Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 245 Invincible

After Jack fully controlled the Adamantium alloy skeleton, he wanted to eliminate all those biological and chemical weapons. At this moment, the only thought left in Jack's mind was fighting. He wanted to evolve to feel powerful.

"Dark Wolverine? It's really a good idea. I'm really a genius." Tang Tian looked at Jack's look and said to Wesker with satisfaction.

"Of course, the Watcher organization has added another talented person with strong combat effectiveness." Wesker only considered Jack's combat effectiveness in the Watcher organization and said to Tang Tian seriously.

"Yes, the advanced virus you are researching also needs to be researched. The Plaka parasite, the god of death Hank is looking for in Africa." After Tang Tian finished speaking, he turned to Wesker.

Jack slowly approached them. When he was still about ten meters away, the other three predators roared and jumped up at the same moment, their claws spread out, shining with a frightening cold light. The only remaining lickers did not dare to pounce like the three hunters, and cowered behind the two tyrants.

The three hunters pounced on them together, and the momentum was astonishing. Although Jack was confident in fighting at this moment, he would never underestimate them. No matter which one of the hunters, they all have astonishing destructive power. Even if Jack's body function is as powerful as Jack, if he hadn't accidentally obtained Wolverine's 3∫ claws, he would have suffered under the claws of the hunters. .

Although the Hunter's attacks were launched at the same time, they seemed to be very regular, and the left, center and right angles were chosen very well. In the middle is a hunter that has not yet fully evolved. It has the smallest body, but is the most flexible and fastest. Its claws are charging on the ground, and its power is like a tiger descending from the mountain. It wants to make a sneak attack on Jack, a dangerous enemy. .

There are two tyrants on the left and right. The other end is just slightly smaller than the unlucky licker in the middle. They didn't attack Jack, but they blocked my escape routes on the left and right. No matter whether he turned to the left or to the right, he could not escape the direct attack of the tyrant.

"Haha, it's time for the most exciting time." Tang Tian thought in his heart and continued to watch this scene.

Predators and lickers are biological weapons. The reason why they are scarier than zombies is not only because they are powerful, fast and can bounce well, but also because they have brains, can think, and are perfect machines for performing tasks.

Therefore, Jack must kill all these biological weapons. Not only does Tang Tian allow him to evolve, but he must also not let them stay.

Now that Jack had made a good plan, he blocked the hunter's retreat. The hunters' countermeasures naturally did not exceed their expectations. Neither to the left nor to the right, the body fell backwards, almost parallel to the floor.

The hunter in the middle barely missed Jack. This was certainly not a coincidence. Jack's sixth sense was fully used and he could calculate very accurately on this kind of thing. It was just a simple dodge, not really a skill. While Jack's upper body was lying on his back, his right hand was stretched upward. The Adamantium alloy claws between the fingers were aimed at the hunter.

When the Predator brushed against Jack's body, it was actually the Adamantium alloy claws that scratched the Predator's body. Because the sharp knife made of Adamantium alloy claws is indeed too sharp. After a long gash was cut through, not even a drop of blood came out. It's not that it's powerless, but it's so sharp that the hunter doesn't feel it at all.

It wasn't until the hunter landed that the roar finally sounded. It was a roar of pain.

Falling from the air back to the ground. His limbs hit the floor, and the force partially opened the wound on his body. After falling back to the floor, the hunter immediately fell to the ground and struggled for a long time without being able to get up.

Jack only glanced at them briefly. Only 5 biological and chemical weapons were left in his cold eyes. And among the four T-virus creatures, one has no fighting power at all, that is, the licker is still cowering behind the tyrant.

The hunter fell down and lost its combat effectiveness, which did not make the other biochemical weapons feel the slightest hesitation. The remaining hunters attacked from the left and right sides. Jack originally planned to give the half-dead hunter a stabbing blow, but as a result, his plan was naturally in vain. If he were to take a step slower, Jack would inevitably be caught in the middle of them, and he would naturally not be willing to try such a situation.

Jack stared at his feet and jumped up high. The two hunters naturally jumped into the air, collided with each other, and hugged each other on the ground with a bang.

Turning over in the air, Jack had already made up his mind. After landing, he immediately grabbed one of them and attacked fiercely, killing one first. Unexpectedly, just as Jack turned over and was still in the air, he felt there was danger behind him.

Just as Jack was thinking about this, the hiding licker had bitten Jack's back shoulder. However, the licker can only bite through the skin on Jack's shoulder, but that's it. It can't bite inside anymore, and its teeth can't bite Jack's C-virus, body, and Adamant alloy skeleton.

Although he couldn't move and dodge in the air, he still had a way to deal with the licker, because Jack still had two hands. When the hunter bit him, Jack felt his hands behind him with his claws, and the sharp claws immediately penetrated into the licker's body.

It probably attacked the licker. The Adamantium alloy claws entered its body and pierced the licker's internal organs, whether it was the heart or the lungs. Amidst the screams, Jack kept twisting his hands in its chest. When it fell back to the ground, the licker had only half a life.

Jack didn't intend to stop there. As soon as he turned over, his claws fell down, and with a flick of his fingertips, the licker's head fell off.

At this time, the two hunters who had collided with each other rushed over again, coming very fast. Jack had no time to dodge. The hunter's front paws pressed on his back and was about to exert force. Jack quickly fell forward to avoid the attack.

A large area of ​​skin on the back shoulder was slightly damaged where the licker had just bitten it. If this more powerful hunter succeeded this time, wouldn't the entire back be torn apart? Although Jack has super self-healing ability, he can't withstand such torture, and if the hunter eats a little C-virus, who knows what mutations will occur.

After Jack fell forward, he immediately launched a counterattack. His legs kicked back, hitting the hunter's claws accurately. Because his back was turned to the hunter, he couldn't do any damage to it with all the force he could use. And Jack didn't expect to be able to kill it with this kick, he just wanted to use some strength to get away.

This purpose has obviously been achieved. With a kick on the hunter's claws, Jack rushed three meters away, then turned around like a whirlwind, raised his claws, and stabbed forward with powerful force.

Jack was sure that the hunter would come after him, and as expected, his claws smoothly penetrated into the hunter's neck. Jack felt happy, and with a force of his claws, he cut off the hunter's head, and the blood on the hunter's neck also flowed out.

Another hunter was still dangling in the air. Jack tiptoed and had already lunged out. The target was naturally the remaining hunter.

There was only the last hunter left. Jack was full of fighting will and pounced on him. Jack believed more and more in his own power.

Jack believed that he was more powerful than the hunter at this time. Because he is Wesker's son, Jack Mueller. (To be continued...)

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