Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 111 Harry, you have to live for yourself (please order 20/20 for the first time)

Chapter 111 Harry, you have to live for yourself (first order 2020)

PS: The 20th chapter of the explosive update is over. I ask all readers for your support and be sure to order it first. This directly determines the score and recommendation of this book. Please.

Some corner of the classroom.

Harry, who had just finished the duel, was forced into a corner by Ron and Hermione.

"What's going on? Why do you have such a strange attitude?" Harry asked at a loss when he thought that everyone was subconsciously moving away from him.

"Harry, you are a Parseltongue, why didn't you tell us?" Ron asked worriedly.

Well, because Lockhart disrupted the plot, the duel club was not only held in advance, but also the fuse of everything-Voldemort's Horcrux was imprisoned, so naturally it could not arouse the basilisk.

Ron and Hermione, of course, didn't know that Harry was a Parseltongue.

"What?" Harry was suddenly confused by Ron's worried tone and asked hesitantly, "What is Parseltongue?"

Then, he kept explaining: "I just communicated with the big black snake to ask him to stop attacking."

"You should have seen that the black python did not attack anyone after my communication."

"Just now, Professor Lockhart awarded Gryffindor points for this."

Hermione next to her saw the confused Harry and said comfortingly: "Harry, don't worry, there won't be any big problem."

"It's just that the expression and voice you spoke just now are creepy and look very evil."

"As if. As if you were giving him an order."

At this point, Hermione shuddered subconsciously when she recalled that Harry had made a "hissing" sound just now, which seemed very strange and full of evil.

Hearing Hermione's comfort, Harry felt slightly better.

But thinking about what Professor Lockhart said just now, I decided to go to Lockhart's office that night to answer the questions in my heart.

Later, Harry saw the people around him avoiding him and didn't say much. He still stayed in the corner and listened to the lectures of the professors on the high platform.

However, Harry was still a little distracted and did not pay attention to the professors' lectures.

Communicate with Ron in a low voice from time to time - what exactly is Parseltongue?

Lockhart's office at night.

Lockhart looked at the pile of fan letters in front of him, used magic, and controlled the quill to automatically reply with some standard thanks.

Then he signed his name and put it aside.

Different from the original's habit, the original likes to reply seriously to every fan letter and then asks the owl to send it back.

Because the original person likes to see all kinds of adoring words in fan letters and enjoys them.

But Lockhart is different now. He feels that most of these fan letters are a waste of his time and a waste of his life.

Therefore, specialize in studying a magic and think of some more polite or standard words in advance.

Every time a fan sends a letter, he will basically reply with similar words, then sign his name, and send it back according to the original person's habit, so as to reduce the waste of time.

Well, actually, it was the robot replies on major apps in the previous life.

Nonetheless, Lockhart was also working on keeping the frequency of his replies as low as possible.

Be prepared to find a suitable time to stop responding to letters completely.

He had just finished replying to the latest batch of fan mail.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Professor, it's me."

Lockhart heard the familiar voice and replied: "Come in, Harry, the door is unlocked."


Harry Potter heard the professor's voice and opened the door directly.

This was his first time entering Professor Lockhart's office.

When I first entered, I noticed that the most conspicuous thing was a huge piece of parchment taped to the wall, on which a large number of seemingly mysterious and complex runes were burned.

It's like a map, every area has a different color and shape, and has its own name.

Although he couldn't understand it, he felt something strange.

In fact, these are the various runes Lockhart studied. He classified the runes and ancient runes he studied into different categories according to their properties and burned them on the parchment on the wall.

It seems to be showing off or showing off one's achievements.

Every time when you are tired from research, you will feel very satisfied when you look up at the large amount of results you have researched.

Soon, I will be full of motivation to continue researching new spells and new runes.

As for leaks, he hoped that someone would be interested in the runes.

Put aside, can anyone research anything based on a list of runes similar to a catalog?

Even if it is really researched.

Now he is equivalent to mastering the most cutting-edge magic technology in the entire Harry Potter world. Everyone wants to develop in runes or a new magic system.

In the end, you can only choose to contact him, and he will reasonably absorb all the essence with an equal and free attitude.

Well, this is a routine he learned from a certain country in his previous life.

When Harry entered the middle of the office, he saw a large bookshelf placed against the side wall.

It is filled with a large number of magic books of different colors, like a small library.

"Harry, come sit here."

Looking at Harry Potter observing his office, Lockhart smiled, waved to him, and motioned for him to sit at his desk.

Harry, who had come back to his senses, saw Professor Lockhart reaching out to signal, quickly sat on the stool, and asked with a somewhat reserved expression: "Professor, why did you come to see me?"

At this moment, Harry felt very uneasy, fearing that the professor would mention Parseltongue.

Regarding Parseltongue, I heard Ron give a lecture. The more I listened, the more I felt a little scared and panicked.

"Harry, you have the gift of Parseltongue."

After Harry Potter heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he said in a somewhat excited tone: "Professor, I am not a dark wizard. I swear, I have nothing to do with them."

Seeing that Harry was very excited, he was even a little incoherent.

"Harry, calm down!" Lockhart poured a glass of water with his wand, placed it in front of Harry, and said comfortingly: "No one said you were a dark wizard."

"Parseltongue is not a symbol of a dark wizard. Don't be led astray by others."

Hearing Lockhart's professor's comfort, Harry slowly replied, and after a moment he asked with some confusion: "Professor, is it true?"

"I heard Ron say that Parseltongue is a symbol of dark wizards, and Slytherin is a Parseltongue, very evil."

Hearing this, Lockhart raised his eyebrows and said in a calm and slow tone: "Do you believe what he said?"

"Ron won't lie to me," Harry said hesitantly, "and everyone's reaction."

"Harry, putting aside all prejudices, do you feel that today's actions are helping people or hurting them?"

"I told the big black snake to stop attacking and not hurt anyone." Harry was hesitant at first, but then he became more and more fluent: "I'm helping everyone."

"Yes, Harry, you are helping everyone." Lockhart praised Harry, "Let's not deny ourselves because of prejudice."

"You are doing a good deed." Lockhart said seriously.

"I'm doing a good deed," Harry muttered.

"Yes, you are doing good things. Talent is like a magic wand in your hand. You can release magic spells to save lives, but at the same time, you can also kill creatures."

"It's all up to you, not what other people think"

"Now, tell me, are you willing to be a person who helps others?"

Lockhart's last question made Harry's eyes brighter and brighter, and he nodded heavily: "I do, I do."

"Then don't worry about other people's opinions." Lockhart nodded slightly and said meaningfully:

"Harry, remember, you have to live for yourself, not for what other people think."

At the same time, the hanging ring in Lockhart's hand flickered, but there was no movement.

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