Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 11 Lockhart’s extraordinary tricks! ! (Seeking for further reading)

Thor Odinson (70/100)

Looking at the light blue text on the system, the corners of Lockhart's mouth curled up slightly.

He wasn't very anxious to have a good relationship with Thor before.

that's because

He knew that Thor would have a period of emotional depression in the future, so he only needed to exert a little force during this stage.

This can quickly increase Thor's recognition and allow him to regard him as a true friend.


Some of his previous actions were at best to ease some relationships and did not particularly please Thor.

The two of them didn't even communicate much, just chatting occasionally.

Because he had set his sights very early on when Thor was at his lowest and most helpless.

As long as we provide assistance at this time, even if the assistance is not much.

It is also enough to amplify his favorability hundreds or thousands of times.

So, when he heard Thor say that he wanted to stay on Earth forever, Lockhart knew it.

The time is coming! ! !

Sure enough, he simply exerted a little force, and his recognition quickly rose.

This is the art of making friends.

Many times, licking the dog, licking the dog, really licks until the end, leaving nothing.

The best way to quickly build a good relationship with a person is to start from his most vulnerable point, break his defenses, and let him acknowledge you from the bottom of his heart, and even appreciate you.

Only in this way can we become true friends, and it will be difficult to change in a short period of time.

For example, when Thor heard the news of his father's death, when he knew he wanted to stay on Earth forever, it was the perfect time.

Likewise, when Tony Stark knew he was going to die soon, it was the best time.

The so-called kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring of water.

The character of the other party is one thing, but the timing of showing kindness is most important.

Only when the other party needs it most, even a small help, the other party will keep it in their heart, and there will be springs of repayment later.

Otherwise, no matter how good the other person's character is and no matter how much kindness you show, the other party will only give you an equal reward, or at most a little higher.

Whether it's a Muggle, a wizard, or a god, all he needs to do is make the right move at the right time.

The results can be amplified hundreds or thousands of times.

It is also commonly known as four taels and a thousand catties.

This is what smart people do.

As a mage, it is very important to be able to use your brain. Don't be greedy. You must know how to be calm and restrained.

Only by calmly controlling yourself can you seize the right opportunity and succeed in one fell swoop.

Lockhart thought silently that he had done the same thing.

After reviewing the plan carefully, I found that there were basically no mistakes, so I nodded with satisfaction.

Then, focus on Thor's approval.

Before today, Thor's approval rating hovered around 20.

The recognition scores of Jane, Daisy, and Eric are only around 35.

Among them, Daisy's recognition rate is the highest, sometimes even reaching 40.

Well, maybe Lockhart's handsome face is very attractive to Daisy.

But despite this, reputation draws are still not available.

Based on Lockhart's previous research.

The recognition of the system is actually different from the favorability.

When your favorability is high, you will naturally be highly recognized.

But the favorability is very low, even when it is negative, sometimes it will be highly recognized.

Just like how much Voldemort hated Dumbledore, he highly recognized Dumbledore's strength and even wisdom.

After all, if Voldemort despised Dumbledore's strength and wisdom, it would be a great insult to himself.

Voldemort like this is no longer worthy of being called the Dark Lord.

In terms of recognition.

The full value is 100.

There are cases where it is lower than a negative number, but basically, when the approval level is a negative number, it means that the relationship between the two people is extremely bad, or that the other party is extremely contemptuous and despised.

To put it simply, it means not treating the other person as a human being, but treating the other person as a slave, pest, or trash.

Well, in terms of wizards, most of those pure-blood families have a negative approval rating for Muggle wizards.

Mudblood, this insulting name, is the best proof.

And when the recognition degree is a positive number, even if it is higher than 0, it means that the other party has a basic recognition.

At least treat you as a human being, at most just a stranger.

The recognition level of 0~30 means only the most basic recognition. When it reaches the level of 30 at most, there will be a trace of curiosity.

When Lockhart first traveled to the Marvel world, Jane and Daisy's recognition of Lockhart reached 30, largely due to their curiosity about Lockhart's identity as a wizard.

As for Eric and Thor, the approval ratings are significantly lower than 30.

Eric, who was older and had seen more things, was quite wary of Lockhart who had just appeared, which was not surprising to Lockhart.

As for Thor, the number was negative at first. After all, a confinement spell plus a silent spell at the beginning directly aroused Thor's anger.

Although it later eased

But it's basically not high, reaching a level of 20 at most, because Thor doesn't have much experience with the identity and strength of Wizard Lockhart.

On the one hand, it's because Lockhart didn't go out of his way to show off his strength, nor did he go out of his way to befriend Thor.

On the other hand, Thor has a broad vision. He is the prince of Asgard, the future Lord of the Nine Realms, and has experienced countless battles.

He had met many magicians, including Lockhart.

Therefore, the recognition is average.

When the recognition level is lower than 30, the reputation lottery cannot be conducted.

Even at the stage of 30~50, there is still no lottery.

Therefore, after Jane, Daisy, and Eric reached about 40 recognition points, they regarded Lockhart as their friend.

Lockhart still did not waste his reputation and conducted a lottery on them.

Only when the recognition level reaches 50 and above can the criteria for the prestige lottery be met.

Once the recognition level reaches 50, it means that the other party already recognizes Lockhart.

Once this level is reached, the other party will seriously consider any of Lockhart's suggestions and will not reject them without thinking.

And when the recognition level reaches 60, 70 or even 80.

Any behavior Lockhart does, even if it is too ridiculous, the other party will not just ignore or ridicule him, but will think deeply about it, and sometimes even wonder if he is not intelligent enough.

To put it simply, he has great trust in Lockhart and regards Lockhart as a friend from the bottom of his heart, just like Thor at this moment.

Even enemies, when they reach this level of recognition, will be extremely cautious about any of Lockhart's actions and will not dare to make decisions or judgments easily.

Once it reaches a level above 80, it means the recognition is extremely high.

Lockhart has never seen this level.

However, he guessed that if he met this standard, he would be willing to do so even if the other party sacrificed his life.

For example, the recognition level of fanatic believers towards gods is definitely above 80.

If it was an enemy, Lockhart thought of the most classic case.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald! ! !

The two fell in love and killed each other. Both parties knew each other very well and could guess what the other was thinking, thinking, and doing.

When you reach this level of identification, even if the two sides are hostile, you will feel a little unbearable to kill.

For example, after Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald, he did not directly execute him. Instead, he just imprisoned him in Nurmengard.

This is a typical case.

As for the rules of the reputation lottery.

As long as the approval level reaches 50, the lottery can be conducted.

The higher the recognition, the easier it is to obtain the other party's precious abilities, knowledge, and even talents.

Therefore, through a simple but clever plan, Lockhart quickly increased Thor's recognition from 20 to 70.

Even if it's just a moment of excitement.

It will slow down later due to time.

But it will still meet the lottery standards and remain above 50 in recognition for a long time.


This time, Thor's knowledge, abilities and even talents may not escape Lockhart's hands.

When he thought of this, the corners of Lockhart's mouth curled up slightly.

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