odin spewed blood, he instantly felt much more comfortable, Odin turned his head, looked at Loki who came out and said, “You disappointed me so much.”

Loki listened to Odin’s words, and his originally smiling face instantly became ugly: “Since you don’t like me, then why don’t you let that person take me away just now, for the sake of your god king’s face?” Loki looked at Odin accusingly and said.

“You look at what you do, you look at the buildings around you, you look at the soldiers who died on the ground, their deaths are all because of you, you only managed Asgard for a few months, you brought such a powerful enemy to Asgard, you say how you deserve to be the god king of Asgard.” Odin looked at Loki and said indignantly.


Loki hesitated, but he didn’t know how to defend it, after all, Odin was telling the truth.

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