Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 130 Professor Horn who ‘ran away with the money’

Late at night, deep in the Forbidden Forest.

Late at night in the Forbidden Forest, the sky was as pure as a black velvet cloth, and above, a crescent moon glowed.

The chirping of animals and the rustling of leaves in the wind complement each other, as if they are playing a nocturne.


A sparkling circle suddenly appeared.

"Don't worry about the gold coins and leave quickly."

With a shout, a blond man wearing a tattered gray wizard robe quickly ran out of the circle, and behind him, a house elf jumped out directly.

Lockhart looked through the portal at the large number of replicas of the Hufflepuff Gold Cup that were pouring out, as well as the wildly burning fire, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

The moment the gold coins almost escaped, Lockhart quickly waved his hand to close the portal.


Lockhart let out a deep breath.

Looking at the tattered gold coins with burned clothes in front of him.

There was also the burnt smell coming from his body, as well as the large number of holes in his clothes, and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

Voldemort is indeed the top Dark Lord in the wizarding world, but he still underestimated him.

In other words, he has been too smooth recently and has been a little drifting. Voldemort's magic trap taught him a lesson.

The trap that I originally thought could be easily cracked may have touched some points that I didn't know about during the cracking process.

All the traps exploded, leaving Lockhart in a panic.

Fortunately, his teleportation magic still worked, otherwise in such a closed environment of the vault, it would have been wiped out long ago.

Despite this, Bella's treasury would probably have to be destroyed, and even the giant dragon outside would have to be burned to death.

Even if this fierce fire was not stopped in time, I am afraid that Gringotts will suffer this time.

You know, there is the treasury of the entire wizarding world.


Lockhart looked at the golden cup in his hand, a hint of joy rising on his face.

Although the process was somewhat tortuous, my goal was finally achieved.

However, when thinking about the sudden trap just now, Lockhart was thoughtful.

Waving his magic wand, a small blue cabinet appeared in front of him.

Lockhart then placed the Hufflepuff Gold Cup inside.


The cabinet door is closed, and dense dark blue magic lines flash on the cabinet.

Completely locking all the aura, all the power, and all the fluctuations of the Hufflepuff Gold Cup.


Looking at the cabinet in front of him that had multiple seals placed on it, Lockhart snorted.

When the trap broke out, there was no time to think too much and he ran away quickly.

But now that I think about it carefully, I can say that there was no guidance from Voldemort's Horcrux here.

Lockhart ate his wand alive.

When he thought of this, he felt that the Hufflepuff Gold Cup he had just received was a bit tricky. This soul fragment might be restless.

Well, not as good as Young Voldemort in The Black Notebook .

He is also planning to find himself a No. 2 worker.

With his thoughts turning, Lockhart looked at the dim Forbidden Forest, and heard the roars of a large number of birds and animals in the distance, as well as the rustle brought by the breeze.

Especially the ragged appearance of himself and Jin Coin.

Lockhart gently moved the hanging ring and opened a portal again.

Take one step and return to your home.

The gold coins in the back jumped directly into the portal without any greeting.

At noon the next day, Hogwarts cafeteria.

Lockhart sat in the professor's chair, tapping his fork against his plate.


A dish of pepper steak appeared on the plate, with some broccoli, cherry tomatoes, etc. scattered around.

Lockhart smelled the aroma and nodded with satisfaction.

It seems that the recipe he gave to Hogwarts and the elves was not in vain.

This level is a higher level than before.

While thinking about it, he picked up the knife and fork, cut a small piece, put it in his mouth, and slowly tasted the tenderness of the beef.

Well, it tastes pretty good.

"Lockhart, your steak is well cooked. Is it specially cooked by the house elves?" Professor Flitwick asked next to him.

"Yes, Dean." Lockhart nodded slightly and continued: "I gave them a recipe, and they studied it for a few days and then they figured out how to make it."

Having said this, Lockhart also gave a small thumbs up to the elf's learning ability.

Although he is not at the level of a genius, he is at least better than the average person.

In other words, their character of being proud of labor and ashamed of laziness allows them to focus more on doing things and improves their learning ability.

Whether it's a wizard, a Muggle, or any other living being, as long as you focus, you can achieve results more easily than ordinary people.

Upon hearing Lockhart's reply, Professor Flitwick's eyes lit up. Thoughts continued in his mind, and the corners of his mouth curled up, as if he had received a lot of inspiration.

Afterwards, the two started chatting while eating.


"Lockhart, it can be said that students have spoken highly of your courses recently." Professor Flitwick praised.

"Where, where." Lockhart was very modest, and then added a little: "It's all the previous Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who left the foundation."

"Haha." Professor Flitwick understood what Lockhart meant and laughed.

Lockhart also had a faint smile on his face.


"Professor Lockhart, did you hear what happened at Gringotts last night?"

Lockhart's smile faltered when he heard Professor Flitwick's question.

Then he asked with a curious look on his face: "Professor Flitwick, have you heard anything?"

"I read in the Daily Prophet that it was just a fire."

"Fire." A sarcastic smile appeared on Professor Flitwick's face, "What kind of fire would require the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic to be dispatched?"

Then, he revealed the secret in a low voice: "Lockhart, I heard from my friends that it is a fierce fire."

"You don't need to think about it. Yesterday, another dark wizard definitely sneaked into Gringotts. The goblin probably found the traces, set off a powerful fire to attract attention, and escaped."

"Tsk tsk tsk"

After hearing Professor Flitwick's guess, Lockhart felt a little weird in his heart, but he said with admiration: "Professor has a keen eye. It is completely logical. It is probably true."

"The Daily Prophet does not ask you to be its editor-in-chief. It is simply their loss."

"Haha, no, I just have a lot of friends and a lot of information." Professor Flitwick said with a smile on his face.

Lockhart stood and nodded.

As a multiple-time fighting champion, Flitwick became friends with many people, and as a Hogwarts professor, he kept in touch with each other through letters.

Suddenly, Lockhart's heart moved, and he asked Flitwick as if chatting: "Professor Flitwick, I have asked Professor Horn about something recently, but I have not received a reply."

"Do you have any news about him?"

Hearing Lockhart's question, Professor Flitwick frowned slightly and sighed softly: "Horn, there is news about him at the beginning of the year."

"As a result, until now, for some reason, there is no news. I sent him a letter before, but I didn't get a reply."

When Lockhart heard this, he kept thinking in his mind.

At the beginning of the year, if he guessed correctly, it should be the last semester.

The only big thing that happened last semester was that Voldemort possessed Quirrell to steal the Philosopher's Stone.

When he thought of this, all Lockhart's confusion was cleared up.

In the original plot, Professor Horne kept avoiding Voldemort because of the Horcrux.

And with the news that Voldemort had reappeared, running away was naturally the best choice.

No wonder he sold the Fuling Potion because he wanted to 'take the money and run away'.

Real - real in the world!

Now, I hope what I saved at the auction will work.

PS: I’m asking for your support from all the readers. The average order this morning was just over 1,200, and the price went down again as soon as there was an update.

Call support, call support, all orders have stabilized, and continue to update five times.

Thanks to Mengtai for the 2000-point reward, thanks to the abandoned world for the 788-point reward, thanks to Soul Reaper for the praise, Guo Cheng, book friend 160520191918349, abandoned world, Dao Maria, God of War, Yunluo, Dalekcaan's monthly ticket

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