Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 417 Wolverine Reappears

"That's enough, Deadpool. Stop hurting mutants and other superheroes. I know that as a man-made mutant, you may have a little hatred for mutants. But it's over. You have the curse of Thanos and the Goddess of Death. , and also has the special power of that mysterious man. You can surpass most mutants." Professor X said to Deadpool with some pain.

"No, you underestimate the boss. That thing is Godhead, which means that as long as I kill you, my strength will continue to increase." Deadpool shook his head and said to the X-Men.

On the other side, Black Phoenix was controlled by Tang Tian's atomic energy. It has become an important force in activating this weapon, and the golden phoenix power has no room to resist in front of this weapon. Tang Tian just wasted a little while and completely absorbed the Phoenix Power. As one of the core instruments of the main god's space, it is reasonable for the space instrument to require so much energy.

"Thor's Hammer, Phoenix Force. Fantastic Four, Hulk, Thor, their genes have all been obtained. I think I should explore other dimensions. I need more power." This time I came to Ultimate Comics In the world of Wei Universe, Tang Tian got a lot of benefits, some high technologies and the genes of some powerful creatures, as well as a god-level deadpool thug, which made Tang Tian feel very good.

"I won't hurt other people anymore. I'm very sorry, Wade. But I have to stop you, your brain, I want your brain to stop functioning." In response to Deadpool's words, Professor X finally made up his mind, He prepares to use his telepathic powers to take down Deadpool.

"I will promise that you will never hurt others, never." Professor Professor X's expression looked like he was brain dead to Deadpool.

"Oh, come and see the great Professor Charles. What's going on, Professor, don't tell me you can't stand the boss leaving information against you. And don't you like it very much, seeing secrets in other people's heads? You can't accept it. Something?" Deadpool walked up to Professor X, who was completely paralyzed, shook his head and said to him sarcastically.

In fact, the information in Deadpool's brain is just a memory implanted in the virtual world. This is also what happened after Professor X became a zombie. Tang Tian showed the imaginary scene to Professor X. It would be impossible for the kind-hearted Professor

"Oh. Sure enough, you are brain dead. The fact is that you are freed, or at least you become a vegetative state, but that is enough. If you eliminate the X-Men, your role will be dispensable." Deadpool shook his head. He didn't care at all about Professor X. Because Deadpool has absorbed enough souls, his power will be almost strengthened by completely destroying the X-Men.

"Okay, Deadpool, I've got the power I want. Now let's see the show!" Tang Tian moved the space around him, returned inside and asked Deadpool, who turned his head and was looking at the screen.

"Of course, congratulations to you boss. But. It's really not interesting. But now let's see if the remaining people are interesting to prove and other superheroes. I think you are interested, boss." Deadpool turned his head Greetings to Tang Tian.

"Okay, of course I'm also interested in that one. This is also the most interesting thing. After all, it won't be so exciting in other universes." Regarding Deadpool, Tang Tian himself still felt that it was okay.

In this way, Tang Tian and his men diverted their attention. The first is the situation of Professor X's good friend Magneto. He is also controlled and killed by the agency.

"Let's see what Magneto has there? Magneto is indeed exhausted from the impact. What is that jelly-like thing?"

There is a place in the building that looks like a bathtub. Magneto was suspended in those solid bodies, unable to move. And Magneto himself seemed to be corroded by something, completely turning into a skeleton, and the metal surrounding him that protected him was also corroded rapidly. Seeing this situation, Deadpool couldn't wait to ask Tang Tian.

"Uh, jelly. Deadpool, you really have a very rich imagination." Tang Tian touched the sweat on his head and thought to himself: "Sure enough, Deadpool is the most bizarre mercenary in the Marvel universe, regardless of the movie universe. Or maybe the comic book universe is all the same."

"Ahem. Well, it's gel acid anyway. Let's look at the next target!" The smart Tang Tian changed the subject, as his boss. He himself doesn't like such self-destructive talk, just like the doctor in "Infinite Horror" who seeks death.

"Ah! That is a proud member of the X-Men. He is also the pistachio in it. It is really a troublesome ability." Deadpool said it was troublesome, but in fact, this trouble had been solved by Tang Tian.

The picture moves again and again, like an infinite loop of space walls. The phantom cat is trapped, but she is using her powers. Keep crossing another cube in front of you, looking for a place to run out. That situation is a bit similar to the super cube in "Dimension Killing 2".

"Wish him good luck if he wants to get out of that space prison! I actually don't know much about cosmic physics or the fourth-dimensional cube. Those are the things, but I don't know much about hamster wheels or moving mazes in amusement parks. . The little phantom cat will never come out. I guess your eternal sealing, boss, will be as effective as killing him." Deadpool looked at the screen. The phantom cat Kaidi keeps moving to find the exit and returns to the original place again and again. Deadpool somewhat admired his boss, because this was more interesting than the plan.

"Now wait, our trouble is coming. What is this? Let me tell you, it was Wolverine who ran away after the Avengers were destroyed last time, and now he is back." Tang Tian turned his head and found that Wolverine was running away Wolverine came over, and then he said jokingly to Deadpool next to him.

"You're right, we thought we had killed him. I guess if he had time, he could have stopped us." Deadpool waved his hand, then stood up and pointed to Tang Tian, ​​indicating that Wolverine was late.

"You must repeat this matter over and over again until it is implemented. I understand that there is no Deadpool, and now I will give you a chance to kill him." Tang Tian was not polite and ordered to Deadpool.

"Please, please. I never wanted to help you design a trap, I... I just want to go home." A man with red hair and a white suit was muttering to himself in pain, as if he had been affected. Certain stimuli are the same.

"King of Beasts, are you not cooperating with Deadpool now?" Wolverine, wearing a yellow and black tights uniform, asked the person in front of him.

"Kim... Wolverine. Oh, thank God!" The man in front of Wolverine felt happy and relieved. (To be continued.)

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