
Seeing the ugly monster coming, the corners of his mouth showed a sinister smile, and Chen Hui was slightly stunned.

Isn’t that just abhorrence?

There is no doubt that it should be that this guy Bronsky took advantage of his battle with the Hulk, just escaped to Professor Stern, and then threatened Professor Stern to inject him with the Hulk gene, and finally transformed into “Abomination”

Bronsky is a true battle maniac.

Previously, he was frightened by the Hulk and fled, and he must have been humiliated, especially when he saw that Chen Hui was such a “small” person, he could actually go head-to-head with the Hulk, and his heart must be even more unwilling.

At this moment, he turned into an abomination, his strength increased greatly, and he thought with his toes that this guy must be shamed, not only defeating the Hulk, but also defeating him Chen Hui to prove that his strength of hating “063” is the strongest!!

Chen Hui knew his thoughts of hatred very well.

It’s just a pity… This guy is thinking too much.

“Both of you will be my defeated men! Die! ”

With a wild roar in his mouth, he jumped high, and followed the whole person like a giant cannonball, bursting rapidly, shaking the air and exploding.


It hit the Hulk all at once.

At the same time, there was a cruel and bloodthirsty light in his eyes, and a big hand suddenly raised and grabbed Chen Hui, looking like this, it seemed that he not only wanted to knock the Hulk out, but also wanted to simply and neatly smash Chen Hui’s “little thing” and turn it into a pool of rotten meat.

At this moment, the nausea is extremely comfortable, and I have to say that the powerful feeling is really good!

However, his wonderful feeling did not last long, and he was suddenly stunned.

Because when he knocked down the Hulk, he felt like he had hit a huge iron pillar, and the Hulk was almost motionless, but it was him, and this collision almost made his head confused.

I was horrified.

But that’s not what bothers him the most.

The worst thing was his huge palm that grabbed Chen Hui, at this moment suddenly felt a sharp pain hit, looking over, suddenly the pupils contracted violently, and he saw that his palm was actually pierced by dozens of bone spurs, and at the same time, from that bone spur, a strong, palpitating golden light surged out.

This scene made his heart tremble, and without the slightest hesitation, he wanted to release his palm that was penetrated by bone spurs.

However…… It’s night!

“Blast me!”

A cold drink sounded in Chen Hui’s mouth.

Following Chakra, all the ones rushed into the bone spurs, so that the radioactive energy contained in the bone spurs themselves ran wildly, turning into a sharp energy light, and in a flash… Directly cut the flesh and blood of the palm that was penetrated by bone spurs, so that its palm was torn apart in the blink of an eye, and even completely dissolved in that energy light!


Abomination screamed bitterly.

The body suddenly retreated, followed by trembling, with a thick incredulity in his eyes, looking at the Hulk and looking at Chen Hui.

Especially when he looked at Chen Hui, his eyes were filled with a thick look of horror.

“You… How could you…”

“How could it be so strong, huh?”

Chen Hui smiled indifferently and said, “Actually, the reason is very simple, it’s because you… It’s so weak! ”


At this time, the Hulk also roared lowly, “Hulk, better than you!” ”

Despised by two people at the same time, and he couldn’t resist at all, and for a while, he felt like he was going to cry.


Why is that?

No matter how weak he is, he can’t be abused by the two to this extent???

In fact, there is no injustice at all to hate being abused.

You must know that Chen Hui and the Hulk have been fighting for a while, whether it is Chen Hui’s battle intent or the Hulk’s anger, they have reached an extremely strong level, it is no exaggeration to say that the two of them at this moment are at the peak of their combat power!

And abomination, although his strength was stronger than that of the Hulk at the beginning, and it was much stronger, but it did not increase with the increase of anger, but always remained at a fixed value.

To use a very simple metaphor.

Hulk and Chen Hui are like a high-power rechargeable battery, charging power… Nearly infinite!

And abomination is just a large battery with a fixed value.

If Chen Hui and the Hulk had not been warmed up for the battle, and the fighting intent and anger were not strong, the hatred could still be equal to the two of them.

But right now…

It can only be said that hating the timing of cutting into the battlefield is too untimely, and it is normal to be abused.

“Bang bang!”

Just when he was hated and indignant, suddenly several bomber helicopters in the air opened fire.

At this moment, armored vehicles drove in, and the soldiers above picked up machine guns and swept violently.

Suddenly attacked, Abomination was first stunned, followed by unparalleled anger on his face.

He looked sharply at the soldiers who attacked, and there was a tyrannical light in his eyes.

“Even you want to abuse me?”

“Find the !!! dead”


Abhorred a fierce charge, directly towards the crazy attack of the army, he saw that he could not defeat Chen Hui and the Hulk, at this moment he actually went to pick soft persimmons and pinched.

Seeing this, Chen Hui was speechless in his heart.

But hating things with the army has nothing to do with him.

And it’s also a good thing that there is hatred blocking the army, at least he doesn’t have to bother these people from the government military for the time being.

Following that, Chen Hui looked at the Hulk.

“You have to find a way to get this big guy back, otherwise it’s not easy to take it away… Well? ”

Suddenly, 1.4 moved, looking into the previous experimental building.

I saw Professor Stern and Betty walking out of it, Professor Stern looked like he wanted to escape quickly, and Betty ran straight over after seeing the Hulk.

“Miss Ross, it’s dangerous here, let’s hurry to a safe place.”

Professor Sternn said quickly.

“No, I’m going to Bruce’s side!”

Betty gritted her teeth and followed directly to speed up the pace.

Seeing this, Professor Stern hesitated slightly, but finally sighed and chased after Betty.

However, the two had not run for a while, and suddenly a figure fell in front of them.

“Two, do you need a ride?”

Chen Hui looked at the two, and a smile appeared in his eyes. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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