Chapter 13 Crush all the way!

“Okay or not, take you out, if not, you will fend for yourself.” Wang also left this sentence and turned directly and walked towards the door, while Tony struggled behind for a while and gritted his teeth and followed.

“Wait for me, take off this armor!” Tony shouted sharply, then chased after him with a bang.

Wang Ye smiled and said lightly: “You still wear this iron sheet.” ”

As soon as the words fell, Wang also directly smashed the broken wooden door and walked out, Tony followed, now all the terrorists in this base have heard the movement, there must be a fight on the way out, Wang also does not want his meat ticket to be killed by a stray bullet.

“How do we get out.” Tony asked in the back, the tin on his body making it inconvenient for him to move.

Wang Ye suddenly opened his mouth and showed an excited look and said: “Fight out!” Shut up first, someone is coming. ”

As soon as the words fell, a series of heavy footsteps came from around the corner, and I saw a large group of figures suddenly appear in the corner, and the next second, a dozen terrorists with machine guns rushed out.

“Shoot! Can’t let them go! One of them suddenly saw Wang Ye and Tony behind him, and immediately ordered to open fire, even if Tony was directly killed here than let him go!

“What to do!” Tony shouted suddenly, and saw a dozen machine guns suddenly spew out a large area of tongues of fire, and dense bullets flew towards them like rain. At this moment, Wang Ye suddenly turned around and grabbed Tony’s chest, and then turned sharply and lifted him up.

“You bastard! Damn it! Tony suddenly cursed, only to see that Wang Ye actually held him directly in front of him, and the next moment the overwhelming bullets were all shot on the iron sheet holding your back, and for a moment the sparks were all sparked, and the armor behind him crackled and suffered the bombardment of more than a dozen machine guns!

“, let me down!” Tony yelled, his arms struggling wildly.

“Damn, shut up for me! Be honest! Wang Ye drank violently, is this guy really the future Iron Man, why is he so timid! Before the words fell, Wang Ye directly held Tony and began to advance towards the front, along the way, those bullets rained down on the iron shell, and Wang Ye’s body was completely blocked behind.

“They’re coming! The shooting continues, with a stray bullet by hand! “Suddenly, I just listened to the terrorists over there shouting, and the next moment a pitch-black bomb was thrown at the two!

“Damn, gave you face, didn’t you!” Wang Ye suddenly sped up, slammed and accurately caught the grenade thrown over, and then turned directly towards the terrorist and threw it back!

“Lie down!” Suddenly, the bomb flew into the crowd with a whoop, those terrorists scattered and fell to the ground, which can minimize the damage, the next second boom with a loud bang that the bomb exploded violently, suddenly a large area of flames scattered, the shock wave of the explosion directly blew out four or five terrorists lying on the ground, a blood mist all sprayed on the wall, the violent explosion blew up the bomb shelter trembling, and the rubble and dirt above fell down with a bang.

“Ahem! Hurry up bastard! After a long while, several terrorists struggled to get up from the ground, and a bomb directly blew up half of the people, and before he had time to wipe the dust off his face, the head immediately looked around for Wang Ye and the two figures.

“Where are you looking?” Suddenly, a cold and playful voice sounded on his left, and as soon as the terrorist turned around, he suddenly saw Wang Ye’s figure appear in front of him, and suddenly his pupils saw a flaming fist rapidly enlarged!

“Give me death!” Wang Ye drank violently, and a booming fist slammed into the man’s neck, and suddenly a sound of blood and flesh being shattered sounded, and the terrorist’s neck was directly shattered by a punch, and the bloody head flew up instantly, and fell to the ground with a bang.

“Kill him!” Suddenly, the remaining three terrorists raised their machine guns sharply at Wang Ye, Wang Ye’s eyes Yining followed the body, a pair of arms that were strengthened into steel and iron bones suddenly bent into a grasp, and instantly appeared in front of several people, Wang Ye stabbed towards a person’s neck with a claw, hissing, a large blood mist suddenly spewed out from the person’s neck, and then his body convulsed and fell to the ground. Wang Ye didn’t stop for a second, and then he turned around and clenched his fists and blasted towards the two people next to him!

“Shoot!” At this moment, two bullets flew out of the muzzle, and Wang Ye’s fist also slammed into the heads of the two at this time, and with a crisp click, the skulls of the two were directly shattered, and even the eyeballs flew out! But the two bullets that came out also slammed into Wang Ye’s chest.

“I grass!” Wang Ye’s temples jumped violently, a pair of hands directly withdrew and snapped in front of him, the two bullets crashed into his hand, and the next second Wang Ye’s forehead was bruised and jumped, and his body was directly pushed out by a powerful force towards the back two steps, and then Wang Ye spit out a breath of turbid breath in front of his hands suddenly opened, two deformed bullets snapped and fell to the ground, only to see Wang Ye’s palm flowing a piece of blood, and there was a burst of white smoke on it.

“Tony, go!” Without saying a word, Wang Ye looked towards Tony behind him, but his voice stopped abruptly, and he saw a terrorist holding a gun to Tony’s head.

“!” Wang Ye frowned, suddenly from which terrorist sideways corner a thick python tail pumped up, slammed on which person, suddenly which terrorist with a gun did not even scream, a click on the neck was broken!

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