Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 396 Finn-Sean

Early the next morning, the guy whom Robert thought was Finn Sean gradually woke up. He suddenly sat up and shouted loudly: "Damn Lord God, hey, it seems that you have also traveled to this universe, a boy from the Celestial Team! !!" After the Twisted Lord got up, he discovered the little bug he had traveled through.

Fen Sean now looked like an angry god. The ward was silent for a moment. At this time, he also realized that something was wrong with the environment. However, he who never liked explanations just smiled disdainfully at the people around him, and then continued to lie back. On the bed, the other patients didn't dare to say anything when they saw his cold look. Even the doctor who came after hearing the roar pretended as if nothing had happened. He glanced around the ward and then went out. He seemed to be used to this while lying on the bed. For others, Finn Sean was very disdainful of the situation. And the people around him were suddenly swallowed up by the twisted power, as if they had never come to this world.

Seeing the Twisted Lord showing off his power made the world here quiet. Robert also had to smile bitterly, none of the major gods in the arms universe could help him. They are all strong men who can destroy the galaxy. The God of Gravity, who was once a super god, destroyed a galaxy. Jack the Slayer accidentally discovered the weakness of that god, and only then exchanged the Extermination Dagger from the Lord God to destroy the soul of that god. , the body of the God of Gravity was also collected. Zhang Min, who was also a Slayer, used some super technology exchanges to obtain the genes of the God of Gravity, and transplanted the genes into the current Tang Tian, ​​so there was Tang Tian is now super powerful.

"Haha, why don't you speak. I can feel that you are stronger than before. You have very high-quality energy, which is the power of the most powerful hero Sentinel in the Marvel universe. But why don't you take the opportunity to kill me? Know my power of distortion. If activated, basically space and time above five latitudes will be distorted by me. The power of distortion possessed by my godhead is no less than the power of time and space after my control. You still seem to be very aware." Finn Sean said to Robert seriously as if he admired him very much.

Speaking of which, Robert didn't want to fight Finn Sean. It was only the power of the Lord God that forced him to do so. The three super arms dealers ran away and completely left the arms universe. Including the weapons in the hands of the three Slayers, the main god wanted to eliminate the unstable factors after the power was greatly reduced. So many members of the reincarnation team were sent to eliminate them, and Robert was just one of those unlucky ones.

Robert sighed, although the power of the twisted master dropped to its lowest point. But it is not something that Robert can easily eliminate. The reason why gods are gods is because of their powerful power. The hidden power of special beings. So although Robert is now a sentinel and has received millions of energy, it is still not enough to deal with the Twisted Lord. Who knows whether the Twisted Lord will twist his energy source.

"Lord Distortion Master, you are right. However, what do you think now? We are currently in the Marvel Universe, and there is a crack in the space next to that universe. According to what I saw before traveling, there are others besides us. The soul appeared here, and the cracks continued to increase." Robert thought for a while. Still, he obediently reported what he knew to the Twisted Lord, and he was now separated from the Lord God. Therefore, if Robert wants to rely on others according to his own ideas, Twisted Master is a good choice.

"Really? The boy from the Celestial Team really surprised me! This Marvel universe is really different. When I traveled to this world, I discovered that this is a Marvel movie universe, so it has a special The universe. The cracks you see next to the space are actually not destroyable by ordinary weapons. The strength of this universe is not much worse than that of the Lord God, and there can only be one reason that can cause such space cracks. You want to know Boy?" The Twisted Lord looked into Robert's eyes and asked calmly.

Robert thought for a moment. Still interested in this issue. Generally, the space walls in the dimensional universe are very strong and the strength must be passed through the artifact. If you want to cross, you must rely on the artifact to destroy it. It can be said that the space next door is another kind of artifact, so Robert is very interested in this reason.

The Distorted Lord was still satisfied with Robert's answer. So he continued: "The space next door is equal to an artifact, and it can only be destroyed with an artifact. So there may be a person who traveled here with the power of the artifact."

Robert understood what the Twisted Lord meant, so he then asked: "I know what you mean, sir. You mean that someone has traveled through this world. I have discovered that person, and you should also know that person. He is the Slayer. Tang Tian. As the most dangerous guy among the three killers."

When the Twisted Lord heard the name of the Slayer Tang Tian, ​​his pupils suddenly shrank. For him, even gods could do nothing to these Slayers. He knew Tang Tian, ​​the Slayer, and had fought against him. In his eyes, the Slayer was his natural enemy. There is no difference. Twisting the power of the Terror Slayers, these are visceral fears.

"Slayer Tang Tian? It sounds very good. Maybe he came here with the artifact. Because I can feel from the divine power that the part of this world has been modified. For example, it is the game's Resident Evil, maybe it is He appeared in this world only after being affected." The Distorted Lord thought about it and guessed the most likely thing, and the fact was just as he thought.

"Sir, you are right. All kinds of things from the Marvel Universe have entered this universe. It seems to be an extraordinary world. The Slayer may need this universe to rise again." Robert said to him in agreement.

"Well, very good. You will be my subordinate from now on. Now that you have come to this universe, I think there are more things that I need to do." The distortion master said expressionlessly, the cold distortion power is full of destructive power .

After coming over for a while, the Twisted Lord lay on the bed for a while, and then he saw Robert walking in from the door, holding a bag in his hand. Robert said: "Hello, sir, I don't know what you like to eat for breakfast. So I bought some try them!" In fact, these pancakes were bought for the Twisted Lord. Now that you have just become his subordinate, you have to be more serious. This is enough.

Waiting for the Twisted Lord to finish the pancakes, Robert hesitated and said, "Um... Sir, what are your plans next?"

The Twisted Lord thought for a while and said to Robert: "Stabilize first. After we find the Slayer, we have something we need him to do." (To be continued.)

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