Chapter 53: Fusion of the Deep Sea Electric Eel!

The venom of the king cobra was poured into Shred’s veins, and suddenly Shred’s pupils dilated, and Wang Ye’s expression was like a butcher, looking at him fiercely!

“Get out of my way!” Schréder didn’t know where the strength came from, and at the moment of life and death, all the unprecedented power suddenly burst out of his body, and he grabbed Wang Ye’s wrist and ripped it out with a hiss!

“Aren’t you playing poison! Yes! Wang Ye snorted and withdrew his right hand, and then grabbed Shredder violently, and a black bear’s brute force burst out and threw Shréder out directly, smashing on the wall with a bang, and the wooden wall was smashed by Shredder!

“Nope! No way! I can’t die! I’m not going to die! Shréder fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the spit out blood had begun to change towards black!

“Play poison, you are far behind!” Wang also walked towards Shredder step by step, in Shredder’s eyes, Wang was like the devil, this mad ninja was so afraid of a person for the first time! Immediately after an explosion of will to survive, Schréder got up from the ground, and gradually the passage in his eyes had begun to distort and deform, and hallucinations began to appear!

“I don’t want to die! It’s you who dies! “Schréder knew that he was dying, and the poison in his body made his breathing begin to pump out violently, and he couldn’t get oxygen no matter how hard he tried! After getting up from the ground, Schréder stumbled towards a staircase behind him!

“Slag!” Wang also seems to be a poisonous snake chasing his prey, and now Schréder is like a prey bitten by a poisonous snake, stumbling towards the upstairs! The king also followed unhurriedly, and suddenly at this moment Schréder suddenly disappeared at the entrance of the stairs.

“Dare to run!” Wang Ye frowned, sharply quickened his steps, the short staircase was smashed by him with a bang, and Wang also flew directly up the stairs!

“This is!” As soon as he came to the attic, suddenly Wang also saw an incredible scene! Seeing this step not only made her scalp tingle a little! I saw Shréder stumbling to a bold shield with his broken body, and pushed them away and fell in! Then suddenly a flash of blue electric light flashed, completely illuminating this attic!

At this time, Wang also knew the purpose of Shredder’s coming here, and saw that there were hundreds of cables densely distributed in the small attic, and three electric amplifiers were connected to Schréder’s glass shield, and those electric lights flashed and Shredder stood up screaming!

“Ah!!! Poison Man! I want you to pay for me! Shréder was already determined to die, only to hear a harsh shout that those arm-thick cables began to emit deadly high-voltage electricity, and then the three electric amplifiers rumbled and ranging, and Schréder soared into the air like an electric man! The whole body began to smell burnt in just a few seconds, but Schréder seemed to not know, laughing maniacally!

“I want you to pay for my life!!! Come to hell with me! Hahaha! Schréder laughed, he was already crazy. Before the words fell, an arm-thick thunderbolt suddenly rushed out from in front of him, and it was connected to Wang Ye with a boom!

“Ah!!! What is it! Suddenly, the king of time was also struck by lightning, and a sharp pain that hurt into the bone marrow and a sense of paralysis that was almost shattered all over his body swept through his body in an instant! This was not over, the electric amplifiers around Schréder suddenly wanted to get an order, and they rumbled a few times, and I saw five or six arm-thick thunderbolts swept towards Wang Ye again!


“Yay! Ahhh!! Suddenly, Wang also even deformed his voice, the whole person was like a light person, and in less than a second, Wang Ye began to spew out blood from the pores of his body, and a burning smell began to come out!

“Hahaha! Die with me! Schréder laughed wildly, as long as he could take Wang Ye to die with him, it didn’t matter!

“Abominable!” Wang Ye’s eyes were about to explode, and at this moment, his heart immediately shouted!

“Quick! Something can help me! Fast! ”

The system immediately replied: “Now the host can only survive by fusing new species, fusing deep-sea electric eels.” However, the host’s credits will consume at least half! ”

Wang Ye suddenly broke his mouth and cursed: “Life is almost gone!” What the do you care about points! Come on! ”

As soon as the words fell, suddenly a burning sensation that reached the soul suddenly rose in Wang Ye’s heart, and suddenly the double high-voltage electricity on his body and soul almost made him faint instantly! Gradually, bursts of crimson electricity began to travel in the veins of his body, and the cells of his body began to be rapidly transformed, and a cell that could make bioelectricity quickly took root in his body!

“Ah!!!” Gradually, Wang Ye’s eyes began to burst out a blood-red current, and the high-voltage electricity that hit him suddenly seemed to be useless, and even Wang had a feeling full of power!

“Die yourself!” Wang Ye said suddenly, as he spoke, blood-colored thunderbolts suddenly flowed from his skin, and suddenly those thunderbolts that hit him seemed to be assimilated!

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