Chapter Seventy-Nine

Since Wang Ye fled S.H.I.E.L.D., he has not appeared in S.H.I.E.L.D.’s line of sight, Wang also deliberately hides his whereabouts, even S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot find him, the whole person seems to have evaporated in the world, S.H.I.E.L.D. can only find Wang Ye slaughtering the New York Foot Gang and the wreckage after the battle in the jungle, Wang Ye’s actions seem to be deliberately hidden.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest, and Wang Ye has not been to Tony’s since that storm, nor has he gone out again, he has long returned to the pet store, and a few days have passed, and even the agents who monitor him have not found it.

Having experienced the opening of God jinqu, Wang also seems to have found a way to become stronger, the human body is a treasure, but it is locked by congenital physical defects, ordinary people no matter how they train, even injecting genetic agents can only open the tip of the iceberg, Wang also has a way to briefly open jinqu through the hundred beast system, but his body can not withstand this trend of skyrocketing power, the mind is extremely vulnerable, and every time it is turned on, it will lose its mind.

In order to maintain his sanity when opening the god jinqu, Wang can only get his body used to the erosion of this surge of power through his own mastery.

At this time, Wang Ye was in the bedroom of the pet store, the room was very quiet, and Wang was sitting on the bed like an old monk, but the sweat that continued to emerge from his whole body indicated that he was experiencing unbearable pain at this time.

“Damn it! How exactly do you get used to it! Wang Ye closed his eyes and gritted his teeth and said, the skin on his face was about to twist into a pimple, sweat brushed down from the body, and then it could almost dehydrate people like this, the skin of the whole body exuded unbearable heat for ordinary people, the sweat on his clothes was evaporated by this heat and bursts of white smoke, the room was filled with the smell of Wang Ye’s sweat, and a wild smell pervaded.

At this time, Wang Ye is trying to open the God jinqu, let himself use extremely strong willpower to keep his mind from being devoured, this unbearable moment of pain for ordinary people roared in Wang Ye’s mind, it seems that there is a voice constantly or him, telling him to destroy everything in front of him, as if everything can be trampled under his feet, anything he wants is at his fingertips, money, status, strength, women, it seems that as long as Wang Ye gives up resistance, he can get it!

Just as Wang Ye was desperately resisting this erosion, the people who had been waiting for Wang Ye to appear outside the pet store gradually disappeared as if they had received some order. At the same time, a woman with burgundy hair came to the door of the pet store, wearing a black leather jacket and matching her tall figure, making Natasha look like a mix of model and soldier, full of strange Youhuo.


“Natasha, are you sure the poison man is back.” Natasha’s voice came Hill’s voice through her earphones, as if unsure.

“I don’t know, I just think that scum won’t leave the lair easily. Hurry up on your side, and if you find him, we will converge immediately. Natasha said expressionlessly, she and Hill acted separately, Hill went to the Stark Group, and the two tried their best to find Wang Ye, and now it is a hundred thousand anxious.

As soon as the words fell, Natasha pulled off the lock on the door and pushed the door and walked in, as soon as she entered, Natasha suddenly frowned, and a strong wild smell came to her face, mixed with a strong heermeng.

“Damn it!” Natasha frowned and walked slowly inside, keeping an eye on her surroundings, and she would shoot as soon as she noticed the wind blowing. The further she went in, the stronger the wild smell became, and Natasha gradually became a little sweaty, and a hint of red actually appeared on her fair face. She didn’t know that Wang was also the body of a hundred beasts, and the smell emitted from his body was simply like a strong cuiqing agent for women.

Walking to the innermost room, Natasha gradually adapted to the dim light, and suddenly saw Wang Ye’s figure sitting cross-legged on the bed, and suddenly Natasha’s eyes were calm, and just about to speak, she suddenly found that Wang was not right.

“What’s going on?” Natasha only saw that the sweat on Wang Ye’s body flowed down like a waterfall, and there was still a burst of white smoke on his body, and he could feel the blazing heat without going over, and judging from the expression on his face, he seemed to be suffering unbearably for ordinary people!

“Scum! You have today too! Natasha somehow clenched her teeth with hatred when she saw Wang Ye, and suddenly she pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Wang Ye’s head. Since she met Wang Ye, every time Natasha was suppressed by Wang Ye, the sharp pain of bullet ants sounded, and Natasha’s eyes were full of hatred.

Wang still didn’t move, Natasha’s hand holding the gun was eager to shoot down, gritting her teeth She struggled in her heart for a long time, and then slowly put the gun down. Somehow, Natasha didn’t want to kill him again, it seemed that the hatred had not reached that point, but she did not know that her face had gradually become the same as that of a red apple.

At this moment, the suddenly quiet king also opened his eyes suddenly, grabbed Natasha’s collar with his right hand and directly pulled her to the bed!

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