Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 113 Absolute Reason, Dumbledore’s Headache (Please subscribe, please vote)

"Harry, I'm here today. Come to my office on Wednesday night."

"We will continue to study it."

"When the time comes, remember to grab your notebook and wand. I'll teach you some practical spells."

Lockhart touched Harry's head, canceled the magic supply to the ring, and said gently.

"Okay. Professor."

After the bracelet lost the magic power of the professor, Harry suddenly felt that the whole world was blurry.

It was as if the resolution had dropped from 4k to an ordinary clear level. This made him a little unfinished and reluctant to leave, but he still nodded heavily.

The feeling of calmness and control brought by the magic bracelet before made him somewhat addicted.

It's just that the state of extreme calm consumes a lot of magic power, and he couldn't bear it after holding on for more than ten seconds.

Later, in order to better study Parseltongue, Professor Lockhart provided sufficient magic power for the bracelet to put him into a relatively calm state again.

He decided to follow the professor's advice and only activate the most common calm state to learn or practice spells. At best, he would only activate the relatively calm state.

As for ultimate calmness

Harry said: Although the ultimate state is very satisfying, it only lasts for ten seconds at the moment.

Just try it occasionally.

Trying too much can hurt your health!

Well, actually, the Magic Bracelet is based on a charm invented by Lockhart - Absolute Sanity!

This is a spell developed by Lockhart specifically for magical research.

It is precisely because of this magic spell that he can ensure that he is always in a state of efficient research.

In order to make efficient use of this curse, he refined magic items based on the principles of the curse.

The one Harry was wearing belonged to the ordinary version. Although the refined magic metal was somewhat precious, it was not expensive.

And he refined a top version for himself, which was the necklace hanging around his neck. It used a lot of Uru metal - extracted from the remains of the Destroyer armor.

Normally, only a small amount of magic power is needed to ensure that he enters a relatively calm and rational state.

And when he conducts key magic research, infuses magic power, and activates the necklace, he will enter a state of absolute sanity.

In a state of absolute sanity, thoughts are very sensitive, computing power will be greatly enhanced, and will not be affected by distracting thoughts, as if robot rationality and human brain sensibility are combined.

The only drawback is that it consumes a lot of mental energy, and he can only use it at critical times.

I usually conduct magic research in the normal state.

In fact, he found that when he entered a state of absolute rationality at a high frequency, his emotions would gradually fade away, as if he had adapted to the rational state.

This is why he emphasized that Harry can just turn on the normal state. Although the ultimate calm state is not as good as absolute rationality, it is better to use it as low frequency as possible.

After all, he is still young, in case Gryffindor's manic temperament turns into Ravenclaw's quiet temperament.

He was worried that Dumbledore would come directly to his door.

Hey, thinking about it this way, it seems pretty good.

Shaking his head slightly, Lockhart gathered his thoughts and looked at Harry's retreating figure.

This chat can be said to have gone very smoothly.

The rhythm of the chat was completely under his control.

I have to praise the genius of the original person - the research of the magical light of fanaticism!

Every time the original person attended a fan meeting, he would deliberately cast this spell to guide fans' enthusiasm and subtly enhance fans' admiration for him.

As for the effect, you can see that the original version has been popular for so many years and has earned tens of thousands of gold galleons.

And he made some basic changes and became - implanted belief!

In short, it is to subtly implant some of your own ideas and beliefs into the other person's mind.

Let the other party accept the content of your communication as quickly as possible.

It can be said that this is a necessary magic spell for communication-provided that it is not discovered.

This is why this communication went so smoothly.

Well, now Harry has no doubts about what Lockhart said.

Of course, the effect of this curse also varies from person to person. If he really agrees with this concept from his heart, it is very easy to implant belief.

But as long as there is a conflict, not only will more magic power be consumed, but it will also be very easy to be discovered.

This is also the shortcoming of this spell. For a professor like Snape who knows Occlumency, he may have just cast it, and the other party will come with a magical blade.

Lockhart said - there are thousands of spells, the target is very important, the casting is not standardized, and the wizard sheds tears.

Well, the decision to teach Harry this time was indeed due to the rarity of Parseltongue talent.

As mentioned before, it has great research value.

On the other hand, it was for Dumbledore.

After more or less exchanges in the past few days, I found that Dumbledore was a bit out of touch.

This forced him to adopt a new strategy.

If Harry, whom he was most concerned about, learned new magic, Lockhart wouldn't believe it, and Dumbledore could still sit and watch.

What's going on? You also have to do some research.

Am I right!

Hogwarts, Headmaster's Office.

Snape stared closely at the old man sitting in front of the desk. Although his head was full of white hair, his blue eyes were still bright under the half-moon mirror.

"Headmaster, Harry is a Parseltongue!" Snape said seriously: "I remember, so is the Dark Lord."

"Really? Snape." Dumbledore frowned but did not continue.

But Snape obviously wanted to know more and asked, "Headmaster, what do you know?"

"It may be due to Harry's counterattack." Dumbledore rubbed his brow and said with some distress, "It should be the backlash of the Death Curse that allowed Harry to obtain Tom's talent."

"Really?" A trace of doubt flashed across Snape's face, but after thinking about it, this was the only possibility.

Otherwise, how could the child born from Lily and that stupid lion have Slytherin blood.

Their bloodline has nothing to do with Slytherin.

You know, the Gaunt family with the closest bloodline has perished, and the only known person with the talent of Parseltongue is the Dark Lord.

Although Snape wanted to continue asking, seeing Dumbledore's troubled expression, he knew he would get no answer.

So he continued to say to Principal Dumbledore: "Principal, regarding Lockhart's magical research."

"I found that the magic he performed today, apart from what you said, has another obvious difference, that is, it does not rely on emotions."


Dumbledore's frown deepened when he heard Snape talk about today's duel performance with Lockhart and the special features of the new magic.

It was originally thought that Lockhart's magic would increase the number of wizards, causing chaos.

But now that I heard Snape's discovery, I realized that I might have underestimated the magic that Lockhart had studied.

That's right, he didn't officially participate in his magic research.

It was impossible for him to know from a research record that the magic studied by Lockhart had such an effect—it could actually reduce the negative effects of black magic.

Fortunately, Snape, who has been studying dark magic for many years, discovered it right away, otherwise he might still not be aware of it.

He could imagine some old immortals or wizards who longed for powerful power. They were originally worried that their souls would be damaged and did not dare to delve into the mysterious black magic.

After all, there are many cases where people who study black magic end up going crazy.

But now, we have discovered a way to reduce the impact of black magic and even conduct non-destructive research, learning, and application.

It would be strange not to study it to death.

It is difficult for any wizard to avoid the temptation to cast powerful magic without any damage.

Especially Tom, if he knew this, he would probably be more anxious than anyone else.

Dumbledore felt a headache when he thought of this.

He became increasingly worried about Lockhart's magical research.

Talent is great, but don't go astray.

Originally, he just wanted to observe and guide from the side. After all, Tom's things were the most important.

But looking at it now, if we don’t get involved, I’m afraid things will get out of control.

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