Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 109 Luxuriously equipped duel class (first order requested 18/20)

Chapter 109: Luxuriously equipped duel class (first order requested: 1820)

Malfoy shouted.

The wand in his hand exploded suddenly, and a line of black smoke quickly spread from the tip of the wand, and then quickly turned into a long black snake.


With a sound, the black snake landed on the high platform, swam its body, and approached Harry.

When he saw this strange curse, a flash of panic flashed in his eyes, but then he thought of something.

Harry tightened his wand, pointed it at the black snake approaching him, and shouted loudly and urgently.





The tip of the wand in Harry's hand suddenly lit up several rays of red light, shooting towards the black snake.

boom! boom! boom!

Harry hit the black snake with one stun spell after another.

It completely disrupted the black snake's progress, and even pushed it back a few steps.

Seeing this, Harry became more and more excited, and then continued to cast his best stun spell.




I saw a large amount of magical red light continuously hitting the black snake. The black snake let out a painful howl, quickly dodged, and retreated backwards.

But there were still a lot of stun spells hitting him, causing the black snake's figure to gradually dissipate.

Seeing this, Lockhart nodded with satisfaction.

It seemed that Harry had listened to his previous prompts.

Well, he took a sneak peek at Snape's expression and found that his face was even more gloomy, and a cold breath seemed to spread out of his body.

The little wizards below all praised Harry.

At this moment, Malfoy saw that his trump card didn't seem to be working.

Then as if he thought of something, he held the wand and shouted again.

"Oolong comes out of the hole!"

This is why he poured all his magic into it, trying to release the maximum power.

This time, the black smoke emerging from the wand was deeper and larger.

The black smoke fell on the ground, and what formed was no longer a black snake, but a large python.

The python acted very manically, raising its head, showing its fangs, and assumed an offensive posture towards Harry.

This time Harry released a large number of coma spells again, and a large amount of red light from the curse once again hit the python transformed by the curse.

Unfortunately, this time, it did not cause much harm to it, as if it angered the python.

hiss! hiss! hiss!

The python roared angrily at Harry and the little wizards around him, as if it wanted to attack everyone nearby.


Malfoy's expression changed. He found that his magic power seemed to be out of control, and he could not effectively control the python formed by the magic spell.

The python, on the other hand, began to show signs of attacking the little wizards around it.

At this time, Lockhart and Snape seemed to realize that Malfoy had lost control of the curse.

They all raised their magic wands, ready to stop the potential risks posed by the python.

But the next second.


A creepy sound came. Although it sounded like the cry of a python, it clearly revealed an evil and weird aura, which was creepy.

The two professors simultaneously stared closely at the source of the sound - Harry Potter.

As for the python, after hearing Harry Potter's voice, it kept swaying and twisting its body as if it was cramping.

Then he quickly lay down on the ground, as if he had restrained his desire to attack.

"Sealing Ring!"

Although he knew what was going on, Lockhart still cast a spell and turned the spell into a halo to trap the python.

Looking at the ball of light floating in mid-air, he reached out and grabbed it hard. In an instant, the python turned into black mist again, and then quickly dissipated.

Harry saw this scene with a smile on his face. He thought he had just prevented the python from attacking the little wizards.

He made a great contribution to Lockhart's eradication of pythons.

However, he soon realized that something was wrong, and the whole classroom suddenly became quiet.

Everyone looked at him with a strange look, or fear.

This made Harry a little confused.

As the little wizards began to whisper, especially some pointing fingers at him, Harry felt a little aggrieved and felt chills all over.

"Let's thank Harry who just stopped the python attack."

Lockhart looked at the bewildered Harry and the pointing little wizards above, and he understood everything in an instant.

So he quickly walked up to the high platform, raised Harry's right hand, and praised the little wizards loudly.

"Because Harry Potter controlled the python's attack on his classmates in time and contributed to sealing the python."

"Twenty points from Gryffindor for this!"

Lockhart's rescue immediately made Harry feel better.

At the same time, the students of Gryffindor House slowly began to applaud.

However, the number of people was very small, which was enough to show the fear that Harry's performance just now brought to them.

Immediately afterwards, Harry heard Professor Lockhart whisper in his ear: "Harry, if you have time in the evening, come to my office."

"I have something to discuss with you."

With that said, Lockhart patted Harry on the shoulder and motioned for him to step off the stage.

When Harry stepped off the high platform, the crowd automatically retreated to both sides, and Ron and Hermione hurriedly stepped forward to meet him, forcing Harry to the corner of the classroom and discussing something in low voices.

However, where Harry was, it was still a place that the little wizards around him avoided.

Seeing this, Lockhart used his wand to give himself a loud blow, and spoke loudly to the young wizards, trying to divert their attention.

"We can learn two things from the duel just now."

"First, don't overuse magic spells that you can't control."

With that said, Lockhart smiled at Malfoy below and continued.

"Second, we have to use our best spells to fight the enemy, just like Harry just kept casting his best stun spells."

"The effect is very good, and it is worth learning from."

"Finally, let us applaud this wonderful duel."

As he spoke, Lockhart took the lead and began to pat his palms, and the little wizard below also clapped.

Soon, most of the young wizards' attention turned to the duel.

Seeing this, Lockhart took advantage of the victory and introduced directly: "In the dueling course, our five professors will teach you respectively."

"After our discussion, the dueling class will be held at 8pm every Wednesday in the future."

"During this period, I will teach you some of my unique new fighting skills, magic spells."

"Professor McGonagall will teach everyone how to have a wonderful duel through transfiguration."

"Professor Snape will teach you some classic fighting spells."

"Professor Flitwick"


Lockhart's lectures have unique characteristics. He likes to use his wand to outline exquisite patterns and words from time to time to arouse the attention and emotions of the little wizards.

So all the young wizards listened attentively as Lockhart imparted information on combat lessons.

Well, according to Lockhart's introduction, this time's duel course will be an unprecedented luxury configuration in Hogwarts.

The four deans taught how to duel, advanced spells, powerful fighting skills, novel spell-casting methods, etc., and handed them all to the young wizards.

After listening to Lockhart's chicken soup, the little wizards' blood suddenly boiled.

It seems that after completing the class, they will become professors with extremely rich combat experience.

Seeing this, Lockhart nodded with satisfaction, sighing that his skill in making cakes was still as good as before.

But what he didn't notice was that Snape looked at him with an increasingly dangerous look.

Well, it had nothing to do with Lockhart rescuing Harry Potter, it was simply hearing Lockhart emphasize that he wanted to share the new spell.

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