Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 132 Oh! I can! I can do magic....

Chapter 132 Oh! I can! I can do magic.

Lockhart's office.

At this moment, Lockhart was sitting in front of the table, looking at the dark green book in front of him that exuded a lot of magic power, with a faint smile on his face.

On the cover of the book, two emerald green pythons are constantly swimming on the cover, sometimes separated and sometimes intertwined, forming a strange beauty.

In the middle of the cover, there is a set of conspicuous words written - The Parseltongue Book!

This book is a magical item specially refined by Lockhart.

An idea came to him after the last Parselmouth exchange with Harry, and he took advantage of his free time in the past few days to refine it.

The greatest function of this magical book item is to record the pronunciation of the Parselmouth.

At the same time, as long as the magic power is activated, one can release his own thoughts through Parseltongue to achieve the purpose of controlling snake-like magical creatures.

Very simple and quite convenient.

And just now, Harry and I were studying Parseltongue and testing it, and found that the effect was good.

This naturally made him feel a little excited. He had not forgotten that Hogwarts had a Slytherin secret room.

There is a basilisk in the secret room, and the basilisk is quite lethal.

If he could control this basilisk, he would undoubtedly have a powerful fighting force.

After studying Parseltongue, Lockhart followed his original plan and gave Harry some new magic based on runes.

He decided to try his best to train Harry to be a representative of the new magic system in the future.

With Harry's reputation as the savior, he can definitely resolve a lot of problems.

Moreover, he didn't believe that even though Harry Potter was on his side, Dumbledore could stand on the other side - this was the person he valued most!

Although it felt like a kidnapping, he still felt very useful since Dumbledore agreed to join his research.

Well, Lockhart believed that Dumbledore, who was originally hesitant, decided to join the research of the new magic system, which had something to do with Harry.

So he was ready to work harder and tie Dumbledore into his carriage.


Bang bang bang!

"Professor Lockhart, this is Filch. I just heard from Harry Potter that you were looking for me."

Along with a knock on the door, Filch's hoarse and trembling voice reached Lockhart's ears.


Lockhart let out a chuckle.

So fast?

He just casually gave Harry a small task. The most important thing was to promote to him the magic of the new magic system-lowering the learning threshold would allow Squibs to master magic.

Take this opportunity to attract Harry to indulge in the new magic system.

He originally expected to have to find Filch in person, but he didn't expect that he would actually come to his door.

Thoughts turning, Lockhart replied gently: "Please come in, Filch, the door is unlocked."


The office door opened, and a somewhat stooped figure appeared in front of Lockhart.

He held a brown cat, Mrs. Norris, in his arms, and held an oil lamp in his hand.

As soon as he came in, Filch said with trembling voice and excitement: "Professor Lockhart, is it true?"

"I just heard Harry Potter say that you can make me master magic!"

Looking at Filch's somewhat old face, a trace of pity flashed in Lockhart's eyes, but he still nodded gently and said, "Of course, Filch, as long as the experiment is successful, you will be able to master certain magical abilities."

In fact, Filch was a bit too old and not a good experimental subject.

But since everyone is here, he doesn't mind it.

It just so happened that, according to his later plan, there would be a group of young people and even younger squibs participating in the experiment.

Filch serves as a comparison.

Help him obtain comparative data on the efficiency of meditation practice between young people and middle-aged and elderly people.

Hearing Professor Lockhart's affirmative tone, Filch's face was full of excitement and he put down Mrs. Norris in his hand.

He quickly ran to Lockhart, held Lockhart's hand, and said in an excited and fast tone: "Professor, tell me what you need me to do."

"As long as it allows me to master magic, you can do anything you want me to do?"

"Easy to say, easy to say." Feeling the wet heat in Filch's hand, Lockhart quickly pulled out his hand and said, "Don't worry, Principal Dumbledore will also participate in this experiment. The probability of success is not low."

Hearing what Lockhart said, Filch was so excited that he trembled a little.

Principal Dumbledore is also participating, so this experiment is not a sure thing.

Doesn't it mean that he will become a real wizard in the future, able to have his own wand and cast magic spells?

At this moment, Filch, who had been seeking magic for many years without success, was so excited that he almost shed tears.

Looking at Filch's excited expression, Lockhart expressed his understanding.

This feeling of dreaming after years of fruitless pursuit is enough to drive people crazy with excitement.

In his previous life, one of the most classic cases was that Fan Jin passed the national examination.

He believed that when Filch truly mastered magic, it would be easy for him to enter the state where Fan Jin won the championship.

"Hey! I can do it! I can do magic."

The scene of Filch clasping his hands, laughing and talking nonsense suddenly came to Lockhart's mind, and he almost laughed out loud.

With his thoughts turning, Lockhart gathered his thoughts, looked at the excited Filch in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Filch, take a deep breath, calm down first."

"After we calm down, let's talk about the details of what's needed."

After hearing what Lockhart said, Filch quickly took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

After a while, Lockhart looked at Filch, whose expression returned to normal, and said in a deep voice: "Filch, there is one thing about this magic experiment that I need to explain to you in advance."

"Although Principal Dumbledore is joining us, we cannot rule out the possibility of life-threatening danger or mental disorder."

"Of course, we will try to keep you safe."

In response, Filch nodded and said decisively: "I understand, Professor."

"As long as I can master magic, it doesn't matter even if I die."

Looking at the determined expression on Filch's face, Lockhart nodded gently. He felt that with Filch's determination and his resources, the probability of success might not be low.

Then, Lockhart waved his wand, and a piece of parchment floated towards him, floating in front of Filch.

"Filch, the rune pattern on the parchment is very crucial." Lockhart held his wand, pointed at the very complex, slow-moving rune pattern on the parchment, and said calmly: "What you have to do is very simple. "

"It means to engrav the pattern deeply in your mind, and then keep visualizing it in your mind according to its trajectory and speed."

"This process is called meditation."

“For that, you need to give us feedback every day on how the meditation is working and where the problems are.”

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