Chapter 73 The Hulk is born

The Viper Party has been wiped out, and the subordinate ace mercenaries have also been destroyed by Wang Ye’s violent departure, and a mercenary corps has been destroyed by one person, which is enough to shock the government army, but after the incident, only the stump and severed arm and the heavy weapons of the meeting were left on the scene, as if they had experienced a big war, but the party Wang had already disappeared.

There is another reason why Wang was not found, just when Wang Ye killed the mercenary organization alone, at the same time a weapons test of epochal significance was underway in a military base in western Oh.

A small bomb device was placed on the test bench in the huge laboratory, and the middle laboratory was separated by a huge space glass, and several experimental personnel stood on the opposite side of the glass expectantly waiting for something.

“Connor, are we really going to test explode this bomb? This is the result of Bruce’s painstaking efforts, doesn’t it wait for him to detonate it himself? A woman with blonde hair in an experimental protective suit asked.

“Miss Betty, this is the order of your father, General Rose, the gamma weapon should belong to the army, the army has all his right to use it, if the test explosion is successful, I think Bruce will also be happy.” A man next to him said excitedly, a pair of eyes were almost lying on the glass in front of him, and his eyes looked at the gamma bomb inside without blinking!

“Okay, but Bruce is the maker of this bomb, and he must be compensated accordingly!” Betty said stubbornly that this woman is Bruce Banner’s girlfriend, so she will do her best to fight for the interests of Bruce in his mouth.

Bruce Banner, a genius doctor of quantum physics, his research on gamma rays has made him reused by the military, all research equipment and funds are provided by the army, and the general’s daughter is still his girlfriend, and the only requirement of the army for him is to study gamma rays for the government and create weapons beyond nuclear weapons as much as possible.

“Okay, let’s get started. I can’t wait! The man named Connor said excitedly, saying that he was about to detonate the gamma bomb, which was already protected by huge space glass, and he felt that the aftermath of the gamma bomb explosion could be completely isolated.

Betty swallowed a mouthful of saliva, only to see Connor slowly press his hand on the detonation button, and suddenly at this moment the door of the laboratory was slammed open, and a man in a white coat rushed in, anxiously saying: “What are you doing!” ”

“Banner?” Betty looked at the person who rushed in unexpectedly, and just about to explain that she saw Banner dreamingly looking at the gamma bomb behind the glass, suddenly Banner’s eyes widened sharply, and the next moment he quickly shouted: “Hurry up!” Run! ”

“What’s wrong Banner!” Connor still had to say something, but Banner didn’t give him time to speak, grabbed the clothes of the two and pushed them vigorously towards the door!

At the same time, the gamma bomb suddenly buzzed and fluctuated, and then a green shock wave visible to the naked eye suddenly spread out from the bomb, and in less than a second, it suddenly filled half of the laboratory, and the space glass that was said to block gamma rays shattered with a bang, and suddenly a destructive energy swept over!

“Run!” Banner didn’t have time to think about it, and violently retreated the two, and the next moment directly slammed the door shut, trying to block the power of gamma rays and hurt the people outside!

“Oh!!! As soon as the door closed, Banner was immediately swept by that shock wave, and suddenly a green light raged throughout the room like a tornado, and Banner’s shout was directly suppressed!


After a long while, the power of the gamma bomb disappeared, and Betty and the two slapped desperately outside, and the next moment the iron door clicked and shattered.

The two quickly rushed in, only to see that the room was a mess, all the experimental equipment was shattered, and Banner was lying on the ground as if dead, his whole body covered in blood and glass shards.

“How so! No, no! Betty shouted loudly, shaking Banner in disbelief. At this moment, suddenly Banner’s hand moved, and then a green light suddenly emanated from him.

“What’s going on.” Betty stopped crying, and saw Banner suddenly struggling to get up, and the next moment the skin on his body suddenly began to turn green, and the muscles on his body began to expand rapidly!

“Eh!!! Betty, run! Banner shouted viciously, the two people present were all frightened, only to see Banner suddenly began to tear the clothes on his upper body desperately, the skin on his body suddenly turned green, the whole person began to swell, the muscles and bones on the body grew rapidly as if they had eaten hormones, and gradually a hideous humanoid monster appeared in front of the two people, green skin all over the body, explosive muscles, the whole person was three meters tall, like a green giant!

“Run!” Connor quickly grabbed Betty and immediately ran out, but the next moment a huge palm grabbed it, slammed Connor away, and Connor crashed into the wall like a human cannonball, and the bones in his body were directly broken!

“Roar!!! Hulk! Banner turned into a behemoth, lost his sanity, and then grabbed Betty in his hand.

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