Chen Hui tried his best to explain to Gwen that he knew about the Space Gem, the Cosmic Cube.

It’s just that this is just his guess.

Exactly why Gwen triggers space power and obtains superpowers when he touches the elements of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, he can’t say well.

“Maybe this is a character explosion?” Chen Hui couldn’t help but think.

In any case, in this dangerous Marvel world, Gwen can obtain superpowers, and it is similar to the life-saving ability of space transfer, which is still excellent, so that Chen Hui can stay in the laboratory and conduct research with more peace of mind.

However, because Gwen’s use of superpowers was still very rusty, in the first week, Chen Hui slowed down the pace of research and took Gwen to the laboratory to help her master the use of superpowers Yun 05.

And he also had to be familiar with Gwen’s abilities.

Eventually, Chen Hui discovers that all of Gwen’s abilities are concentrated in her hands.

Her hands seem to have a magical power to tear space, enabling herself to teleport, and the radiation range of the space power of these hands, so far 3 kilometers, is growing at an unstable rate every day, sometimes faster, sometimes slow, basically no growth.

In addition, Gwen can also take people to teleport, and “flash” similar to the “flash” of the soldier in “X-Police: Reverse the Future”, transferring others alone.

It’s just that unlike flickering, any spatial transfer of Gwen happens instantaneously!

In fact, Chen Huitou still had some whim at first, since Gwen can instantly transfer any item out, can it… Instantly transfer one of the internal organs of the human body alone? For example, the heart!

If this can be done, then Gwen’s lethality will instantly reach the perverted level!

However, later through experiments, it was found that Gwen did not have this ability.


A week later, when Gwen was fully familiar with his abilities, Chen Hui once again entered a state of retreat research.

Time passes imperceptibly.

In the blink of an eye, it was already three months later.

In the lab.

In a huge open space, many sophisticated instruments are built, the most eye-catching, and the most core instrument, is a white particle accelerator divided into almost six segments!

This particle accelerator is extremely expensive and expensive for Hammer.

At this moment, in front of this particle accelerator, two figures are busy.

One of them was naturally Chen Hui, and the other was the whip that had been controlled by him and worked specifically for him.

The whip was sweating profusely, not with excitement, and as soon as the light in front of him lit up, he saw that in the particle accelerator, an azure light rose.

“BOSS, the third hundred new elements have been successfully manufactured and stored in the boat reactor to power all instruments!”

Whiplash said, “But the negative energy of this particle accelerator is at most three hundred new element energy, otherwise if there is more, I am afraid that it will be eaten and a big explosion will occur!” ”

“Well, I understand.”

Chen Hui nodded.

For three months, he was building new elements every day and incorporating them into a large ark reactor mounted on a particle accelerator, in addition to which the Hulk’s genes had been thoroughly studied.

It’s just that the Hulk’s genes are too strong to be able to withstand a medicinal liquid, in other words, the power in the Hulk’s genes cannot be integrated into the genetic liquid, so Chen Hui wants to integrate into the power of the Hulk, and must find a new way to carry the power of the Hulk.

It’s not that hard.

Just as he is preparing to carry out the whole bone vibranium plan, the vibranium element is undoubtedly the best medium to carry the Hulk’s genetic power, and when the time comes to carry out the ark reaction in the cell, it is just enough to deliver the power of the Hulk into his body.

It’s just that there is still a problem now, that is, the refining of vibranium elements!

“Vibranium elements are too difficult to refine!”

Chen Hui sighed in his heart that for three months, he has been trying to refine the vibranium element, but vibranium is worthy of being the most stable 063 substance, and the elements are also stable to the extreme, and there is no strong enough force to refine the vibranium element.

Therefore, Chen Hui was ruthless and directly created three hundred new element energy, which was integrated into the ark reactor to supply energy for the particle accelerator, so that the operation of the particle accelerator reached the limit!

He didn’t believe that three hundred new element energy could not refine the vibranium element!

“Whiplash, prepare to turn on the particle accelerator and refine the vibranium element!” Chen Hui issued the order.


Whiplash nodded, followed by a deep breath, and turned the particle accelerator on again.


Suddenly, the particle accelerator went into motion.

“First integrate fifty parts of new element energy for preheating function!”


“Next into a hundred copies!”

“Buzz Buzz”

“Good! At last…… Three hundred copies, all invested! ”

“Buzz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


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