Chapter 16 Smash the helicopter!

The pilot shook suddenly, and saw that the golden-eyed eagle blasted a crack in the glass twice, and the straight tempered glass was so fragile in front of him, the pilot scuttled the helicopter and turned around, and the propeller deflected directly down!

“! Damn it! Wang Ye immediately controlled the golden-eyed eagle to dodge far away, and at this time, another helicopter with the Stark logo printed on it in the distance had already flown over!

“Look! It’s here to pick me up! Tony suddenly came out from below and saw the helicopter flying at a glance, and in the distance he saw the pilot and a blonde woman sitting in the cockpit!

“I’m here!” Tony waved his arms and shouted over there, seeing this scene, Wang also stepped forward and pressed Tony to the ground, and then shot a row of bullets from the helicopter before, clicking on the sand!

“You’re dead! Be honest with me! Wang Ye pressed him to the ground, and then looked towards the sky, only to see that the helicopter with the Stark logo flew over sharply, coming directly towards this side! At this time, suddenly the helicopter in front of them shot sharply at them, and suddenly the two helicopters froze.

“I’ll let you hit!” Wang was also ruthless, gritted his teeth and saw the golden-eyed eagle flying over again, directly towards the propeller of the plane suicide crashed, Carrara A golden-eyed eagle’s body was directly rolled into the propeller was shattered, but the propeller of the helicopter was also chaotic, and the whole plane shook in the air!

Taking advantage of this time, the helicopter quickly flew over, the propeller rumbled and rolled up a large area of sand, and then a jump rope ladder was released!

“Tony! Come up! The woman above immediately opened the door and shouted below, and another person next to Tony also quickly beckoned Wang to get on the plane.

“Pepper! You guys are finally here! Tony shouted excitedly, and immediately threw away his armor and threw himself up the ladder, this woman is Stark’s lover and secretary, nicknamed Pepper.

Wang also stopped talking nonsense, and climbed up with Tony. At this time, I only listened to Pepper anxiously say: “Tony, we have been looking for you for three days, why did you appear here?” ”

“I don’t know, if it weren’t for this bastard, I wouldn’t be able to come out by now!” Tony said breathlessly, and then pointed to Wang Ye next to him.

“This guy actually wants to take half of my property!” Tony said through gritted teeth.

Hearing this, Wang Ye’s face turned cold, and the corners of his mouth widened. He is not afraid that Tony Stark will not admit it, he knows that Tony will definitely not touch the arms business again after he goes back, and secondly, if he repents, Wang does not mind feeding him a king cobra! He doesn’t show mercy to anyone’s men.

“Hello, thank you for a long time Tony.” Little Pepper said politely, suddenly at this time the plane shook violently, and I saw Shui Yuan violently turn the sheep and herd the sheep, and a missile flew violently from the side! The helicopter that was previously interfered with by Wang Ye has recovered, and now it is rushing towards this side!

Suddenly, two fire snakes erupted from the plane, and a large row of bullets whizzed towards them, and suddenly the glass of the plane was shattered, scattered with a bang!

“Ahhh!!” Immediately after listening to a scream, the driver’s chest suddenly burst into a bloody flower, and his body flew straight backwards, and the row of bullets directly shattered his upper body.

“Damn it! I’ll drive! Tony jerked away the driver’s body and sat on it, Tony’s driving skills were very good, and immediately turned around and flew towards New York, while the helicopter behind had caught up!

The planes behind were in hot pursuit, and the bullets almost shattered the fuel tank here, but this plane of the Stark Group was not military, was not equipped with weapons, and could not fight back at all! In the face of the fierce pursuit and fierce beating Wang behind him, he almost couldn’t bear it, the expression on his face became hideous, and the clay man still had three points of fire!

“Turn me around! Rush back! Wang Ye grabbed your shoulders and yelled, only to see that the bruises on his arms showed some signs of violent escape!

“To go back now is to die!” Tony and Pepper retorted loudly, and Wang also frowned, teeth clenched.

“Go back, get close and let me jump straight on!” Wang Ye said suddenly, and this sentence immediately shocked Tony and the two. But now that time is no longer waiting, Tony gritted his teeth and directly turned around towards the helicopter behind!

“If you don’t die, the shares will be given to you when they go back!” Tony suddenly said without a head, at this time, he even felt that Wang also had the ability to dismantle the helicopter opposite! The next moment the two planes were getting closer and closer, Wang Ye immediately opened the door, just when there were nearly ten meters left, Tony suddenly stopped the plane, Wang Ye jumped out of the plane violently, his legs slammed the iron plate under his feet, and the huge inertia boomed and flew out like a cannonball!

“What a thing!” The pilot on the other side was immediately shocked, and saw Wang Ye smashed on the plane with a boom, and the body like steel cast iron smashed the bulletproof glass, and the glass shards flew everywhere!

“What do you want to do! Forehead! The pilot was furious, and then the voice stopped abruptly, and I saw Wang Ye violently tear off the controller, and then I saw Wang Ye’s arm suddenly began to emit a burst of white smoke, and the muscles on his arm tightened viciously!

“I’ll let you fight again! Give me death! Wang Ye’s eyes were full of tyranny, and then his hands were clenched together, and he slammed it directly towards the bridge, and suddenly the explosive power of the mantis shrimp soared, and the air in front of him was instantly ignited, and a strong storm blew up in the cab! Immediately after a loud rumble, the powerful fist slammed into the bridge, and a huge crack in the world tore open in the front section of the plane, flames shot out, and the plane sank down sharply!

“What the hell is he?” Tony’s eyes on the other side widened, and he saw that the front end of the plane over there was suddenly shattered, half of the nose of the plane was all cracked, and the next moment the plane exploded violently and rushed directly towards the desert below! Wang Ye’s furious blow actually shattered the nose of the plane!

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