Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 408 Spider-Man VS Deadpool

Nova, a member of the Avengers, has just discovered Spider-Man Peter. Please search to see the complete list! After the novel Parker. Just as he was about to say something, he was suddenly caught by Tang Tian who teleported over. The fixation of time and space prevents superheroes like Nova from moving. Things that contain the power of the space weapon, Nova can't resist even if it can absorb energy. The power of the "seven weapons" of the Infinite Arms Universe can be seen.

Since no Nova was found, Spider-Man continued to operate in New York City, carrying out the responsibilities of a superhero and looking for Deadpool. However, Queens was very quiet during the day. After Spider-Man moved from one building to another, he continued to search for the hidden killing mercenaries.

"Nova? That member of the Guardians of the Galaxy is currently a member of the Avengers." Tang Tian looked at the fixed Nova in front of him, then turned to Deadpool, who was looking at him coldly with no interest.

"What's wrong? Did you find a target? You still want to kill that guy directly." Tang Tian looked at Deadpool and asked in confusion.

As his boss, Tang Tian knew Deadpool's character very well. Although Deadpool is called a fast-talking mercenary, he is still a bit more powerful in combat than a real soldier. Otherwise, how could Deadpool stand out among so many superheroes? Deadpool's fighting style is serious and cold.

"Yes, I discovered Spider-Man. Now is the time to deal with him." Deadpool said coldly, holding a knife in his hand.

Then Deadpool flashed, and Tang Tian also released Xin Xing from being fixed in the air. The new stars also fell on the building like fallen leaves in the autumn wind, and Deadpool's figure suddenly appeared in the sky. The gleaming samurai sword stabbed Xinxing's heart, which was still imprisoned.

At this moment, time seemed to have frozen. Deadpool showed an excited smile. When he just destroyed Nova, the godhead captured Nova's soul, which increased Deadpool's strength again. Deadpool took a little bit of blood from Nova and ran towards Spider-Man's position. Deadpool uses space power, which is a superpower created by his godhead simulation device.

Suddenly Deadpool appeared in front of him, and Spider-Man was a little surprised. He adjusted his body to the best position because he saw a familiar figure that he needed to find. Now she was looking at him coldly in front of him.

Deadpool just stood in the air, raising his head and looking disdainfully at Spider-Man upstairs. Deadpool was wearing a red mask and didn't look very serious. Deadpool's eyes shone like a wolf, making Spider-Man feel very dangerous. He finally knew what made the Spider-Sense keep reminding him.

Deadpool's eyes suddenly met Spider-Man's. Both men were confronting each other. Deadpool didn't make the first move, Spider-Man also had the same idea as Deadpool.

Sudden. Premonitions of danger are increasing. Spider-Man was shocked for a moment, and then Deadpool's shadow and person disappeared. Spider-Man quickly used a spider silk launcher to connect to another building opposite. Spider-Man had just moved his position.

Suddenly, the attack range of Deadpool's katana is also on his right hand. Thanks to Spider-Sense, an ability similar to the sixth sense. Maybe Spider-Man doesn't have that ability, and Deadpool will kill him in an instant. As for Spider-Man's shoulder, with a 'squeak' sound, it was easily scratched by Deadpool's katana. Spider-Man was very lucky to avoid the first attack from Deadpool.

"Phew. It's dangerous. Deadpool is too powerful." Spider-Man knew after an instant battle that Deadpool was no longer the same superhero. When Spider-Man was about to be killed, Tang Tian suddenly saw Spider-Man raise his left hand, shoot out spider silk with the high-tech product on his hand, and then pull it and fly directly into another building.

After moving quickly to other buildings. The danger warning came again. Spider-Man also knew the reason. He dodged the katana thrown by Deadpool on one side of his body. Then there was a ding, settling on the concrete wall of the building.

Just when Spider-Man saw the figure of Deadpool, he was ready to pounce. After galloping a few steps, he suddenly changed direction with spider silk. He rushed towards Deadpool's position.

Spider-Man prepares to tie up Deadpool with spider silk. Both the Avengers and Professor X need a living Deadpool, so Spider-Man cannot write ruthless hands, and of course it is doomed that Spider-Man cannot defeat Deadpool.

The two were once again confronting each other on the roof of the building. As the Deadpool massacre continues, the question now is whether anyone can stop it. Whether they can succeed is still unknown.

Deadpool didn't mean to stop at all, but continued to speed up and ran in front of Spider-Man. Just when he was about to run in front of Spider-Man.

Spider-Man suddenly jumped off the building. He looked at Deadpool and understood something. For example, he can't defeat Deadpool on the ground or on top of a building, but in a reinforced concrete city, especially in the air, Spider-Man believes he can catch Deadpool.

Deadpool saw Spider-Man jumping down, and went down without any doubts or hesitation. As a person with a healing ability that exceeds that of Wolverine, and a godhead that can continuously evolve, Deadpool has never been afraid of Spider-Man from the bottom of his heart, or what he thinks is a clever method.

"I want to tell you, Deadpool. I used to think we had something in common. And you are quite funny, but now you are just annoying." In the air, Spider-Man wrapped one hand around the immobile man. Deadpool, using the spider silk launcher in his other hand, was firmly fixed in the air, and said angrily to Deadpool.

In the mid-air battle between Spider-Man and Deadpool, Spider-Man is in an advantageous position. Of course, injuries are inevitable, and Spider-Man's Spider-Man suit had knife marks left by Deadpool in his tights. However, although Spider-Man does not have the same recovery speed as Wolverine, he is faster than ordinary people. In the movie "Spider-Man 3", after Spider-Man was beaten by the Sandman, he was alive and kicking again when Harry arrived. From this, we can see how Spider-Man's recovery ability is.

"That's why you're not smiling. I don't think you're smiling, just because I'm going to kill you, and you're the next target." Deadpool, who was entangled, said coldly, while raising his samurai sword. And get ready to catch Spider-Man.

"More psychotics than you have tried to do that, man! Maybe you should think less about how to kill me." Spider-Man nimbly avoided Deadpool's hand in the air, and then removed all the spider silk around Deadpool. .

"I think you should be more worried. The fast approaching asphalt road!" Spider-Man said to Deadpool with black humor.

In this way, Deadpool was thrown down by Spider-Man, and his head hit the ground. No, it should be said that it hit a police car. Deadpool suddenly landed, and the crowd who had been watching the excitement moved away a little. It seemed that Spider-Man had won, but it was not enough to deal with Deadpool, who was already qualified to become a god. Welcome to an. ) Your support is my greatest motivation. m… reading. ))

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