Marvel’s Death Merchant

Chapter 782 The collision of parallel universes (12)

Biquge, the fastest update of Marvel’s Merchant of Death!

I guess it won't be long before I die without even knowing how. That "disinfection" sound really scared me.

Liu Chendong and Alice, who returned home, were drinking drinks and eating snacks leisurely, and then watched the TV updating the latest news on the current infection. The windows and doors had already been firmly fixed by the two of them. There was also a sheet stained with black paint taped to the window to prevent the corruptors outside from observing them through the window. Why didn't the two of them continue to assist other people? Because after assisting Eighth Avenue.

Liu Chendong understood that his power could not change the occurrence and deterioration of things. He just wanted a chance to find his parents and understand the root cause of this large-scale infection. Alice's idea was simpler. She would do whatever Liu Chendong did. Others People have nothing to do with her, and her character has always been very cold. In the past, no matter how much commission was given to her, she would not do it, because she slowly discovered that the relationship at this time was "not bad".

It was already evening, and the distant sky was being shrouded in black little by little, as if hell was coming.

At this time, at the intersection in the city center, except for the direction back to the city police station, which was temporarily safe, the other three directions were firmly aimed at the guns by hundreds of people who were waiting seriously.

Not long after, countless "zombie" or "living dead" lived up to the expectations of these hundreds of people, walking step by step from the direction of the three intersections.

When seeing this amount, everyone became anxious and uneasy, and they were all thinking about one thing: "Can we hold on?"

The snipers and observers on the rooftops of the surrounding buildings took the lead in launching the attack. Some of the Corruptors who moved too fast and were relatively strong were first shot in the head, because after a day of combat experience, it has been proven that these Corruptors have more combat effectiveness than other Corruptors. But these corruptors with "outstanding" abilities seem to be endlessly killed. They just wiped out the ones in the front row, and then they appeared from behind. After killing the ones in this direction, they also appeared in the other direction, and when the zombies swarmed, they appeared again. After marching to the best shooting distance for everyone, they began to spit out tongues of fire mercilessly. Row after row of Corruptors fell down. The Corruptors who were not dead were trampled under their feet by a large number of similar people behind them, and they could only make a sound. He growled lowly and told his grievances.

The Corruptor, who was the first to approach everyone soon, was blown up completely by the individual mines and touch detonators that had been planted in advance. However, even though his limbs were missing and flying all over the sky, as long as his head was fine, he kept marching forward singing loudly. But humans can't stand such a scene. Even though most people have experienced many battles before, in this era of peace for a long time, many people can't help but swallow everything in their stomachs when they encounter such a bloody scene. Spit it out one by one.

After the firepower was reduced, the Corruptors became more excited, and their movement speed increased to varying degrees. The human troops began to suffer casualties. To be precise, there should be a large increase in casualties at the back, and the troops in the front row. Being bitten mercilessly by a large number of Corruptors, the human troops gradually became less united than they were at the beginning. One, two, three, or even countless individuals began to turn around and run away, or robbed parked cars and statues nearby. After they ran away like this, those who didn't run at the beginning were even more unable to stay. Those who ran slowly also retreated towards the surrounding high-rise buildings or shops, trying to wait for the corpses to leave before planning for the future.

But after they were defeated like this, the corpse horde was like a no-man's land and began to occupy Raccoon City in a real sense.

Please help, please help. This is the fourth sniper unit of U.B.C.S. The ground troops have retreated from the downtown intersection. Now the five of us are standing on the roof of Building F. They are about to break through the roof gate. Please send a helicopter for rescue quickly.

Calling headquarters... We are the second assault team of S.T.A.R.S. The intersection has been breached and there have been heavy casualties. We are now evacuating towards the city police station and requesting vehicles or helicopters to be dispatched for rescue.

Headquarters, headquarters, we are the sixth support team of U.B.C.S. Raccoon City has begun to fall completely, requesting to terminate the mission, hello... hello, can you hear me from headquarters? If you hear it, please reply quickly.

Communication after communication reached Evan's ears outside the city, but he chose to ignore and avoid them. He even directly interrupted all signals that could communicate with the troops in the city, and turned on the signal jamming device to prevent the situation in the city from being disturbed by other people. After all, the "disinfection" work will begin soon.

At this time, a fat figure from the city police station was anxiously pacing back and forth in the chief's office. This is the current Raccoon City Police Chief Richard. Currently, as many as two-thirds of the casualties among police officers in the police station are as high as two-thirds. There are already less than one-third of the people, but most of the less than one-third of the people are still distributed in other corners of the city. But fortunately, scattered members of the U.B.C.S and S.T.A.R.S teams have been gathering towards him one after another. These people together are a very powerful force, able to form a defensive force outside the police station. Many civilians who had fled here were arranged by him to the city government building opposite the police station. Many senior government officials have long since disappeared. (had been secretly taken away by Umbrella), leaving only low-level office staff to look after these civilians.

At this time, a woman wearing a blue outfit, with her front legs ready to breathe, a little smoky makeup on her face to modify her facial features, and two silver-white M9 pistols in holsters on both sides of her chest, walked in quickly. In the director's office, this woman is Jill who has been working for four years.

Pushing open the door of the director's office and looking at the way the director was chubby walking back and forth, Jill couldn't help but burst into laughter. Seeing Jill laughing so happily, Richard could only say helplessly: "Jill, now How long has it been and you are still laughing, the whole mess of Raccoon City has been dumped on our heads."

Gil wiped the tears that overflowed from the corners of his eyes after laughing just now, and then replied: "Director, I'm not telling you, you could have followed Umbrella's people earlier, and you don't have to take over this troublesome matter now."

Richard returned to his seat, sat down, straightened his clothes and said, "I have been the police chief for almost 20 years. Although I can't say I have any big achievements, at least I am worthy of Raccoon City's 700,000 yuan." Residents, if I want to leave them now, my conscience will never allow it." They don't know that the real danger has begun, and the biological crisis will continue to break out. (To be continued.)

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