Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 384 Final Battle (8)

When Tang Xing and the two arrived, Zheng Zha was dealing with a crisis. After all, that little monk was not a good person, and he was cruel to the other team.

Jonathan's reaction was absolutely clever. He pressed against the wall. His whole body was as motionless as a snake, but he kept talking: "Aha, Zheng Zha! I knew you." You will definitely come to save me, you are such a good person, don’t give up seven gold bricks, I only need six.”

Zheng Zha felt funny in his heart, and he also cursed: "Damn, it was originally six yuan, when did it become seven yuan again? Don't touch O'Connor, go find a rope!"

O'Connor's voice came from above the cliff and said, "How do you find a rope here? Do you want to go outside the mausoleum and ask the cavalry for it?"

Zheng Zha yelled: "Damn it, use your clothes and trousers to tie knots. I can't hold on for long."

Suddenly there was the sound of tearing cloth from above the two heads. After a while, a thick strip of cloth hung down from the top of the two heads. Zheng Zha pulled it, and then said: "You wrap it up." On the strong point above, we have to climb up by ourselves, don’t pull it with our hands!”

After a short wait, there was finally another shout coming from above the two of them. O'Connor and the other three finally tied the rope firmly. Zheng Zha stretched out his hand and pulled it hard. As expected, the rope was tied very firmly, and the rope was obviously It's just a rope made of clothes and trousers, but it looks very strong.

Zheng Zha lifted Jonathan up with one hand and asked him to pull the rope to climb up first, and then waited until Jonathan climbed up completely.

O'Connor grabbed the rope and looked at it. The rope had already been pulled torn a little, so he simply stood up and said: "Damn, they might as well be mummies. But there are still some strips of cloth on them." , but we look very embarrassed!”

Zheng Zha chuckled and said, "How about you don't have the resurrection scripture?"

Everyone came back to their senses, and Jonathan immediately said hurriedly: "The Sun Gold must be down here. You see, the base of this stone statue is actually made of gold. How can there be no Sun Gold below? Kill me. I don’t believe it either!”

"Do you only have gold in your eyes?"

Zheng Zha smiled bitterly and shook his head. It was only at this moment that he gradually recovered from the severe pain of unlocking the gene lock. Now he is more able to endure the pain left after unlocking the genetic lock. Wait until this pain passes. He was just sweating profusely, but the people around him didn't notice anything unusual about him.

The curator of the museum said: "The Golden Sun Sutra is really down here, but it is a little troublesome to take it out. There seems to be a strange combination lock underneath. You need to drag the Golden Sun Sutra out to the correct position to take out a small part of it. If we drag it forcefully, it is likely to destroy the Sun Golden Sutra. Now it has been moved about two-thirds, and we only need to give us another two or three minutes to completely take out the Sun Golden Sutra."

Zheng Zha thought for a moment, and then he immediately said to them: "Then you can get the Sun Golden Sutra here. I will continue to chase the man just now and be careful. I don't think Immorton will let us get the Sun Golden Sutra easily. He is so There hasn’t been any movement for a long time, I feel very worried.”

"Hi, Zheng Zha, we are here." Just when Zheng Zha just finished speaking, a domineering black steel man appeared next to them. The equipment full of future technology made these people's eyes widen.

"Oh, God! This is the best thing I have ever seen. He is faster than a plane." O'Connor said in surprise, and his companion's eyes were full of the same meaning.

"Okay. No more nonsense. I have a plan to kill them all." Tang Xing suddenly said seriously to the people around him. In an instant, everyone including Zheng Zha was full of interest and listened carefully.

On the other side, Immorton looked at the huge cobras surrounding the little monk with some interest. He sneered and said: "You are really embarrassed. My allies, don't worry. I still need your power to deal with those in Central-Continent." The team members don’t know how you feel about my guards?”

The young monk suddenly heard the sound of the sand rubbing against Weiye behind him. He turned around, just in time to see the Sphinx gradually recover to its full state. Its body is actually made of sand, and even after being broken, it can quickly recover from the sand. In such a moment, the Sphinx has completely recovered from the sand state.

The young monk looked at the altar hall in surprise. There were actually seven or eight sphinxes around, all of which were more than five meters long. This kind of monster has never appeared in the movie "Legend of Gods and Ghosts". Their power is really terrifying, and in the end The most important thing is that it can recover on its own. The little monk was surprised and happy for a while. He quickly said: "They are digging for the Book of Resurrection there. You must stop them. Otherwise, once they dig out the Book of Resurrection, I am afraid that your mana will be taken away by this book. Are you really not afraid? And The one named Tang Xing is even more dangerous, he ignores almost all attacks."

Immorton laughed and said: "Don't worry, I have asked the tomb guards to find them. The two of them are just waiting for the man named Zheng Zha to come over quickly. After getting the Holy Art of the Dead, Ansuna can be resurrected."

The young monk was about to let Immorton simply send these sphinxes to attack Zheng Zha and others. At this moment, a bloody man suddenly rushed in from the other end of the altar hall. That man was the one whose chest was bleeding. Lamb, he kept shouting as he ran: "Help me, captain, help me. I'm dying. Captain, use your Buddha Wheel to save me."

The little monk's Buddha Wheel can not only heal people's injuries, but also protect the user's body. It is really a rare Buddhist instrument. The exchange price is also a B-level branch plot plus a lot of reward points. However, the number of times this Buddha Wheel can be used is limited. It is equivalent to the energy limit of internal power. Although it can recover on its own, if it is used in large quantities, the energy will eventually be exhausted. At that time, the Buddha's light will no longer have protective properties.

The young monk only had one arm at the moment. He quickly supported Lamb and said, "You have been shot. You look in danger."

Lamb quickly wailed and said: "Yes, Captain, I am completely exhausted. I just took a marching pill to get here. Captain, please help me."

The young monk said with a ferocious look on his face: "The energy of the Buddha Wheel is not enough! I will have to fight with them later. I can't do it without the protection of the Buddha's light. I can't add any points to the Zhongzhou team. Just rest in peace!" He mentioned Then Lamb was thrown over his head, and the double-headed glasses shot immediately caught Lamb, and the man just had time to scream out his wail.

But the little monk laughed crazily and said: "It doesn't matter, it's just one more point to lose. Just kill their captain! Then kill them all, and I will still get a lot of plot points."

"The real battle begins now. Aren't you all hiding from me? It's time for you to truly disappear." Tang Xing looked at the two cold people of the little monk and Immorton and said. They saw the two men wearing steel suits. Tang Xing really couldn't avoid it, so he had to fight. (To be continued.)

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