Chapter Twenty-Nine Furious Anger

“Just! Right here! Tommy said through gritted teeth, the burning pain in his shoulder making him almost faint, and then looked at a vase on the left.

“Oh, it’s quite mysterious.” Wang also said with disdain, and then his right hand suddenly touched Tommy’s neck!

“You! What are you doing! You said you wouldn’t kill me! Tommy said in fear, he felt that Wang Ye’s eyes were full of cold killing intent, looking at him was like looking at an ant about to crush to death, there was no unbearability!

“When did I say that?” Yes! Miscellaneous! Wang Ye’s face became hideous, and then the force of the injury suddenly increased, and suddenly Tommy’s face turned red, his blood vessels all burst out, his hands were crushed, and his body was like a sieve chaff and screamed, and then a sound of bones breaking sounded, and suddenly Tommy’s body softened.

Without saying anything, Wang also casually threw Tommy’s body, and the next moment a burst of white smoke suddenly rose from his arms, and the skin on his arms began to turn blood-red!

“Open it for me!” With a loud shout, Wang Ye raised his hand and slammed a fist towards the wall in front of him, and suddenly the air in front of him was directly ignited by MOCA, and a burst of air cannon burst out, and then Wang Ye’s fist bombarded the wall fiercely! Only listening to a violent rumbling, the wall in front of me quickly began to crack, and the next second there was a click of bricks and debris on the wall, and suddenly the dust was filled!

The smoke cleared, and I saw a hole more than half a person high appear on the wall, and a step led straight to the ground! Wang Ye walked down below without saying a word, and just after taking two steps, suddenly a heavy metal rock music came faintly from below.

Wang Ye just came to the basement and was confused by the scene in front of him, only to see that it was completely different from what he thought, this is like an underground club, countless men and women venting their physical strength madly on a huge dance floor, and the colorful lights make this place look like another world!

The smell of heermeng and tobacco and alcohol filled every corner, and there were even people who brazenly stuffed unknown pills into their mouths! As soon as Wang Ye walked up, he was immediately greeted by a man with yellow hair who came up and said, “Hey man, did you just come?” Would you like one? ”

As he spoke, this person took out a syringe and handed it to Wang Ye, and Wang Ye looked down and saw that this person’s arm was full of black needle eyes, this thing was morphine without any accident!

“Oh, it’s really a bunch of scum!” Wang Ye’s brows furrowed, and he grabbed this person’s wrist, and then only heard a clear sound of bone breaking!

“Ah! What are you doing! The man shouted loudly, but as soon as the words came out, they stopped abruptly, and Wang Ye’s muscles on his arm contracted, and he suddenly grabbed his arm and threw him towards the person!

Suddenly, this person flew out with a search like a cannon ejection, and the next moment it directly crashed into the crowd, and three or four people who were swinging were directly knocked away!

Suddenly, those people stopped, and their eyes looked towards Wang Ye, and the next moment two tall men walked in front of them: “Boy! Are you here to make trouble! ”

As he spoke, he punched towards Wang Ye, and Wang Ye’s face was full of disgust, and he didn’t even want to speak, and suddenly pulled the man’s fist over, and then the steel-like hand instantly snapped into a grasp, poofed the man’s neck, and then tore it violently! With a hiss, that person’s throat was directly torn apart, and suddenly a large amount of blood burst out, and Wang Ye did not pause and slammed his right hand into another person with a punch, and suddenly the flames were everywhere, and it hit the person’s head with a click! Suddenly, the person flew out upside down, the skull shattered with a click, the red and white brain pulp splashed everywhere, and a smell of blood began to permeate this space!

The music stopped abruptly, everyone was quiet, and Wang Ye threw off his injured brain pulp and said coldly: “Everyone here is going to die today!” ”

As soon as the words fell, the king also stepped on the ground fiercely, and the whole person threw himself into the crowd like a leopard, he didn’t care if these people were people here, as long as they were here, there was no good thing! It’s all a bunch of scum, and he’s going to kill them all!


“Help!” Suddenly, these people went crazy, and Wang Ye listened to the murderous aura in his eyes even more victoriously, and a pair of hands like a sickle tore and tear the sound of tearing and pulling continuously, and every claw tore the flesh and blood of these people! Suddenly, the smell of blood replaced the smell that permeated here, and blood was everywhere!

“Kill him!” At this moment, more than a dozen people rushed out of a door, armed with machetes and pistols, and rushed towards Wang Ye! The sharp knife edge slashed fiercely at Wang Ye’s back! As if he had a back eye, Wang Ye suddenly turned around and was able to smash the wall with a punch that slammed into that person’s stomach!

“You guys are the most damned!” Wang Ye’s face was hideous, his fist came out directly, and with a boom, blood mixed with internal organs sprayed out from behind the person!

“Damn it!” Those people behind suddenly felt like a great enemy, and sharply aimed at Wang Ye and raised their pistols. Wang Ye threw away the man’s body, and then suddenly a black light flashed, and those people felt cold in their hands.

“Yes! It’s a snake! “Looking at it, more than a dozen black mambas and king cobras coiled around these people’s hands, and suddenly they threw away their pistols in horror! Wang Ye snorted coldly, and those poisonous snakes were as fast as getting the elves and biting them, and suddenly the sound of gurgling sounded, and the poison was instantly injected into their veins!

“Him! He’s a poison man! Suddenly, someone on the side recognized Wang Ye’s means and shouted in horror.

Wang Ye’s face was gloomy: “That’s right!” ”

As soon as the words fell, with a wave of his hand, a large number of killer bees and densely packed bullet ants flew out overwhelmingly, making people’s scalps numb!

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