Chapter 83 Fierce beasts against each other

“Come on, I’ll see if you’re really that good! What kind of monster is it to destroy four military bases in one day! Wang Ye suddenly surged with a heroic spirit in his heart, he had already been curious about how strong the legendary Hulk was, all the forces in front of it were chickens and dogs, Wang Ye also had an emotion in his heart that he didn’t want to be compared by anyone, the Hulk could be a battle!

As soon as the good words fell, he walked straight in the direction of the Hulk, and the black qi on his body began to emerge with each step, and a killing qi mixed with the smell of blood gushed out from his body, covering all the square tens of meters in an instant!

Those soldiers behind all felt their chests sink, and General Rose also felt this murderous aura, which was an aura rarely seen on the battlefield, and he had only felt it in one person, that person was known as the desert fox during World War II, and used blitzkrieg to hit General Rommel all the way to Africa!

“How many people did this guy kill! Why is the smell of blood on the body so strong! General Rose said in shock.

“I don’t know, the most annoying thing this person killed is that even we can’t file it.” Hill said solemnly.

Wang Ye walked up step by step, and the black qi on his body had spread all over his body, gradually forming a hideous and roaring black bear totem in the sky above him.

“Roar!!” Threatened by this and feeling the breath coming from Wang Ye’s body, the Hulk roared violently, and suddenly a huge shock wave slammed towards Wang Ye, and the next second Hulk directly stomped his big foot and began to charge!

“Come on!” Wang was not afraid at all, and a crazy look appeared on his face. The Hulk rushed up like a flood beast, and the earth cracked in his news, and the rumbling sound resounded violently! At the same time, Wang Ye also began to charge, and the two people did not let in the slightest, and they crashed together with a bang like a comet hitting the earth!

Suddenly, an irresistible running explosive force erupted, and Wang Ye instantly felt that the milligram’s power was countless times larger than his own, and his body was knocked upside down with a bang, and Wang Ye gritted his teeth and when he collided, his right hand turned into a hand knife and violently forked towards Hulk’s heart socket!

With a slight sound, Wang Ye was violently knocked out and flew out, crashing into a tank with a boom, directly smashing the side of the tank into a depression, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out of Wang Ye’s mouth!

“!” Wang Ye also did not expect that the Hulk’s power was so huge, and his body was like a copper wall and an iron wall. His strengthened arm can even resist armor-piercing bullets, turning into a hand knife is simply sharper than a military thorn, and it only pierces a layer of the Hulk’s meta-epidermis, but this is enough, the transparent colored venom dripping from the nail has been injected!

Time seemed to stand still, Hulk’s face suddenly changed, and then he roared dreamily, his fists slammed into his chest, and with a loud bang, Hulk’s body bent down sharply!

“What a monster!” Wang was also shocked, this is only a fraction of a milligram of venom that can make a whale unable to move, and if it is bitten, it can immediately make a daxiang die in a few seconds, and the Hulk can even resist this poison! I saw a white mist suddenly like water vapor and sprayed out from the broken place of Hulk’s chest, directly expelling the poison from the body!


Seeing this scene, the king also knew that there was no other way, and he could only fight hard against a monster like the Hulk. Thinking of this, Wang Ye burst into a loud shout: “God jinqu! Open! ”

Before the words fell, a stream of blood-red streamers erupted on him, and in an instant, the muscles of her whole body began to click and soar, the blood vessels under the skin burst out, and the whole person seemed to be shrouded in a blood-colored light curtain, the muscles were all filled with a blood-red color, and the pupils in his strict eyes instantly turned into beast pupils!

“Roar!!!” Wang Ye roared violently, and a surging hurricane swept away with him as the center!

At the same time, the Hulk also seemed to have found an opponent, roaring viciously, and suddenly the anger stimulated the gamma ray to make the muscles of his whole body soar, and the click once again burst out of greater power! With a bang, a pair of fists slammed into the ground, and suddenly the earth was like an earthquake, and a huge crack suddenly cracked, straight towards Wang Ye!

“Kill! Kill! The flame in Wang Ye’s heart was ignited, and the six billion muscles in his body gave him an explosive power of more than two hundred tons with a punch, and the next moment the ground under Wang Ye’s feet suddenly cracked, and the whole person soared into the sky, and flew towards the top of Hulk’s head with a boom!

The shell-like fist slammed down towards the Hulk, and the Hulk quickly resisted with his hand, only to hear a violent explosion, the air around the two instantly cracked, and the ground under the Hulk’s feet collapsed with a bang, with a huge shock wave in the center of the two people, the surrounding trees were uprooted, and those Shi Bin almost couldn’t even stand on their feet!

Immediately afterwards, Wang Ye turned around sharply and slammed a kick towards the neck of the hospitable, before the legs arrived, the air had already made an explosion-like sound, both of them were ferocious beasts beyond the limits of human beings, and a ferocious confrontation was about to break out!

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