Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 182 Danger Approaches

Kaira and Rick went down to the first floor, where Andrea was wandering around the department store.

"What do you fancy?" Ailiang asked with a smile.

"Yes, but it seems that I shouldn't take it. There is a policeman watching me." Andrea touched a necklace with a beautiful pendant and said sheepishly, "My sister likes this best."

"I think those are ownerless things, you can take them as you like." Rick said with a smile.

Andrea took off the necklace and put it into her pocket sheepishly.

"Bang! Crash!" There was a sound of shattering glass, and the first door of the department store suddenly shattered. The zombies rushed into the foyer and started smashing the second door crazily.

Rick was frightened and took out his pistol and pointed it in the direction of the door. Morales and others heard the sound of breaking glass and rushed over quickly.

"How was the sewer exploration?" Ailiang asked Glenn very calmly, as if nothing had happened.

"It's not very good. The bottom is sealed by steel bars, and there are zombies outside the steel bars." Glenn reported the situation in a panic.

"So, have you considered my plan?" Ailiang pointed to the door, "Time is running out!"

"We should slowly think of a way..." Morales was halfway through speaking +▼ when he was interrupted by Rick: "Slowly? Do you think we still have so much time?"

"Rick, I'll leave this to you. Go to the rooftop, carefully observe the construction site with a telescope, and make a detailed plan. I'll watch from here!" Ailiang ordered Rick.

So, Ailera stayed in the department store by himself. Others quickly climbed up to the rooftop.

After carefully observing the construction site and the road leading to the construction site, Rick decided that he and Glenn would dress up as zombies and drive to the construction site. Then come and pick up the people and escape.

Then, Rick took Glenn, Morales, Jacqui, and Andrea back to the first floor to implement the plan. T-boy and Moore continued to guard the rooftop, with Moore providing fire support when necessary. .

Ailiang continued to stay at the department store. Rick and the other five put on waterproof windbreakers and gloves, and dragged a walking corpse from the alley on the right into the warehouse.

The five people looked at each other around the corpse. Rick hesitated for a moment and took off his gloves. He rummaged through the corpse's trouser pockets.

He found a wallet, opened it, and looked at the social security card inside carefully: "Wayne Dunlap. Georgia native, born in 1979."

He passed the social security card to several people for review, and continued in a hoarse voice: "He had twenty-eight dollars when he died, and a picture of a boy. He was beautiful."

Rick turned the photo over. Look at the back of the photo and say: "Gift from your father who loves you!"

"He was like us -" Rick told the four, "worrying about bills and rent or the Super Bowl."

"If I can be reunited with my family, I will definitely tell them about Wayne!" After Rick finished, he put the wallet back into the corpse's trouser pocket.

In such a world everyone is pitiful. However, Jie Liang still felt that Rick was too hypocritical, just like Zheng Zha from the infinite horror plane. in the future. He can kill others for his own benefit; he can also refuse to join the poor people and watch them die. But at this time. He actually expressed his pity for a dead body!

Rick put on the splash mask again, looked at a few people and nodded, then swung the fire ax in his hand and hit the zombie on the belly. Andrea and Jacqui immediately turned away in fear and did not dare to look. Even Morales was chanting the name of the Virgin.

The walking corpse has been dead for many days and has begun to decay. At this time, the stomach was broken open, and a bunch of things came out under the action of abdominal pressure. The disgusting smell filled the room fiercely, and several people showed expressions that they couldn't bear it.

Rick then chopped off the hands and feet of the zombie, and blood spread on the ground, making the scene extremely tragic.

"It's your turn." Rick handed the ax and mask to Morales. Morales suppressed his nausea and continued to chop the zombie into more pieces.

After the walking corpse was completely decomposed, Rick and Glenn, with the help of three other people, smeared the semi-solid goo inside the walking corpse on their windbreakers, and even hung the walking corpse around their necks. hands and feet.

Then, with Rick holding a fire ax and Glenn holding a crowbar, they carefully left the warehouse. They cautiously passed by the walking corpse in the alley. The stealth method worked, and the walking corpse did not recognize them.

Then they crawled out from under the bus blocking the alley and came to the street filled with walking corpses.

Morales and others quickly climbed to the rooftop and used binoculars to look for Rick.

"There!" Morales shouted, pointing to Rick and Glenn who were moving carefully downstairs dressed as zombies.

Maul immediately raised his gun and aimed it at Rick.

"What are you going to do!" Andrea asked Moore in surprise.

Moore glanced at Andrea sideways: "What do you think?" After saying that, he ignored the others and concentrated on observing the situation of Rick and Glenn with the scope on the gun.

Rick and Glenn walked without any danger, while zombies kept wandering around them.

Suddenly, it rained!

Everyone on the rooftop suddenly felt that something was not good, and Moore nervously clenched his gun, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

The rain fell harder and harder, and the disguises on Rick and Glenn were washed away bit by bit. They knew something was wrong, but they didn't dare to deal with it carelessly. They could only bite the bullet and move forward.

Gradually, the walking corpses around them began to observe them intentionally or unintentionally, apparently smelling the living scent of Rick and Glenn.

A zombie suddenly let out a terrifying roar and rushed towards Rick. Rick immediately made a decision, turned around and chopped the head of the zombie with an axe, and then summoned Glenn to rush forward with all his strength.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" Gunshots rang out, and Moore kept shooting, blowing off the heads of the zombies who tried to get close to Rick and Glenn.

But there were too many walkers, and they surrounded Rick and Glenn one after another. They had to fight their way out with axes and crowbars.

Finally, Rick and Glenn passed through the numerous zombies. They ran desperately towards the barbed wire gate of the construction site, with the zombies chasing after them.

There were too many zombies chasing them, and Maul reluctantly stopped shooting. At this time, killing one or two zombies has no effect at all.

Rick and Glenn rushed to the gate of the construction site, threw the ax and crowbar into the construction site, hurriedly climbed up the gate and rolled into the construction site, and then the wave of zombies hit the gate.

Glenn picked up the crowbar and went to get the truck keys, while Rick pulled out his gun and killed the walkers who tried to climb over the gate. Upon seeing this, Moore also opened fire on the rooftop to provide support.

After killing seven zombies climbing up the gate, Glenn finally found the key and threw it to Rick. Rick gave up shooting and ran to start the truck.

The truck turned around crazily, and behind it, the zombies had knocked down the door of the construction site and swarmed in!

The road was blocked by zombies, and the truck could only drive farther and farther away from the building.

The rain finally stopped.

Morales put down the binoculars, spread his hands, and hesitated to speak.

"They are leaving us!" Andrea said suddenly.

"What?" Jacqui looked at Andrea in surprise, and Andrea was about to cry.

Several people fell into despair, but the reality was not like this. It was a glimmer of hope, and they all wanted to survive. (To be continued...)

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