Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 209 Differences in Ideas

"It's Nicole, he actually ran outside for his pet." Kennedy shook his head, speechless at the person in the team who was causing trouble.

"Silly girl, run over and save her puppy. We have no choice now. They have already driven away the car." Steve said with fake pity.

"Nicole, you must have your own reasons." Terry spoke for her because he had a good relationship with Nicole.

"Mr. Frank, do we need to save him now?" Kennedy said, looking at the Punisher.

"No, no need. Follow the original plan, and there is no need to waste your life on a troublesome person." The Punisher said calmly.

The Punisher has a reason for saying this, because the Punisher's goal is to join S.H.I.E.L.D. He didn't want to be affected by such a trivial matter now, and the Punisher also wanted to go out quickly and report the situation here to SHIELD to prevent the virus from continuing to spread.

"No, I don't think so. Although we can't go for safety, she has lived with us for a while. We can't give up on Nicole." Just after Terry lost hope, Anna sang the opposite tune.

"I think what Anna said is good. I also want to see how my brother is doing." Kennedy heard what Anna ℃∟, this outstanding person said, and immediately expressed his opinion.

"If you want to save you, go ahead! I choose to stay." The Punisher said indifferently, as if he had given up on these people.

"I'll stay too." Victor ignored everyone's expressions and left after saying that.

At this time, Nicole's voice came from the intercom. Because Andy had turned into a zombie, Nicole didn't want to go out again. She successfully hid in the closet. The intermittent words made Jean feel that she was almost finished.

"Everyone who wants to go save Nicole, how can we save her? We don't have a car, how can we fly there? Go save Terry's dead girlfriend." Steve heard the words on the intercom and said scornfully.

"Her life or death is uncertain." Terry said helplessly.

"We can take the sewer below, which leads right to the front of the weapons store." CJ immediately agreed.

"Well, we should do something." Anna, Kenneth and Michael looked at each other. Nodding, since I have the conditions, I should go and save them.

The people who wanted to save people soon came to the sewers. This time, it was decided that except for the priest and one person who stayed behind, most people would participate in the rescue operation. It was originally arranged for Tucker to stay, but he was won over by the coward Steve. When it came time to take over the mission, Tucker also went there with him. Doctor Doom and the Punisher, both of them knew these people were unreliable. The two people have a plan to cooperate. After all, for these ordinary people, the cooperation between superheroes and villains may have a better chance of survival.

Under the leadership of CJ, Kennedy and his group quickly came to the sewer channel under the street in front of the weapons store and opened the manhole cover. Kennedy climbed up first, followed by Tucker.

"Be careful, now is the most dangerous time." Kennedy said to CJ. Looking at the unconscious zombies wandering around, he said with a bad expression.

Kennedy was cautious. He was preparing to remind everyone not to disturb the zombies near the weapons store. However, when Tucker closed the sewer lid, he made a sound, and a large group of zombies came running towards them.

"These people are really boring." Victor looked at the people outside with pity and said to the Punisher.

"Not bad." The Punisher said in agreement.

then. Kennedy spent a lot of hard work and climbed over from the driver's seat of the large truck blocking the door of the weapons store. CJ protected the others who were the last to enter the weapons store, while Tucker was waiting in the sewer. Didn't come out.

After entering the weapons store, CJ and others quickly began to collect ammunition. Kennedy found that Andy, who had turned into a zombie, was banging on the clothes hanger with Nicole hidden inside.

"Andy!" Kenneth shouted, and Andy turned around, his face covered in blood.

"Rest in peace, brother!" Kenneth shot Andy in the head.

Michael, who was next to him, looked at CJ and said to him, "What are your plans now?"

After CJ collected the guns and ammunition, he picked up a gas tank, put it down and said to Michael: "How about playing barbecue?"

Then, Kennedy and Michael ran downstairs. CJ told the two people to use a sniper rifle to explode the gas tank, and then disappeared down the corridor in the blink of an eye.

The weapons store only had two floors. CJ quickly reached the roof, lit the gas tank and threw it into the zombies below. Then he picked up Andy's sniper rifle and prepared to explode the gas tank.


The recoil of the sniper rifle made CJ feel a slight numbness in his arm. However, because CJ was nervous and completed his mission, CJ left the weapons store.

After going out, a large number of zombies were attracted, and under Tucker's cover, CJ quickly entered the sewer. After entering the sewer, CJ saw several zombies he threw down eating Tucker, and Kennedy knew there was nothing he could do.

"Let's go." Kennedy said to him when he saw that CJ was safely down.

When Tucker was attacked by zombies, he asked CJ to kill him. CJ had no choice but to shoot Tucker in the head, and then followed Kennedy back the same way, followed by a large group of zombies.

When CJ caught up with the main force, Michael and others were trapped outside the iron gate of the sewer exit. Kennedy knew that Steve was trying to kill Michael and his party, but fortunately, he and a few other people lived in the mall. Therefore, this iron gate was deliberately closed.

"Asshole, if I see Steve later, I have to kill him with one shot." CJ cursed fiercely.

At this time, the zombies from behind had already pounced on them, and the remaining people were forced to a small staircase. However, the Punisher and Doctor Doom did not come here. The two people had already boarded a modified car and left with a lot of things ready.

Finally, it was Anna who helped open the door. If Anna hadn't opened the door, everyone here would probably have been annihilated. After all, they didn't want the Punisher and Doctor Doom to die so easily.

Next, zombies can easily join the department store. Kennedy was unable to force the iron door to close, so it became inevitable for zombies to arrive in the department store. In this way, zombies have officially rushed into the mall. Everyone has no choice but to implement another plan, which is to drive a bus to escape to the dock of the island. Even if there is no detailed plan yet, there is no time to think about that much. .

"We have to use our full strength later, otherwise we will be killed by so many zombie attacks." The Punisher said to Doctor Doom in the car.

"Of course, I will. I have also absorbed a lot of lightning nearby." Victor said confidently. He himself is still confident in his superpowers.

Michael, Anna, Nicole, CJ, Punisher, Doctor Doom and Chips got into the car in front, with Michael driving.

Kenneth, Terry, Steve, Glenn, and Monica got into the next car, with Kenneth driving.

Boom boom boom——

The modified bus roared open the rolling shutter door of the garage and began its final escape journey. The Marvel world has also begun to be baptized by viruses for the first time. (To be continued...)

ps: ps: The Marvel world will continue to add other movies, please support it.

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