Chapter XXII When the armor is in progress

At this time, Tony’s new armor has been modified, the cooling release device has been perfectly combined with the steel suit, and Tony has been exhausted by two consecutive days of rigidity experiments.

Knock, suddenly at this moment there was a knock on the door, followed by the sound of the door being opened. Tony immediately became alert and dragged his tired body towards the outside.

“Tony, you’re okay.” Oba suddenly opened the door and walked in, and when he entered the door, he saw a mess all over the house.

Tony came out and sat on the sofa and said, “What’s wrong, why are you free to come and see me, there is nothing wrong in the company?” ”

Hearing such obviously somewhat distant words, the grim expression on Oba’s face flashed, hiding his impatience and said: “Old fellow, how can you say that, of course I have to come to see you when things in the company are all over.” ”

“yes, that’s really hard for you.” Tony closed his eyes and said.

At this moment, suddenly Oba said: “Tony, the voice about arms is now more and more common among our customers, and it is time to develop new arms weapons.” ”

Hearing Oba’s words, Tony suddenly sighed and said: “Oba, I think it’s time for us to withdraw from the arms business, I will buy all the shares in the arms and exchange them for money, and I don’t plan to touch arms in the future.” ”

“What do you say!” Oba immediately became excited, the arms business was all he had, and now Tony actually told him that the Stark Group was going to give up the arms business.

“You heard it right, in the future, Stark Group will be fully transformed into an industrial group. After the arms shares are sold, I will transfer them to another person. Tony said, in fact, he is also testing Oba now, he has detected Oba’s betrayal.

“Tony, you can’t do this.” The viciousness and madness in Obba’s eyes began to rise from under his eyes, arms were all he had, Tony actually said that if he didn’t do it, he wouldn’t do it, and he actually wanted to give it to another person! So what is he Oba for so many years!

Thinking of this, Oba suddenly pounced on Tony. Tony had two consecutive days of high-intensity experiments, exhausted, and was violently pressed under Oba by him, and then Oba’s hand grabbed the reactor on Tony’s chest!

“Tony! You forced me! Arms cannot be abandoned! “Oba’s eyes are full of viciousness, today he is going to get that powerful war armor! As soon as the words fell, he grabbed the reactor and screwed it down with a click, and suddenly Tony’s face froze, and he collapsed directly on the chair.

“Tony! Don’t blame me! Oba stumbled with the reactor with a resolute look and ran out, heading straight outside!

“Damn it!” Tony lost his reaction furnace and was weak, but his will to survive made him plop out of his chair and crawl towards the laboratory with all his might.

“Jarvis! Install a new reactor for me! Hurry up! The students on Tony’s face began to burst out, and the next moment two robotic arms suddenly flew out of the laboratory, and a blue new reactor clicked and installed on Tony’s chest, and the next moment Tony suddenly stood up from the ground and came to the innermost and pressed on a starting device!

With a rumbling shock, an iron door in front of Tony suddenly opened, and he saw a new type of war armor with red and yellow appear in front of him, and the eyes of the steel armor suddenly shot out two blood-red bright lights!

“Oba! You will regret it! Tony said this and walked up directly, at the same time the steel armor automatically cracked, Tony walked directly up like a fish, and then the sound of clicking sounded, and the steel armor was all installed automatically!


Meanwhile, Mr. Oba had already boarded his own truck.

“Boss! What do you think! The driver immediately asked anxiously.

“Open the trunk!” Oba shouted loudly, and as soon as the words fell, he went directly into the back compartment! At this moment, I only heard a sudden loud bang on Tony’s ground, and then I saw a flame rise up in the dark night, and a humanoid steel armor rushed out from it!

“Oba! Stop hiding! Tony’s voice turned into an electronic synth through the cold mask, but the anger in it could not be hidden!

“Tony! You will regret it! Only listening to Oba’s voice coming out of the carriage, Tony immediately flew towards the truck as soon as he heard it, raised his palm sharply against the carriage in mid-air, and the fiery energy cannon was sharply aimed at the carriage!

“Go and die!” Tony Meng shouted, but at this moment, he only heard a boom, the iron sheet of the carriage shattered violently, and a huge steel arm stretched out from the carriage and grabbed Tony!

“Tony, with such a good weapon, you actually hide it from me! Now it’s mine! Oba’s voice came, and then the carriage suddenly burst open, the iron sheet flew out, and I saw a huge steel overlord four meters tall suddenly appeared, that huge body and equipped with many weapons is completely a war machine! Oba’s body is in it, and his head is exposed to the neck of the Iron Overlord.

“Tony, you should die,” Oba said with a sneer, and as soon as the words fell, the mask of the Steel Overlord fell, completely shrouding Oba in it!

At the same time, Wang Ye was speeding towards this side, the speed of the cheetah and the flexibility of the antelope made him almost an afterimage under the night, and a pair of eyes were full of icy killing intent! An ultimate battle of steel armor and humanoid tyrannosaurus is about to take place!

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