Chapter 42 Trouble with S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Termites are the world’s most powerful destroyers, not only crushing wood, but they release strong acids that can make steel and plastic vulnerable. Wang had already planned his plan, including being rounded up by S.H.I.E.L.D. and he had already planned it. Those termites clicked and gnawed at Wang Ye’s injured limiter as if they were being controlled, and piles of white debris brushes fell down.

“Okay, S.H.I.E.L.D., I’ll make you arrogant!” Wang Ye suddenly stood up from the chair, and as soon as the words fell, the shackles on his hands and feet were directly broken, and then he reached out and clicked on his neck, and the limiter above was torn off.

At the same time, the monitoring room showed that the second basement floor suddenly seemed to be blocked by something, and the agent fixed his eyes and saw a huge reticulated python coiled on the monitor camera!

“Damn it! What is it! The agent cursed and immediately began to call Fury.

“Sir, the monitor on the second basement floor is blocked! That monster is going to escape! The agent reported anxiously.

Fury immediately hung up the pager when he heard it, and then pressed a button on the table, and suddenly the sound of the red alarm sounded everywhere in the base, and at the same time, Fury’s voice appeared in the pager of every agent in the base!

“Attention everyone! The poison man has escaped from prison, all the fighters are in place and start searching, the enemy is a criminal with special abilities, if encountered, immediately take fire to suppress! All non-combatants took immediate refuge and the S.H.I.E.L.D. Emergency Closure System was opened. ”

Suddenly everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. heard it, and soon a woman’s voice came into Fury’s page, only to hear Natasha ask solemnly: “Sir, I apply to join the war!” ”

Fury thought for a moment and immediately said: “Natasha, you cultivate well, you don’t care about the poisonous man’s affairs first.” In addition, the Necromancer Lock is on standby, which can be released if necessary! ”


Then another voice came, and Hill ran directly towards the second underground floor as he spoke: “Sir, I will go to the second underground floor now, there is no exit there, maybe he is still hiding there.” ”

Without waiting for Fury to answer, Hill had already opened the elevator door and came directly to the second basement floor! As soon as he entered, Hilton’s scalp felt numb, and he saw a seven or eight meter-long reticulated python directly coiled on the camera in front of him, and the metal plate on the glass prison cage where Wang Ye was held had been smashed into a huge hole.

Hill immediately ran over quickly, and as soon as he walked in, he saw that the handcuffs and restrictions that restricted Wang Ye fell on the ground of the glass prison, and the metal plate on it seemed to have been smashed by someone with a huge force, this strange force in S.H.I.E.L.D. except the necromancer lock can do it! In addition, there is only one explanation, the king who can fight the necromancer lock also smashed it!

“Where!” Suddenly, Hill’s face was serious, and he suddenly pulled out his pistol and searched the surroundings, and at this moment a sound of brushing and pulling sounded overhead, and then a wall skin fell from above.

“What! How come! Hill looked up, and suddenly saw a large hole more than one meter wide above his head, and the wall above was made of reinforced concrete, and it was actually bombarded!

“Sir! The poison man escaped! We underestimated him, he actually shattered the reinforced concrete floor! Hill said with a serious face!

There was silence on the earphone side for two seconds, and then came Fury’s serious voice: “Release the necromancy lock immediately!” ”

“But sir, you will completely lose the opportunity to collect the poisonous man!” Hill hurriedly persuaded that she was really considering absorbing blood for S.H.I.E.L.D.

“No, but! Can’t let him destroy at the base, immediately release the necromancy lock! That’s an order! Fury ordered bluntly.

“Okay.” Hill replied with a sad look.


At the same time, Wang Ye was in a passage in the execution area on the first floor, listening to the siren sound in his ears, Wang couldn’t help but grin excitedly. The next moment, their kick smashed a door on their side, and then with a wave of their hands, more than a dozen black shadows flew in with a whoosh!

“You are! Poison Man! ”

“Help!” Suddenly, the agents inside screamed, and I saw more than a dozen black mambas biting their throats with shocking fangs! Suddenly, the highly toxic venom made these people’s faces turn black!

Wang Ye didn’t look at it, and directly went in and pulled up a frightened and stupid agent, and said in a cruel voice: “Where is the database!” ”

“No, there is no database!” The agent suddenly panicked and said subconsciously. Wang Ye’s face was cold, and he ripped off one of this person’s arms with a click, and suddenly the blood gushed out, and the agent’s pupils widened and he almost fainted directly!

“Shut up! Where the hell is it! Wang Ye slammed a punch towards his mouth, and with a pop, the man’s full teeth mixed with blood and water sprayed out!

“Really! Not really, the data is all on the console’s server! The agent said vaguely. As soon as the words fell, Wang Ye directly lifted him up and walked outside.

“Take me!” Wang Ye said coldly, while carrying him to the center of the first floor, along the way, Wang Ye suddenly began to appear pieces of king cobras following behind, the brush under the feet appeared black pressure pressed a bullet ant there were hundreds of them, the buzzing sound above the head was thousands of killer bees swarming! Such a poisonous insect opens the way, and any agent who comes over will die immediately!

Just when he was about to come to the console, suddenly there was a loud bang on the wall around the corner, and with a boom, the wall was punched through, and a huge metal fist slammed Wang Ye’s head!

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