Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 588 The Collapsed World (3)

"Gerard, what's wrong with you?" The principal who came out of the office saw this scene and asked Gerard in confusion. ¤Ding Dian Novel, obviously I don’t know what the situation is, and I don’t know what to say.

"She's a zombie... don't... come here!" Gerard was about to suffocate, but he still yelled at the principal.

Gerard understood that he had to rely on himself at this time. He suddenly turned his hand to loosen the hand that made him want to suffocate, and then kicked it away. The zombie was kicked away and hit the wall.

Gerard immediately ran to the sports equipment room, picked up a baseball bat, turned around and saw the zombies running towards him not far away.

"Today is the end of you!" Gerard aimed at the running zombie and aimed at its head, just like when he hit a home run in college. Although I injured my knee at the end of that game and had to return to high school.

"Bang." There was a sound and blood spattered. The zombie was killed like this, which also surprised the principal.

"Gerard, did you kill her?" The principal also rushed over. "She is already a zombie, principal, we should leave." There was blood on Gerard's face, but he looked very calm.

"Well, let's leave quickly and go find the army." The principal had nothing to say. Moreover, this school will eventually fall. What can he say? It's already too late.

After being infected with a zombie, the speed at which a person becomes a zombie is uncertain. However, if the blood circulation of the infected person is continuously irritated and the blood circulation is accelerated, the mutation speed will be accelerated a lot. Some mutations only take a few minutes, and some can mutate. They will mutate within a minute. The zombies in this world mutate so fast that it is unimaginable. However, we cannot rule out zombies that can mutate quickly. This mainly depends on the host's physical condition.

At the same time, in the military research institutes, many organizations have become more and more prominent in the research on zombies, and many problems have been explained.

"Doctor, how is your research going?" asked an army commander.

"Come here and take a look and you will understand." The doctor said calmly and turned back towards the research institute.

"Yes, I understand." The chief replied calmly. The danger of infection was getting closer and closer to them, which was something that no one else had expected.

"Did you see it? This corpse has been dissected by us, so it is slightly different from when you brought it back. But some characteristics still exist, let me explain them to you!" The doctor said lightly, his eyes a little wrinkled. Frown.

"First of all, the clothes on it are very ordinary, ordinary cloth, which means that he came from human mutation." The doctor said nonsense, and then continued to look at the army commander.

"What you said is nonsense, move on to the next one." The chief said calmly. He wanted to know the origin of those things.

"Look carefully at the pustules on his body. Those pustules are full of disgusting viruses and pus, as well as the blood brought out when these pustules break through the skin during mutations!" The doctor said, looking at the army commander.

"The most important thing about him is his conspicuous big belly. Maybe you feel more disgusted by the pustules and infected areas on his belly, but when you actually cut open his abdomen, you know what disgusting is. ." The doctor looked at the disgusting zombie and said helplessly.

"The scary thing is that after our extensive experiments, we also discovered a terrifying secret." The doctor's face became serious.

"In his stomach, the gastric juice inside seemed to have turned into another kind of liquid... Maybe it was not changed from gastric juice. It was a light yellow liquid!" The doctor looked at the army commander.

"Light yellow liquid!" The military commander was secretly shocked. They were beaten to pieces after encountering zombies. Various types of lickers, tanks, hunters or infections on the road to survival are their opponents.

"It's that light yellow liquid!" the doctor said to the army commander with certainty.

"At first we thought this was just a liquid produced by mutations in ordinary zombie bodies. Due to a mistake, we discovered that this light yellow liquid is very attractive to zombies. When they smell the smell of this liquid, They will run madly towards people stained with this liquid and attack them. Of course, if they spill it on the ground for no reason, zombies can also smell this smell and rush towards them. Regardless of other types of zombies, those zombies The virus on his body seems to have gone through various fusions." The doctor's face became darker and darker.

"Attracting zombies? Fusion, God, that is really dangerous." The army commander's heart was filled with fear.

"Hmm...but we still don't know why this liquid attracts zombies. I hope someone can find their secrets, especially the Umbrella Company." The doctor frowned and said hopefully.

"In addition, when studying this liquid, it turned out that the component inside is still a flammable substance, and the composition is a bit like gas. In other words, if you shoot his stomach with a gun and hit this liquid, it will explode. I I guess the liquid inside will also spray out with the explosion and get stained, which may still attract zombies," the doctor added.

"It's really terrible. If it weren't for the large number of weapons and ammunition we had, we would all have died there!" The military commander was even more shocked, and felt a little lucky.

"If you shoot it in the abdomen, the liquid it sprays will be sprinkled on everyone, and then you will all be attacked by the zombies attracted by the liquid. Then all of you will have no time to fight back, and then you will die. There! So I hope this matter will be resolved as soon as possible. Maybe everyone is thinking about the situation here." The doctor spoke from a different angle, which made the military commander feel about the same.

"Okay, thank you, doctor." The military commander replied calmly, turned and left.

"We didn't know the characteristics of this liquid at the time, and it ended up being spilled on the dissecting table for no reason. But not far from the dissecting room, there is a laboratory dedicated to keeping infected people, which is the specimen storage room! They are I seemed to be asking about the smell of the liquid, and started to become violent. Fortunately, the safety measures in the laboratory are pretty good, and it is isolated from the outside world! By the way, speaking of this, after our institute reported this matter, some people actually They are preparing to use this liquid on a large scale. They say that if this liquid can attract zombies, then humans can definitely use it to divert the attention of zombies and let them escape! However, I feel that this idea is a bit unreliable!" Doctor Chattered.

The military commander also thinks this is a good idea. The situation outside is very pessimistic. There are too many biological monsters. There is no way to deal with them and they can just wait to die. (To be continued.)

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