Chapter 36: Comprehensive encirclement and suppression

Wang Ye immediately felt a sharp gaze lock on him, and when he looked up sharply to the back, he saw an arrow that was serious and instantly enlarged! Wang could even block the bullet, but this arrow gave him an extremely sharp sense of crisis! Almost subconsciously, Wang Ye suddenly moved half an inch sideways in place, and the next moment the arrow swooped and grazed his neck, and suddenly a tingling pain appeared on Wang Ye’s neck. And when I looked up, I saw a man in a power suit on the roof of the pet store staring at him with eagle-like eyes!

Reaching out and touching the side of his neck, Wang Ye looked down and saw a faint blood stain appear on his hand, and a small wound was wiped out on his neck, and suddenly Wang Ye’s forehead was bruised, and a wave of anger rose!

“! Find death! Wang Ye gritted his teeth and roared, and then his right foot slammed on the ground, and suddenly the ground under his feet cracked, and a powerful explosive force erupted on his legs, and the whole person rushed towards Hawkeye like a cannonball!

“Your opponent is me!” Suddenly, the woman in the trench coat blocked his eyes, and a long toned leg jerked towards his chest, and the crackling sound of the air being kicked continued to sound on her leg! Wang Ye suddenly raised his right hand, and a flame burned on his arm! With a boom, the fist and the datui collided together, and suddenly a tooth-sour air cannon spread out, and the ground under the feet of the imitation bird clicked and cracked, obviously unable to withstand Wang Ye’s huge force!

“me!” Wang also used the ability of the mantis shrimp again, and the second burst of fist wind boomed up. This time, the imitation bird seemed to know the lesson, and when Wang Ye had just exerted his strength, he jerked back his datui, and his body swooped out! Just as fancy as a gymnastics mobilization, she suddenly unfastened the belt of her trench coat in mid-air, and the wide trench coat fell with a hula, and then a figure wearing a blue and white tights fell to the ground!

“Poison man, you won’t tie up your hands this time!” The imitation sound bird was wearing a tights, and as he spoke, he suddenly pulled out a special metal short stick from his waist, and the sound of breaking wind made people smack!

As she drew her weapon, the agents who had long been in ambush around quickly entered the state, and all of them rushed out, a sound of bullets loading, and then I saw that there were more than a dozen sturdy agents surrounding Wang Ye, and more than a dozen pistols were aimed at all the key points of his body! This is not over, Wang Ye looked up, and saw that Hawkeye was building a bow on the roof, and the armor-breaking arrow had been aimed at his eyebrows!


“Want me to be tied up? You tama took the wrong medicine! Wang Ye sneered, hearing the answer, suddenly the dozen or so agents seemed to have received an order, and suddenly aimed at Wang Ye’s whole body and fired together, spitting out tongues of fire, and the bullets directly surrounded Wang Ye!

“Come on!” Wang Ye’s face changed, these agents’ gunskill was much stronger than that of terrorists, and the dead corners of the whole body were almost covered. Gritting his teeth, the king also violently lowered his body, and then a powerful explosive force acted on the ground, and with a click, the ground cracked, and the king pressed the ground like a predatory leopard and rushed directly towards the agent in front of him!

The bullet flew over his head, Wang Ye sharply increased his speed, and suddenly a bullet flew low towards his eyebrows, Wang Ye gritted his teeth and directly shenchu’s right hand, only to hear a bang The bullet spun and flew into his hand!

“Stop me!” Wang Ye roared, and a puff of white smoke swirled and spewed out from his hand! Immediately afterwards, Wang Ye snorted and threw the bullet towards an agent beside him.

“How come!” The agent’s eyes widened, and there was a piercing pain in his heart, and then he didn’t know anything in front of him, and a blood hole appeared in the location of his heart!

“Get out of the way!” Suddenly, there was a shout from behind, and those agents quickly dodged, and the imitation bird rushed in like a human whirlwind, and the metal short stick in his hand even burst the air!

“! I’ll make you ruthless! Wang Ye clenched his teeth, and suddenly a black smoke emanated from his body, and then in the eyes of everyone, a totem of a black bear appeared behind Wang Ye!

“Roar!!!” Wang Ye spewed out a breath of white breath from one mouth, his eyes were bloodshot, and the tyrannical aura made those agents can’t help but swallow a mouthful of saliva!

“What the hell are you!” The imitation bird said with a serious face.

Suddenly Wang Ye suddenly raised his hand and grabbed behind him, and a sharp arrow was grabbed by him with a pop, and suddenly the people present were shocked, Hawkeye’s armor-breaking arrow was silenced, and it was actually discovered!

“Start attacking!” Suddenly Hawkeye on the roof said, and then I saw that an almost transparent steel wire on the sharp arrow was grabbed by Hawkeye in his hand, Hawkeye pulled it violently, and several barbs stabbed out of the arrow towards Wang Ye’s hand!

“Give me down!” Wang Ye grabbed the arrow and pulled it back, and suddenly an irresistible force suddenly passed over!

“Damn it!” Hawkeye was suddenly shocked!

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