Chapter 1 Ruthless King also

In an old apartment in the Old Town, New York, USA, all kinds of tragicomedies are playing out as usual. The morning sun shone through the glass of the window into one of the rooms, and a young man of about twenty years old got up from his bed irritably.

The young man’s name is Wang Ye, he looks more handsome, and his temperament even has some gloomy and cold feelings, but his body is relatively thin because of long-term malnutrition.

Getting up from the bed, Wang Ye muttered and went into the bathroom to wash: “Damn, it’s been two months since I came to this world, when will I know where this is.” ”

Wang is not from this world either, a car accident two months ago left him in a coma, and after waking up, he has come to New York, USA. Wang was not happy after realizing that he had crossed over, there was no language barrier, and he could not make a living without a passport, in order to survive, he could only go to places like Chinatown or black areas to do some dirty and tiring work, and the remuneration he received could only maintain a basic survival, and even the rent of this old apartment had been in arrears for more than a month.

The most hateful thing is that he has no idea what kind of world it is, and he can only use his meager physical strength and broken English every day to find some opportunities for short-term work, which is not at all what a traverser should have.

So as time passed, Wang Ye’s temper began to become more and more irritable, and if he couldn’t change his way of living, it was estimated that he would be the first to rob the bank.

Back in the room, Wang Ye was irritable on the only tattered sofa, casually turned on the old TV in front of him and watched it boredly, and suddenly a news interstitial came into his eyes.

“At ten o’clock this morning, the Stark Building announced its completion, and the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the building will be held on the second of this month, when the press agency will follow the report.”

Wang Ye’s eyes suddenly widened, and his mind buzzed. Stark Tower, so to speak, he traveled to the Marvel world!

“I lean!” Immediately Wang also burst into a foul mouth, although he knew what world he had crossed into, but the Marvel world is the kind of world full of dangers, not to mention the alien attacks and the end of the world that will occur in the future, even if the Hulk rampage may destroy a city! Superheroes and supervillains are everywhere, disasters are almost commonplace, they have no powers and no high technology, they can be shattered at any time, maybe one morning when they wake up, they will be directly destroyed by the building!


Wang Ye sat on the sofa and was silent for a long time, simply did not want to. Although I know the plot, my priority now is that I am currently having problems communicating with people. After a while, Wang also cleaned up and walked directly out of the apartment and towards a mine in the black quarter.

Today is the day to pay the salary, it has been more than a month since I worked as a stevedore in which mine, where racism is very serious, and blacks like to bully people who are just as excluded by the color of their colors. In this month, Wang was also bullied in the mine, and he also tried to resist, but his body was not strong enough, and he was the only one who was beaten to half death in the end, and he did not plan to endure it today.

They all frowned along the way, and around noon, Wang finally arrived there. As soon as I entered, the dust came in the sky, and a dozen black men with horses were there shovel after shovel to fill the car with stones.

“Hey, yellow-skinned boy, there is no salary for you today!” Suddenly, one of the blacks shouted at Wang Ye.

Wang Ye’s face turned even colder, and he said to these people: “Why not.” ”

“Because you don’t deserve to work here at all, your salary boss gave us directly.” When the blacks heard Wang Ye’s words, they all put down their shovels and walked over.

“Fuck off, you’re a bastard. There is no food for you here. “An Indian also came up, although he usually rejects Wang Ye, but today is a special day, and everyone can eat more with one less person.”

As he spoke, several people surrounded Wang Ye, and the pushing, pushing, and shoving Wang also began to find fault, and almost put him on the ground. The expression on Wang Ye’s face became colder and colder, and the anger in his heart could hardly be suppressed.

Wang Ye was buzzing in his head, he was hit by a car and came to this world, I don’t know that one day he may be in a different place, and at this time there are still this group of miscellaneous things to humiliate themselves! Wang also felt that he was going to explode, and he had made preparations at home when he came out before, just to deal with the current situation!

Wang Ye lowered his head and approached the nearest black man, and his right hand in his pocket stretched out lightning against the man’s chest, only to hear a pop and a fruit knife fiercely chajin the man’s stomach, the half-foot long knife body was almost half in, and blood trickled down the knife!

At this moment, as if still, everyone stopped talking, and a few seconds later, the black man who was stabbed screamed violently!

“You! What are you doing! ”

“Maniac! Let go of your knife! The few people who surrounded Wang Ye quickly dispersed, leaving only the black man holding his stomach and screaming.

Wang Ye said coldly: “Give me my money!” ”

“Yours, your money is not here, we didn’t take it.” The black man said bitterly.

Wang Ye’s eyes were fierce, and he suddenly turned the handle of the knife in his hand, and suddenly the black man’s voice became even worse, only to hear Wang Ye continue: “Give it to me!” ”

“Give it to him! it to him! The black man couldn’t stand it anymore and hurriedly urged a few people on the side. The few people who scattered quickly took out the small amount of money in their pockets and handed it over.

Wang Ye took the money with his left hand, and then said, “Shut up.” ”

As soon as the words fell, he directly pulled out the fruit knife, the black man quickly covered his stomach and squatted down, Wang Ye turned around and walked out, and several blacks behind him quickly helped the injured guy up, and cursed at Wang Ye’s back.

“Yellow-skinned monkey! You lunatic! Get out of here! ”

Wang Ye walked to the apartment without looking back, his hands were still slightly chandou, but he did not know that an accident that would change his entire life was about to happen.

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