Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 174 Rick Grimes

Rick was lying on the bed, his clothes unbuttoned, exposing the bandages wrapped around his chest. The bandage hadn't been changed for a long time and was already dirty.

"He's wearing the clothes that the hospital provides for the inpatients," Jia Liang said to the black man. "Where do you think he came from? At this there any other hospital that can accommodate him? By the time we met him, he was just hanging out in a bandage, in a hospital gown."

"That's really suspicious," echoed the black man.

"He's injured badly, the bandages are very old," Kale continued, "We should take the bandages off."

The black man walked to the side of the bed and touched Rick's forehead with his hand.

"He has a fever," the black man was a little flustered. "People who are bitten by a walking corpse will have a fever. When the fever reaches a certain level, they will die, and after a few hours, they will stand up again. bite!"

"You'll know when you untie the bandage." Akura said calmly.

So, the black man and Jia Liang untied the bandages on Rick. The wound was located on Rick's left rib, not far from the heart, and was round in shape, and had basically healed. It can be seen that the wound must have been very deep, going straight to the chest cavity.

"It wasn't bitten," Akura thought for a while and told Hei, "it's more like a gunshot wound."

"Don't take it lightly." The black man said to Jia Liang, "Just in case, you have to continue to tie him up."

Next, the black man fetched water and found new bandages, cleaned Rick's wound, disinfected it, and re-bandaged it.

It was almost dark, when the black man was cleaning Rick's wound. The black children took mustard to cover the windows with thick felt cloth, and then lit candles for lighting.

"At night, the bright light will attract the walking corpses." The black child explained to Jia Liang.

Kai Liang and the black child went back to the bedroom where Rick was placed. The black man has bandaged Rick's wound. Facing Rick who was unconscious on the bed, the black child was obviously a little scared. He found a baseball bat and held it in his hand, nervously watching over the bed.

At this moment, Rick opened his eyes, and he looked at the ceiling, apparently still not recovered. Then he turned his eyes to the left. The black kid was holding a baseball bat, watching Rick anxiously, while Kai Liang winked at Rick. Put on a friendly smile.

Rick turned his eyes to the right again. The black man was washing his hands, he and Rick looked at each other, and obviously found that Rick was awake.

"We changed your bandages," the black man said to Rick as he washed his hands. "It's too dirty."

"How did you get hurt?" The black man wiped his hands. asked Rick seriously.

"Shot." Rick replied weakly.

"Gunshot wound?" the black man asked Rick, "Is it just a gunshot wound?"

"Why," Rick asked back, "isn't it bad enough just to be shot?"

"Listen to me, friend, do you know the rules? I ask you to answer, you are not allowed to lie!" The black man looked at Rick and said word by word, "Have you been-bitten-ever-!? "

"Bite?" Rick asked.

"Yes. Bitten," explained the Negro. "Or get scratched!"

"No," Rick replied, "just got shot."

The black man slowly stretched out his hand to Rick's forehead with a dignified expression. Rick subconsciously avoided it and looked at the black man suspiciously.

"Don't move, let me measure it." The black man said, put his hand on Rick's forehead, and repeatedly felt Rick's body temperature with the palm and back of his hand.

"It feels much lower than before." The black man glanced at Rick and said to Jia Liang.

"If you didn't have a fever when I measured it just now," the black man said looking at Rick, "you would have been beaten to death!"

After hearing this, Rick looked at the black man with prudent eyes. The black man took out a small knife, opened it, and waved it at Rick and Kai Liang.

"Look how sharp this knife is," warned the Negro, "and I'll cut the throat of anyone who does anything stupid with it!"

Saying that, he extended the knife to Rick's head. Rick watched the blade tense, and the black man flicked the knife, cutting the ropes that bound Rick's hands separately.

Rick took his hand off and rubbed his wrist.

"When you can move," the black man said to Rick, "you can come down and walk."

The black man walked to the door and patted his son, "Follow me."

"Although I just met him," Kale said to Rick with a smile, "but he's not bad at heart."

"I can tell," Rick replied cautiously.

"Don't be nervous," Su He said to Rick, "My name is Jia Liang, you can call me Jia Liang. I feel that for a long time to come, we must all be in the same boat."

"Rick Grimes. You are from Atlanta." Rick stretched out his right hand to Jia Liang.

"You're right, Mr. Grimes." Akura shook hands with Rick and said.

"Just call me Rick." Rick smiled friendly.

Jialiang chatted with Rick for a while, and the atmosphere became harmonious. Rick felt refreshed and wanted to get out of bed for a walk. He took off his dirty clothes, put on a blanket, and got out of bed leisurely. Kailiang wanted to support Rick, but he refused. Standing up, Rick is of medium height, at most 1.8 meters by visual inspection, about ten centimeters shorter than Kale.

Jia Liang came outside with Rick, and the black father and son were preparing to eat.

"This is Frey and Cindy's house," Rick said, looking around. "I've been here."

"I've never seen them," said the Negro, spreading out his hands. "It was empty when we moved in."

Rick went to the window and reached out to lift the felt covering the window.

"Don't touch it," the black man hurriedly stopped Rick, "the light will attract them!"

Rick looked at the black man suspiciously.

"There are more and more of them," said the Negro, returning to the dining table to clear the stove. "I shouldn't have shot in the afternoon! The sound of the guns brought them all, and now they are all over the street!"

Rick left the window and turned to look at the black man. Obviously, the words of the black man awakened Rick's memory during the day.

"What a fool I am," said the Negro, sitting down, "to use a gun!"

"You killed someone today," Rick said gravely.

"Human?" There was a faint mockery on the corner of the black man's mouth.

"Not human!" said the black kid to Rick.

"You shoot him," Rick said angrily, "right down the street, at the door, a man."

"Looks like you need a pair of glasses," the black man glared at Rick and said, "That's a walking corpse!"

Rick looked puzzled.

"Sit down and don't fall down," said the black man to the weak Rick.

"And you, Kale."

Plates had been set for Rick and Mustard on the table, and the black man gave Rick and Mustard a spoonful of porridge each.

"Here, eat!" said the Negro. Rick obviously didn't realize anything.

"Thank you very much," Akura said sincerely, "I'm also very sorry, it seems that I have caused you a lot of trouble! After the disaster broke out, everyone's life is very difficult. To be honest, my last meal was last night Food." I have to say that Jia Liang is very good at lying sometimes.

"Daddy, it's time to pray." The black kid said to the black man.

"Yes." The black man said while holding the black child's hand, looking at Rick and Kai Liang.

Kailiang held the hand that the black child offered to reach out, and stretched out the other hand to Rick. Rick looked at Jia Liang hesitantly. The blacks and black children, especially the sincere eyes of black children, could only stretch out their hands to hold the blacks and Jia Liang. The four people formed a ring and performed the ritual in the doomsday.

"Father, we sincerely thank you for giving us food, and pray that you in heaven will bless us through this crazy time! Amen!"

"Amen!" Kale said looking out at the dark world. (To be continued..)

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